
Tianhe | Ma zuoquan: without fear of wind and rain, with efforts to interpret happiness | Find the most beautiful civilized rider

author:Micro community e-home communication
Tianhe | Ma zuoquan: without fear of wind and rain, with efforts to interpret happiness | Find the most beautiful civilized rider

The wind comes, the rain goes

They can always be seen in the streets and alleys

They are the "watchmen" around the citizens.

He is also the "ferryman" of the operation of the city.

In December 2021, after the launch of the "Looking for the Most Beautiful Civilized Rider" publicity campaign guided by the Guangzhou Municipal Civilization Office, the "Most Beautiful Civilized Rider" candidates were collected through the Guangzhou Daily Xinhua city and the Information Times micro-community e-home, and a group of guangzhou civilized riders who abide by traffic rules, especially the stories of high-quality Guangzhou civilized riders who abide by traffic rules, especially those who have the courage to see righteousness, collect gold, are helpful, filial piety and love for the elderly, epidemic prevention and control, and business capabilities.

Down-to-earth, smiling service "food delivery pacesetter"

In 2003, under the introduction of relatives and friends, Ma Zuoquan left his hometown of Hunan to work in Guangzhou. By chance, he came into contact with the rider group. Knowing that the rider's working hours are relatively free, he originally worked as a security guard in a hospital and began to try to work two jobs, working as a part-time rider in the capital during the day and on duty in the hospital at night, which was 9 years.

When I was a first rider, due to my unfamiliarity with the process and route of food delivery, Ma zuoquan often used the rest time to ride the streets and alleys of an electric car to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment. The attentive Mazo Izumi quickly mastered the trick of faster and more effective food delivery, "Now that I basically see the list, I know how to go, and my mind will automatically plan the nearest route."

Tianhe | Ma zuoquan: without fear of wind and rain, with efforts to interpret happiness | Find the most beautiful civilized rider

For him, taking orders means a commitment to ensure that every order is delivered safely and efficiently to the customer. Receiving orders, picking up meals, delivering meals... Ma Zuoquan will send dozens of orders every day, after reading the details of the order sent by the mobile phone, he will go to the store to pick up the meal at the first time, and then ride on the electric car to deliver the meal to the customer as soon as possible.

Since nine years of food delivery, Ma Zuoquan knows the importance of etiquette and courtesy in the modern service industry, and has always adhered to the work concept of "smiling service, down-to-earth". Sometimes in bad weather delays the delivery time, and the wind and rain finally usher in the customer's incomprehension and accusation. Even so, he would still sincerely explain the explanation to the customer over and over again. Ma Zuoquan said: "No one can refuse to smile, I believe that as long as you communicate with customers in a sincere manner, you will be able to get the understanding of the other party." In the past work, with his meticulous and thoughtful service attitude and serious and responsible work attitude, he has won the honor and title of "food delivery pacesetter" and "excellent employee" of the company, and has also received countless praise from customers.

Calling on peers to travel safely and civilly, "safety is more important than making money"

"As a food delivery rider, I walk through the streets every day and I am very familiar with every neighborhood and every building in the neighborhood." Ma Zuoquan said that in 9 years of delivering food, he has never had a traffic violation, "because safety is more important than making money." ”

Tianhe | Ma zuoquan: without fear of wind and rain, with efforts to interpret happiness | Find the most beautiful civilized rider

The teacher of the Training Department of the capital city told reporters that the company will regularly organize riders to conduct traffic safety training every month, "Our company has always put safety first, whether it is food safety or the safety of employees' lives, we must ensure it." Therefore, there is no time limit for food delivery in the capital, not only is there no overtime penalty, but we will also have a corresponding reward mechanism. A delivery worker like Mazo Quan, who has zero traffic violations, has a monthly safety award of at least 600 yuan or more. ”

Tianhe | Ma zuoquan: without fear of wind and rain, with efforts to interpret happiness | Find the most beautiful civilized rider

Screenshot of the metropolitan traffic safety training video

In the daily delivery work and with colleagues, Ma Zuoquan will often promote the concept of civilized riding to the people around him, reminding everyone to abide by traffic safety laws, take the initiative to wear safety helmets, do not run red lights, do not retrograde, do not ride to answer the phone, abide by the rules of driving in the lane, do not violate traffic rules.

"I think so many takeaway riders are shuttling through the city, which is also a landscape of the city, which represents the image of the city to a certain extent." We all have the obligation to start from ourselves, and at the same time, we must call on our peers to abide by the laws and regulations, and travel in a civilized and safe manner. Mazoquan said.

Work hard with your own hands and interpret happiness with hard work

Ma Zuoquan likes this job from the bottom of his heart, likes the "home-like warmth" that this enterprise brings him, "In this profession, how much effort you put in will be rewarded, I don't feel hard, and even grateful for everything I have now, here I not only have a stable income, but also gain a group of loving colleagues." More importantly, the feeling of making life better little by little through my own efforts makes me feel very accomplished. Ma Zuoquan is not afraid of tiredness, but has always enjoyed the fun brought to him by running a single, and feels the temperature of society in the ordinary post of a rider.

Tianhe | Ma zuoquan: without fear of wind and rain, with efforts to interpret happiness | Find the most beautiful civilized rider

In Ma Zuoquan's view, Guangzhou is not only a livable city, but also an inclusive city. There are many people like him who have left their homes, where they struggle, dedicate, communion, and realize their dreams here. "In my difficult times, this job gave me the opportunity to make money. Now, I not only support myself with this job, but also support my family, and my life is getting better and better. Today, the 49-year-old Ma Zuoquan has his own house and car in his hometown, and Brother Ma cherishes his current living state and is very content. He was full of confidence in his future life.

【Graphic reporter Wang Jiaxin】

【Edit Orange Fish】

Source: Micro Community e Jia Tong Happiness Hunt (WeChat: xxsbejtld)

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