
23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

author:Looking back at history, we are vibrating China

It is said that the battlefield is a man's jianghu, but during the War of Resistance, the appearance of a heroine tells us that the battlefield is also a story of women. In the old society, the status of women was extremely low, and many women were poisoned by feudal society from birth, but there were also some of them who never recognized their fate and were always seeking a way out for themselves.

Today, we want to talk about such an anti-Japanese heroine who dared to fight against fate and made outstanding contributions to the motherland during the War of Resistance Against Japan -- Wang Guang.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army
She spent her life chasing freedom, and after joining the Communist Party, she contributed her strength to the cause of the revolution.

Poor born with a strong will

In 1920, Wang Guang was born into a peasant family in Yuncheng, Shanxi. Both parents were peasants working in the fields, supporting the family on a small amount of land rented from the landlord. Wang Guang's birth, for them, is that the family has an extra mouth to raise.

Wang Guang's father felt that she was a girl who could not pass on the generations and could not help herself with farm work, so he was very disgusted with her. Wang Guang's mother, also a woman who suffered hardships in feudal society, served her husband at home and lived, and she would be beaten and scolded at every turn, although she loved Wang Guang very much, but she still couldn't influence her husband's thoughts.

When Wang Guang was five years old, her father sold her to a local landlord's house as a maid. The young Wang Guang's life in the landlord's house was not good, and every day the dirty work was constantly tired, and the landlord also withheld people's food. She was bought, not to mention free, and she was bullied by other older squirrels.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

In such a difficult environment, Wang Guang gradually grew up. There was a young lady in the landlord's family who had been sent to study since she was a child, and she treated Wang Guang very well, and sometimes she would study for her.

But at present, people's lives are always bad, when Wang Guang was seven years old, he was severely beaten by the old master because of a small matter, and was locked up in the firewood room without giving food. A child, treated so inhumanly in the old society, is something we can hardly imagine now.

The thin Wang Guang spent the whole night in the gray and dark firewood room, and the more she thought about it, the more unwilling she felt, even if she was born in a poor family, she did not want to be a squire in the landlord's house all her life.

The next day, the young Wang Guang implemented his escape plan. She sneaked out of the landlord's house and fled all the way to the provincial capital of Yuncheng. She was a child under ten years old, with no money on her, and could only beg as she walked. After arriving in Yuncheng, Wang Guang wanted to find a place to work, but because he was too young, he was driven out.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

In front of a bookstore, she met someone who had changed her life. The kind Wang Tingfang and his wife happened to pass by, saw the skinny Wang Guang, and adopted her without even thinking about it.

The couple are both readers, and they can be said to regard Wang Guang as their own, and they also sent her to the Yuncheng Girls' Normal Affiliated Primary School to study, and named her Wang Lanxiang.

The young Wang Guang was finally like the landlord's lady, able to eat and dress warmly, and read in the academy, all of which was like a new life for her. Wang Guang's uncle was an international student who returned from Japan, and his thinking was very avant-garde, and his love for the motherland was also very strong.

After learning of Wang Guang's origins, he was very sympathetic and very supportive of her escape. He often taught Wang Guang to study hard and grow up to serve the motherland. Under the guidance of his uncle, Wang Guang's academic performance was very good, and he was admitted to Yuncheng Girls' Normal School with the first place.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

During her time at normal school, she read a large number of progressive books and developed a strong character. It is precisely because of the influence of advanced ideas that she is determined to "rise and fall under the heavens, and the responsibility of the puppeteer."

She was full of enthusiasm to serve her country, and soon she found an organization with advanced ideas like herself and became one of them.

Honorably join the Party for life

In March 1938, the Japanese invaded China and captured Yuncheng. Suddenly, the entire Yuncheng city was stained with blood. The Girls' Normal School was dissolved, and the 18-year-old Wang Guang was very hateful to these foreign invaders, and the seeds of anti-Japanese resistance and national salvation had been planted in her heart.

Wang Guang's adoptive parents took Wang Guang to take refuge in the homes of relatives in Luo Village, where Wang Guang found his belonging. At that time, the anti-Japanese democratic government led by the Communist Party was stationed in Luo Village.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

They often went to the homes of the villagers to propagate patriotic ideas and Marxist-Leninist communism, and called on the whole people to resist Japan. When Wang Guang, who already had great righteousness in his heart, heard this, he instantly felt that he had found the direction of his life. She actively responded to the call of the local democratic government and threw herself into the anti-Japanese movement.

Wang Guang had the insight and courage to stop her anti-Japanese behavior when her adoptive mother was worried about her safety. Wang Guang patiently explained to his adoptive mother: "What I did was a big thing and a good thing. This is good for the people of the whole country! How many compatriots have been displaced by the Japanese, unable to reunite with their families, I can contribute to the anti-Japanese resistance, why don't I go? ”

She distributed leaflets, wrote slogans, and later joined a popular theater troupe during the anti-Japanese movement.

In the mass theater troupe, she gave full play to her own strengths, and arranged the heroic deeds of the anti-Japanese resistance and national salvation and the ugly face of the Japanese invasion into a stage program.

Wang Guang often led the comrades of the troupe to perform everywhere, and sometimes even risked his life to perform in a village only four or five miles away from the enemy.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

The repertoire she choreographed and performed was very touching, showing the crisis encountered by the motherland and the difficulties of national survival at that time. Especially the scene of "Put Down Your Whip", it is even more tearful to watch many aspiring young people.

These efforts of Wang Guang have inspired one enthusiastic young man after another and brought about the feelings of the whole people to resist Japan. In a different way, she added a lot of fresh blood to the anti-Japanese troops at that time.

In June 1939, after being active in the organization for a long time, Wang Guang, who was already a mature and firm revolutionary fighter, officially swore an oath under the party flag and gloriously joined the Communist Party of China.

On the day she joined the party, she changed the name "Wang Xianglan" that her adoptive parents gave her to Wang Guang.

Because she believed that the future of the revolution was bright, it also expressed her desire to shine for the revolutionary cause. Soon after joining the Communist Party, Wang Guang found his lifelong partner in the ranks of the revolution.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

Su Zhiqian, the head of the troupe, like Wang Guang, was full of enthusiasm for serving the country, and was in line with Wang Guang' like-mindedness, and almost talked about everything. Over time, the two men came together, and in the presence of the organization, they were licensed to marry.

Although after marriage, the two gathered less and more because of work reasons, they always held a firm belief, agreed with each other, and could be called a model couple in the revolutionary ranks at that time.

But at this time, Wang Guang did not know that his revolutionary road had just begun.

Sassy and heroic on the battlefield

In December 1939, Wang Guang was incorporated into the 212nd Brigade of the Shanxi New Army for his outstanding propaganda performance, and followed the team from Jiwangshan to the Taiyue base area.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

Shortly after reaching the base area, the party organization took into account Wang Guang's conditions and sent her to the then Chinese Minmin Anti-Japanese Military and Political University for study. Wang Guang, who returned to the classroom, during the study period of the Kang Da, did things competently and achieved excellent results, and even got the first place in the tactical class, becoming a veritable all-rounder of literature and martial arts.

The military ability and combat ability she showed were very excellent, whether in the school field or in the theoretical and practical classes, Wang Guang had an outstanding performance, and the students all admired such a female comrade.

The principal of Kang Da also liked this student very much and valued her very much. When Wang Guang graduated, just in time for the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, she refused the organizational decision to let her stay in the school as an instructor, and resolutely asked to go to the front.

In a telegram to the organization, she wrote: "The survival of the nation is at hand, and the knowledge I have learned must be used at the forefront!" I am not afraid of suffering, I am not afraid of sacrifice, I want to go to the front line to fight the devils! This is what I should do to rescue those who are suffering, this is my mission! ”

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

Wang Guang's attitude was so resolute and earnest that the party organization had to rethink her request. In the end, the organization decided to approve Wang Guang's request to go to the front, and Wang Guang once again returned to the ranks of the pro-democracy brigade.

In February 1940, the 212nd Brigade was forced to move to the Qinyuan Anti-Japanese Base Area due to the Japanese attack. Here, they carry out the work of the democracy movement underground, Wang Guang is very active in the team, and her ability in all aspects is constantly improving.

This made the party organization pay more attention to Wang Guang and entrust her with heavy responsibilities. In May 1942, Wang Guang was appointed deputy governor of Jishi County. After receiving the order, she immediately took up her post. The first thing she did when she arrived was the field investigation, and she first thoroughly explored the basic situation of the entire district.

After grasping the local people's feelings and people's livelihood, we immediately determined the work plan, and carried out local campaigns such as rent reduction and interest reduction, anti-rape liquidation, etc., to effectively seek the well-being of the local people.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

She went deep into the masses, ate and lived in the homes of ordinary people, and mingled with them. The masses also trusted the deputy district chief, were very supportive of her actions, and were willing to give her feedback and discuss anything.

As the forefront of the base area, Yishi County was often raided and swept by the Japanese puppet army. Wang Guang organized the Self-Defense Forces to fight back against the Japanese mopping-up. In a counter-sweeping operation, Wang Guang led his team to sneak into the enemy's rear, eliminated nearly forty Japanese troops, and greatly dealt a blow to the arrogance of the enemy.

In the autumn of 1942, in order to be able to destroy the anti-Japanese base area, the Japanese army built bunkers near Yishi County and established offensive positions. The captain of the Japanese army even issued harsh words to turn Yishi County into a base area for the Japanese army within a month.

Three days after this harsh remark, the Japanese army suffered a major blow. Wang Guang led three squads of fighters, disguised as a funeral procession, out of the city with a big swing, and when passing through the Japanese base area, they acted quickly and eliminated more than 30 Japanese puppet troops in one fell swoop. Wang Guang was even more heroic, and she killed the Japanese squad leader on the spot.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

This ambush battle was fought beautifully, the whole base area rejoiced, and the revolutionary enthusiasm was even higher. Wang Guang was also praised by the organization, but she was not proud and complacent, but led her comrades to move forward step by step on the revolutionary road.

The arduous anti-Japanese revolution was arduous

In April 1943, this period was the most difficult time for the Anti-Japanese Base Area in Yuenan. Organizational discussions decided to make Wang Guang the mayor of Yishi County and lead the team and the masses to jointly build the Yuenan Anti-Japanese Base Area.

Wang Guang threw herself into it with enthusiasm, and although she was a woman, she was no weaker than the gay men in the team. She charged with her comrades during the day and crawled on the battlefield.

Wang Guang's bravery on the anti-Japanese battlefield was not at all inferior to that of other comrades in the ranks, and she even used her exemplary actions to lead the militia brothers to the front line and heroically kill the enemy. At the same time, she can also mobilize the masses of the people to carry out production in the region and jointly fight against the enemy.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

She led her comrades to fight on the battlefield during the day, and at night, together with the women and sisters, she picked up lamps and spun threads and knitted fabrics overnight. At that time, half of the military uniforms and shoes of the entire Yishi district troops were from Wang Guang and her female sisters.

In the district, she also launched a women's liberation movement and responded to the organization's call. Help their fellow women to break through the feudal shackles and fight for their freedom of marriage. Under her influence, a local child daughter-in-law bravely asked her loveless husband for divorce.

You know, in that social environment, child brides-in-law are equivalent to selling to in-laws, and filing for divorce is a very rebellious performance. However, under the influence of the ideas of the communist revolution, the women of Yishi County understood the principle that everyone is equal, and naturally they will work hard for their own destiny. This is exactly what Wang Guang hoped to see in his efforts to propagate revolutionary ideas.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

She was very kind to the masses of the people and was called "the big sister of the revolution" by everyone. Wang Guang not only has a close mass base, but also her sensitivity on the battlefield is deeply admired by comrades.

Once, during a counterattack on the Japanese sweeping operation, Wang Guang led his troops deep into the border area of the first district. It was close to the Japanese occupation zone, and Yishi County was unable to deliver meals to the troops for supplies. When the soldiers were hungry, a comrade proposed that he was a local, more familiar with the terrain, and could take everyone to the old classmate's house to find food to eat.

Although this comrade was well-intentioned, Wang Guang's vigilance was very high. She immediately asked the comrade, and when she learned that he and his old classmates had not met for more than a decade, she rejected the offer.

Everyone was very puzzled, but Wang Guang explained: "This is an enemy-occupied area, we have no way to control the development of the situation, we must be vigilant!" It is better to go hungry than to easily expose your identity in case of an accident. ”

Comrades are very sure of this practice of hers, and Wang Guang's firm principle and high vigilance have indirectly avoided many problems, but things are uncertain, and soon Wang Guang encountered the most difficult battle.

Sacrifice yourself as a female haojie

In the autumn of 1943, after repeated unsuccessful sweeps and encirclements against the anti-Japanese base area in Southern Yuenan, the Japanese army completely set this difficult place as a key target.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

The Japanese army decided to start a brutal "pincer encirclement" and "iron sweeping" operation on the Anti-Japanese Base Area in Yuenan Province, and this time their goal was to completely turn the Anti-Japanese Base Area in Yuenan into a no-man's land. The great battle is imminent, and the guns of the Japanese army are close at hand.

Wang Guang gathered militia troops in various parts of the region and led these militia comrades and his own troops to fight back against the enemy's sweeping and bombing.

However, the Japanese army used almost all the main forces this time to attack the anti-Japanese base area in Southern Yue. The defensive military built by Wang Guang and his comrades was completely destroyed in less than a day. The situation is becoming more and more unoptimistic, the Yuenan base area is relatively remote, it is difficult to have armed support, and the Japanese army has cut off almost all transportation lines, which has led to the inability to reach the supply of supplies in the base area in time, and the materials in the base area are gradually in short supply.

Wang Guang immediately made a decision and decided to give priority to covering up the masses and protecting the transfer of leading organs in the base areas. She organized a procession to send ordinary people out of the base area, and sometimes even risked her life to divert the enemy's attention with her own exposure.

In the process of escorting the evacuation, Wang Guang led the team to fight with the enemy army many times, which also made the Japanese troops know the existence of a female general like her, and always regarded Wang Guang as a thorn in the eye, and even issued a wanted order in the Japanese army, threatening to capture Wang Guang.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

In several actions, Wang Guang brushed on the edge of life and death, but fortunately there was no danger in the end. It was only during one operation that Wang Guang found himself pregnant.

Now was the crucial moment to fight back against the encirclement, and she thought twice and decided to hide the news, even her husband she did not tell. Wang Guang did not want to leave the revolutionary front-line because of this child, and the most important thing for her now was that the anti-Japanese resistance was a revolution.

But she is actually very happy and looking forward to the arrival of this child, and when the night is quiet, she will secretly sew the belly pocket for the child, talk to the child in the belly, and also look forward to the birth of the child.

However, the battlefield is always changing rapidly, and the sudden arrival of Japanese reinforcements has made the base area more dangerous. On October 7, Wang Guang led the villagers in Shangzhai to cover the emergency transfer of the masses.

Soon after she led the team up the mountain, she was confronted by a japanese team that had come to patrol the mountain. Wang Guang led the crowd to hide in a hidden ravine, but the Japanese army was getting closer and closer, and she was afraid that the Japanese army would notice the location of the militia and the masses hiding.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

At that time, Wang Guang didn't care so much, and directly stood up, climbed up the mountain beam, and ran in the opposite direction of the ravine. During this time, she deliberately made a loud noise to attract the attention of the Japanese army and shifted the enemy's search target to herself.

Sure enough, the Japanese army found Wang Guang, who was running outside, and immediately chased after him. A Japanese soldier was so dedicated that he took a pistol and fired two shots at Wang Guang's legs.

Wang Guang fell to the ground in response, shooting at the Japanese troops with a gun in her hand, but soon, all the ammunition in her hands was exhausted, and the only thing on her body that could be used as a weapon was a grenade.

She did not choose to throw it immediately, and in order to delay the time, she could only stagger and continue to run forward. She endured the sharp pain in her legs, but was still chased by the enemy. Wang Guang took out a grenade and threw it at the Japanese troops, deciding to die with them.

But Providence tricked people, this grenade did not explode, wang Guang was captured by the enemy and fell into the clutches of the devil. Instead of killing Wang Guang immediately, the Japanese took her to the garrison and began a brutal and severe torture of her.

Steadfast and unyielding sacrifice

Wang Guang's legs were vaguely tied to the large temple in Xinzhuang Village, where the Japanese garrison was stationed, and she was tied to a pillar. In order to get more information from her about the evacuation of the masses and leaders in the base area, the Japanese army tortured her in turn.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

The Japanese army asked Wang Guang about the whereabouts of his troops and ordinary people, but Wang Guang spat at the Japanese officers interrogating him, and said loudly: "Oh! I'm not going to tell you anything!" I will not betray my countrymen, my comrades and the people, all hidden in my heart! “

The Japanese army was furious, and they tortured Wang Guang inhumanely, thinking that this woman would ask for forgiveness and confess information under the painful torture. Wang Guang, however, was not what they had expected, and she pretended to confess, drawing the Japanese officers closer to listen.

Taking advantage of the Japanese officer's inattention, Wang Guangzhi used the last bit of strength to bite off his ear. The screams echoed throughout the Japanese garrison, but Wang Guang smiled.

She shouted "Long live the Chinese Communist Party!" Long live the revolution! With the slogan, the fierce and vicious Japanese army saw that she was so tenacious, and in a fit of rage, they cut off Wang Guang's ear with a knife, causing her to faint directly in pain.

The brutal Japanese army felt that it was not enough, and woke Wang Guang up with cold water and interrogated her for a new round of interrogation. But Wang Guang remained unyielding and regarded death as a homecoming. She shouted anti-Japanese slogans, and the sound of red slogans could be heard throughout the Japanese garrison.

23-year-old heroine, saving the masses was unfortunately arrested, tragically killed by the Japanese army

The Japanese eventually gave up interrogating Wang Guang, cut off her tongue and eyes, and used a bayonet to pry open the heroine's chest and dig out her heart.

A generation of heroes sacrificed for the revolution, and her heart beat for the revolution until she died. After the Japanese retreated, the soldiers found Wang Guang's flesh and blood blurred body, and when sorting out the relics, they found the baby belly pocket she carried with her.

Only then did they understand that when Wang Guang resolutely and resolutely led the enemy away, he not only put his own life and death aside, but also the small life that belonged to her, and also left it behind.

In the face of the War of Resistance, Wang Guang thought first of the revolution and of the state. With her own flesh and blood, she contributed to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Although Wang Guang was a female streamer, he took the lead in various battles and never flinched. She used her short life to interpret the spiritual qualities of a communist, and she can be said to be a well-deserved heroine.

It is precisely because of the existence of such heroes that we can finally win the victory of the War of Resistance and our country can rise and fall and prosper. We must always remember the heroic efforts of these revolutionary ancestors, without whom we would not have the peaceful life we have now.

After Wang Guang's sacrifice, the anti-Japanese democratic government held a memorial meeting for her to commemorate this anti-Japanese heroine. In 1947, the Martyrs' Cemetery erected a monument to Wang Guang, and the inscription impressively reads "Qingshan has the honor of burying loyal bones."

Her life, magnificent and legendary, her dedication, deserves to be remembered and remembered forever by all of us!

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