
Speed-limited variable speed on the mesh disk (multi-prism)

The construction of 5G and Gigabit optical networks in the mainland has accelerated, and the network access rate has increased rapidly, but it has encountered the speed limit of the network disk in the landing application, and the user experience rate has not increased but decreased

Many netizens have had similar experiences: in work or life, it is often necessary to download video files from the network disk to the computer, the more urgent the download speed, the slower, but opening a member, you can greatly speed up. The download rate of non-members is limited, which is called "network disk speed limit" in the industry. The author has recently encountered several times, about 4 minutes of video, normal download display time takes about 20 minutes; after opening the membership, a few seconds to complete the download.

With the acceleration of the mainland into the information society, the increasing popularity of mobile Internet and smart devices, many netizens are accustomed to storing personal data assets such as documents, photos and videos on the network disk. Some of the video transmission at work, people are also used to sharing through the network disk. However, while the demand of users is growing, the problem of "network disk speed limiting" has also emerged, which greatly affects the user experience and brings trouble to users.

Although the "speed limit of the network disk" is a small problem, it is related to the sense of acquisition of the majority of Internet users to use network services. In recent years, the construction of 5G and Gigabit optical networks in the mainland has accelerated, and the network access rate has increased rapidly, but it has encountered network disk speed limits in landing applications, and the user experience rate has not increased but decreased. Cracking the speed limit of network disks and breaking the bottleneck of network speed will not only help consolidate the effectiveness of network speed and fee reduction, but also help the healthy and sustainable development of the information and communication service industry in the long run.

Carefully analyzing the causes of the problem of "network disk speed limit", it is not difficult to find that there is not only the objective need for related service enterprises to reduce costs and increase revenue, but also exposes the development shortcomings of their single profit model and insufficient innovation power. In recent years, the growing number of network disk users has brought about a significant increase in operating costs such as manpower, servers, and bandwidth, and some network disk service providers have begun to test the paid membership model, forcing users to pay for use by making a fuss about the rate. The simple development of paying users in a rate-limiting way, in the short term, gathers members in exchange for benefits; in the long run, it affects the experience, loses people's hearts, and hinders the company's better innovation and development.

In fact, ensuring the sustainable development of user experience and network disk service enterprises should be a virtuous circle that complements and promotes each other. The provision of undifferentiated rate services by relevant enterprises can not only improve the user experience, but also a useful attempt to break through the existing single development model, accelerate product development and upgrading, and enhance core competitiveness. It is advisable to launch innovative products according to the segmentation of users, attract more users to take the initiative to use, and enhance the commercial value of personal network disk service business through business model innovation.

It is gratifying that the relevant departments and enterprises have begun to take action. In response to the problem of "network disk speed limit", in November 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology deployed an action to improve the perception of information and communication services, clearly proposing that relevant enterprises should optimize the way of providing network disk services to ensure that the minimum upload and download rate meets the basic download needs of free users. In order to further protect the rights and interests of users, the Internet Society of China organized major domestic network disk enterprises to sign the "Self-Discipline Convention on User Experience Protection of Personal Network Disk Service Business". By the end of 2021, 8 online disk companies have provided "undifferentiated rate" products, and some companies have also provided users with expansion options, and the download rate of free users has been significantly improved.

Without accumulating steps, there are no thousands of miles. The "one small step" to crack the speed limit of the network disk is also a "big step" to improve the quality of information and communication services. We expect that relevant enterprises can take more initiatives and continuously improve the user experience. Relevant departments and associations should also play a guiding and supervising role, smooth feedback channels, timely accept and properly handle users' opinions and suggestions, transform tangible initiatives into real user feelings, from "small steps" to "big steps", speed up the pace of improving information services, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security in using information services.

People's Daily ( 2022-01-21 19th edition)

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