
The U.S.-British-French-German quadripartite talks were held in Berlin to focus on the Ukraine crisis

author:International Online

On the 20th local time, the United States, Britain, France and Germany focused on the Ukraine crisis in the German capital Berlin held a four-way talks. German Foreign Minister Berberk joined visiting French Foreign Minister Le Dreyon, British Deputy Foreign Secretary Clevely and US Secretary of State Blinken to discuss international hot issues, including the Conflict in Ukraine and the Iranian nuclear issue. Since then, Bellbock and Blinken have also held bilateral talks and attended press conferences together.

At the day's press conference, Belberg called on the Russian side to de-escalate the situation, warning that any further "aggressive action" would have significant consequences and that Russia would pay a "high economic, political and strategic price" for this purpose." She noted that the core of the conflict in Ukraine is to maintain a peaceful order in Europe, and stressed that Germany and the United States agree that the crisis can only be resolved through political means and dialogue. Meanwhile, Berberk expressed concern about Russia's continued troop surge on ukraine's border.

Blinken called on Western allies to respond "swiftly, seriously and uniformly" to the conflict in Ukraine. He also proposed the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline project as one of the means of putting pressure on Russia.

Prior to this quadripartite talks, Bell burke and Blinken had previously visited Kiev on the 17th and 19th, respectively. Blinken also plans to hold talks with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov in Geneva on the 21st.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova said on the 20th that western countries issued a statement that Russia is ready to launch an "offensive" against Ukraine, in order to prepare public opinion for its next large-scale military provocation. Zakharova said: "The purpose of this public opinion attack is to create an information cover for their (Western countries') large-scale provocations, including military provocations. These attacks could have tragic consequences for regional and global security. ”

In April 2014, large-scale clashes between Ukrainian government forces and civilian armed forces broke out in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine. Through the mediation of the international community, the two sides reached ceasefire agreements in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, in September 2014 and February 2015, respectively, and large-scale armed conflicts have been brought under control, but small-scale exchanges of fire have occurred from time to time.

(Reporter Ruan Jiawen)

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