
Worth nearly 40,000 yuan! Liaoning 4 people caught 370 forest frogs and were caught! What is a forest frog?

author:Walnut pupils

Recently, the forest police brigade of the Haicheng City Public Security Bureau in Liaoning Province received reports from the masses that some people were secretly catching wild animals by the river. After receiving the news, the police immediately launched an investigation and arrested the suspect. It turned out that Lan Mou and 4 other people brought their own shovels, pickaxes, net pockets, buckets and other tools, and drove from Dagushan Town, Tiedong District, Anshan City, to the three village ditches of Wangshi Town, Haicheng City.

Worth nearly 40,000 yuan! Liaoning 4 people caught 370 forest frogs and were caught! What is a forest frog?

Upon arrival, the 4 men spotted wild frogs in puddles upstream of the ditch and hunted them in the form of headlamps, numbering 370. According to the account, the 4 people originally planned to fish, but later found that there were frogs, so they changed their minds to catch frogs and prepared to keep them for themselves. At present, 4 criminal suspects have been taken compulsory measures in accordance with the law. Wild forest frogs have been released.

After verification by experts, the wild forest frogs captured by the two are Chinese forest frogs, which are included in the "List of Terrestrial Wild Animals with Important Ecological, Scientific and Social Value Protected by the State", which is a national "three haves" protected animal, each 100 yuan, worth about 40,000 yuan.

What is the Chinese forest frog

Chinese forest frogs are also called snow clams, husky toads, mainly distributed in the mainland Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia and other regions, female frogs are 71-90 mm long, male frogs are small, there are many small moles on the skin, the posterior jaw glands at the corners of the mouth are very obvious, the back is mostly earthy yellow, and there is a triangular black-brown stripe at the eardrum.

Worth nearly 40,000 yuan! Liaoning 4 people caught 370 forest frogs and were caught! What is a forest frog?

Forest frogs are typical amphibians that live in water during tadpole and hibernation, and generally live on land after adult frogs. Its agile action, strong jumping power, tadpole period mainly on plant debris, algae, plant buds, young leaves, etc. for food, and when it grows up to become a frog, it begins to prey on insects, spiders, snails and other small animals.

Worth nearly 40,000 yuan! Liaoning 4 people caught 370 forest frogs and were caught! What is a forest frog?

From mid-September, when the temperature drops below 15 °C, the forest frog begins to migrate down the mountain, gradually reaching the area around the overwintering waters, and when the temperature drops below 10 °C, it will begin to enter the underwater cave for hibernation, and the metabolism will drop to a very low level. When the temperature rises in the spring, the forest frog will gradually wake up, lift its hibernation, and begin to prepare to lay eggs.

Worth nearly 40,000 yuan! Liaoning 4 people caught 370 forest frogs and were caught! What is a forest frog?

Forest frogs only lay eggs once a year, and females can reach sexual maturity in two years, and then lay an egg mass, about 1300 frog eggs. After each production, it will sit for a short period of time, usually for about 10-15 days, lurking in the loose soil or under shade such as tree roots. Originally, the number of forest frogs was still quite large, but in recent decades, human overfishing has led to a decrease in the number of forest frogs.

Worth nearly 40,000 yuan! Liaoning 4 people caught 370 forest frogs and were caught! What is a forest frog?

The value of forest frogs

Forest frogs are caught in large numbers mainly because they become food on the table. It is said that the forest frog is a green treasure, rich in nutrients, containing a variety of vitamins and hormones, has a significant improvement in sexual function and sexual cycle, and has the miraculous effect of tonifying kidneys and aphrodisiacs. According to the Qing History "Liao Series", "The husky toad is shaped like a field chicken belly with oil like powder, can be made into soup, the taste is extremely beautiful, only in the Area of Xingjing (Qingyuan, Xinbin in the eastern district of Fushun), also known as the red-bellied toad; ancestors used it to worship their ancestors, and later became a court tribute, known as the first of the Eight Treasures."

Worth nearly 40,000 yuan! Liaoning 4 people caught 370 forest frogs and were caught! What is a forest frog?

And this is still a kind of medicine, forest frog oil has been considered tonic and strong agent since ancient times, which can supplement the weakness and strength of the essence and aphrodisiac, nourish the lungs and nourish the kidneys and the liver. It can treat all wasting diseases such as kidney loss and strain, neurasthenia, palpitation and insomnia, sweating, and physical weakness, commonly known as soft gold. "Handbook of Chinese Herbal Medicine": Forest frog oil really has the effect of "repairing weakness, relieving fatigue fever, weakening the body, postpartum qi deficiency, tuberculosis cough".

Worth nearly 40,000 yuan! Liaoning 4 people caught 370 forest frogs and were caught! What is a forest frog?

The so-called forest frog oil is the fallopian tube (similar to the placenta) of the female forest frog, and its main components are free amino acids and trace amounts of animal hormones. The forest frog oil industry is also one of the most important reasons for the endangerment of forest frogs. The price of a pound of fine forest frog oil in 2018 is about 6,000 yuan, and it takes about 1,000 fresh adult frogs to make a pound of fine forest frog oil for about 2 to 3 years.

Worth nearly 40,000 yuan! Liaoning 4 people caught 370 forest frogs and were caught! What is a forest frog?

Since the 21st century, there has been a boom in the breeding of Chinese forest frogs, but there are generally weak measures, unreasonable design of facilities, and low survival rate of wintering. Because of the huge market demand and interest temptation, many people have hit the idea on the wild forest frog, after all, it is a business without capital.

Worth nearly 40,000 yuan! Liaoning 4 people caught 370 forest frogs and were caught! What is a forest frog?

Some people even adopt an extinct capture method, using plastic film to set up obstacles in the place where forest frogs must pass through the river, and forest frogs jump high through this plastic film, will always wander along the way, and then fall into the deep pits dug by the captured frogs in advance and finally be easily captured, commonly known as "dry bright seeds" by locals. Such a way of catching, will lead to young forest frogs can not pass, can only return to the mountain forest, and then in the winter to be frozen to death, on the other hand, a large number of captured forest frogs can not go to the riverbed, the next spring no forest frogs spawn, the number of forest frogs in the mountain forest will be sharply reduced.

Worth nearly 40,000 yuan! Liaoning 4 people caught 370 forest frogs and were caught! What is a forest frog?

Catching forest frogs is caught

Zhang Mou of Jilin Drove to beihegou of Yangshulin Village, Qinjiatun Town, Gongzhuling City, used glaciers to chisel the ice surface out of the hole, and then used a net to catch 165 wild Heilongjiang forest frogs, and placed the captured forest frogs in yellow plastic buckets, resulting in all the forest frogs being frozen to death. Subsequently, Zhang was arrested by the police on the spot and sentenced to six months in prison and compensated 16,500 yuan for the loss of national wildlife resources.

Worth nearly 40,000 yuan! Liaoning 4 people caught 370 forest frogs and were caught! What is a forest frog?

At about 9:00 a.m. on December 10, 2021, the local police received reports from the public during their daily patrols that someone had hunted wild forest frogs near a river in Qianshan Village, Baijiagou Town. After the police got the clue, they immediately went to investigate and found that the frog catcher was Cai and Cai's son.

Worth nearly 40,000 yuan! Liaoning 4 people caught 370 forest frogs and were caught! What is a forest frog?

At about 21:00 on December 10, the police arrested the criminal suspect Cai Mou and his son in Baijiagou Village. According to Cai Mou, he had a piece of cultivated land near the river in Qianshan Village, and during the autumn harvest, he accidentally found wild forest frogs in the cultivated land, so he and his son Cai Mou came to the river and used electric shock to carry out illegal hunting, and hunted 916 wild forest frogs in only two hours.

Wild forest frogs feed on insects and worms, and each wild forest frog can prey on more than 30,000 insects a year, making it a veritable forest guardian. The large-scale killing of forest frogs will inevitably lead to the outbreak of forest diseases and insect pests, as well as the destruction of the local ecological balance, so it is best not to catch them randomly, after all, the teacher told us from childhood that frogs are friends of human beings.

Worth nearly 40,000 yuan! Liaoning 4 people caught 370 forest frogs and were caught! What is a forest frog?

Other frogs such as bamboo leaf frogs, black-eared frogs, lake frogs, tiger striped frogs, etc., are nationally protected animals, and many people have been fined and imprisoned for catching these wild frogs, so we must pay attention. In fact, so many frogs who can not remember, but just remember a little on the line, all wild frogs do not touch, so that we will not break the law, really want to eat if you go to buy artificial breeding, now many wild animals are protected animals, can not be as messy as before to eat.

#Liaoning##Forest Frog##Animal##科学 #

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