
"Operators and maintainers" who guard the green travel of the city

"Operators and maintainers" who guard the green travel of the city

Wang Anhao checks the status of shared motorcycles through the intelligent dispatching system on his mobile phone. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Haiyue

Hefei, 20 Jan (Xinhua) -- On the streets of Hefei in winter, Wang Anhao, a "shared motorcycle operator and maintainer," approached a row of neatly parked shared motorcycles as usual, opened the mobile phone program, and accurately located the vehicle with insufficient power according to the prompt ringtone, and replaced it with a new battery.

Wang Anhao, 25, has been practicing for nearly a year, and his daily work is to accompany the "tide" of urban travel, accurately dispatch and maintain shared motorcycles, so that well-prepared vehicles are ready in time at the time and place where citizens need it most.

With the introduction of initiatives such as carbon neutrality and healthy travel, shared bicycles and motorcycles are increasingly appearing on the streets of Chinese cities, and new jobs have been created - "shared motorcycle operators and maintainers", guarding the green travel of cities.

According to the "Special Research Report on the Development of Shared Mobility in China in the First Half of 2021" released by Ai Media Consulting, the number of shared motorcycles in China has reached 1 million in 2019, and it is expected that the number of shared motorcycles will reach 8 million in 2025.

"Because of environmental protection and convenience, shared motorcycles have developed rapidly in the city in recent years, and our daily work includes arranging vehicle scheduling, ensuring vehicle parking order, handling emergencies, cleaning up small advertisements on the body, etc." Wang Anhao said.

The "tidal" characteristics of urban travel are obvious, and the morning and evening peaks of the day are the busiest periods for most operators.

"At 7 a.m., I will pull the car in charge of the area to the entrance of the residential area, and before the evening rush hour, I will pull the car at the entrance of the residential area to the office building, with an average daily step of more than 20,000 steps." Wang Anhao said that in addition to the experience accumulated in practice, the management of a large number of shared motorcycles is inseparable from the empowerment of new technologies such as big data.

"Operators and maintainers" who guard the green travel of the city

Wang Anhao moved the car at the work point. Photo by Hu Rui, Xinhua News Agency

Through the intelligent scheduling system in the background, the operator can grasp the status of each motorcycle in the mobile phone program, and efficiently complete the operation and maintenance work such as power replacement, finding faulty cars, and dispatching vehicles.

"Through this system, we can see the vehicle's power, scan code history, riding records, power exchange records and other information on the mobile phone, and we can also quickly locate the vehicles that need to be replaced and repaired, which greatly reduces our workload." Wang said the application of technologies such as "electronic fencing" also helps guide users to park their vehicles in designated areas.

"Many times, we have just transported a batch of vehicles to their destination, and in less than half an hour, they are all ridden away, and many citizens have become accustomed to this way of traveling." Wang Anhao said that this sustainable mode of transportation is becoming a way for people to practice green life.

According to the "Shared Cycling Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Report" released by the Environmental Development Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Central Joint Certification Center, since its operation, Meituan bicycle and motorcycle users have reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 1.187 million tons, which is equivalent to reducing the carbon dioxide emissions of 270,000 private cars for one year.

Walking through the city every day, Wang Anhao will casually photograph the moments of the city. Street vendors, running children, sunsets in the city... Many warm pictures were recorded by him one by one.

"I like the feeling of working on the streets, walking through the city, I can better feel the atmosphere and temperature of the city, I like this work." Wang Anhao said.

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