
Confused about succulent orange ice and strawberry ice? Then don't get tangled, as long as you look good, it's over

author:Elder Tang's fleshy notes

Today, a meat friend asked Elder Tang: Are orange ice and strawberry ice the same kind of succulent? Which is better to raise? How should it be maintained?

Confused about succulent orange ice and strawberry ice? Then don't get tangled, as long as you look good, it's over
Transparent orange ice

Are orange ice and strawberry ice the same succulent?

Orange ice is a succulent variety that appears when strawberry ice is very hot, and from the perspective of their plant type and leaf shape, both are definitely succulents of the moon shadow system, and there may be blood relations between them, but orange ice should not be strawberry ice, at least from the following two aspects, the difference between them is still more obvious.

Confused about succulent orange ice and strawberry ice? Then don't get tangled, as long as you look good, it's over

Out of the state of strawberry ice

One. The leaf width and leaf shape of orange ice and strawberry ice are different: the leaves of orange ice are relatively narrow, long spoon-shaped, and the apex is close to the tapering shape, and the leaves at the center of the leaves do not look as flat as strawberry ice. The leaves of strawberry ice are relatively wide, close to inverted oval shape, and the apex is in a sharply pointed form, and the leaves on both sides of the leaf core are tightly pressed together, looking like shells from the side.

Confused about succulent orange ice and strawberry ice? Then don't get tangled, as long as you look good, it's over

Orange ice with narrower leaves

Two. The leaves of orange ice and strawberry ice are different in color: the leaves of orange ice are white in color during the growth period, and they are pale pink after autumn and winter out of state, and they become very transparent, but the red edges of the leaf edges of its leaves are not particularly obvious. Strawberry ice leaves during the growth period of the leaf color is green, after the state will turn white, but also has the same sense of transparency, but not as obvious as orange ice. After the coloring out of the state, the leaf margin and leaf back will be very red, which is the biggest difference between strawberry ice and orange ice.

Confused about succulent orange ice and strawberry ice? Then don't get tangled, as long as you look good, it's over

The leaf margins of strawberries are very red after ice out

Which is better to raise orange ice or strawberry ice? How should it be maintained?

Orange ice and strawberry ice are both succulents of the lunar shadow system, and the morphology is similar, so there is almost no difference in the difficulty of maintenance, and it can even be said to be exactly the same. And as long as we follow the following points of maintenance, we can naturally raise them well:

One. Provide them with a well-lit conservation environment. As a succulent of the lunar shadow system, orange ice is as difficult to color out of the state as strawberry ice, if our conservation environment can not reach the average light time of about 8 hours per day, it is basically impossible to raise them beautifully, and it is good to wrap their leaves and "not fry". The appearance of orange ice and strawberry ice raised in a well-lit environment is worthy of our praise in any word.

Confused about succulent orange ice and strawberry ice? Then don't get tangled, as long as you look good, it's over

Single-headed orange ice

Two. Prepare them with the right proportion of granular soil. Although orange ice and strawberry ice are not squeamish, but unless we are located in the succulent "open hanging area", and the maintenance environment is well ventilated and illuminated, it is best to plant them with granular soil, and the proportion of particles cannot be too low, at least about 70%, otherwise they will not only be unable to get out of the state, but even the leaves will be difficult to wrap up.

Confused about succulent orange ice and strawberry ice? Then don't get tangled, as long as you look good, it's over

Strawberry ice grown in granular soil

Three. Try to choose small pots to control the breeding. Can be orange ice and strawberry ice into a group state of natural good, out of the state and beautiful and spectacular, but climatic conditions and conservation environment both have a combination of meat friends are not many, so we want to raise them beautiful, the use of small pot control has become the most reasonable choice. Even if this will affect the orange ice and strawberry ice burst side buds, but in this era of beauty is justice, I think even if they are in a single-headed state for a long time, many meat friends are acceptable.

Confused about succulent orange ice and strawberry ice? Then don't get tangled, as long as you look good, it's over

Small pots control the cultivation of orange ice

Four. Give water properly. Orange ice and strawberry ice are usually watered like other succulents, that is, the frequency of dry and thorough watering is maintained, while in the summer, water control begins to be carried out at the same time as shading, and a small amount of water along the edge of the basin can be poured once in about 15 days. Every winter is the stage of orange ice and strawberry ice coloring, this time we have to control the water more strictly, more than 20 days in the open state and then watering is no problem at all, on the contrary, the appropriate "abuse" can also make them reach a better state.

Confused about succulent orange ice and strawberry ice? Then don't get tangled, as long as you look good, it's over

Cluster of strawberry ice

This article is original by Elder Tang Succulent Notes (some pictures from the Internet), welcome to pay attention, take you along with long knowledge!

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