
"Hanging" threatens Russia? Scholz: If Russia invades, Nord Stream 2 will fail

author:Military Observation
"Hanging" threatens Russia? Scholz: If Russia invades, Nord Stream 2 will fail

According to German media reports, the Nord Stream 2 project, which was scheduled to be ventilated at the end of last year, was "stalled" when there was the greatest shortage of natural gas in europe. Three months ago, a document from the new German government delayed the matter indefinitely, and they directly suspended the progress of the project on the grounds that "the status of the operating company is not legal", so that the pipeline "has been completed in all aspects, but it is impossible to ventilate". Foreign Minister Berberk also said that judging from the various complicated approval procedures, at least in the first half of this year, the pipeline has no hope of operating.

"Hanging" threatens Russia? Scholz: If Russia invades, Nord Stream 2 will fail

Earlier this week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov brought the matter to reporters, and he publicly said that the outside world is very concerned about Nord Stream 2, but this is not a political event in the end, nor does it have anything to do with who to choose to associate with, but only about the freedom to carry out the most ordinary business activities in the world market. In other words, then, it can be seen that "Germany does not have any freedom to pursue its own economic interests." Before this statement was made, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Sherman had threatened Russia with Nord Stream 2 on behalf of Germany, saying that if they act rashly in Eastern Europe, the United States would block the pipeline project operation.

"Hanging" threatens Russia? Scholz: If Russia invades, Nord Stream 2 will fail

Less than two days after the incident, NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg, who had just finished negotiations with Russia, arrived in Germany and held secret talks with the German government. Yesterday German Chancellor Schoelz announced that if Russia attacks Ukraine and Germany is open to sanctions, everything will be on the table, including the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. In other words, the German chancellor threatened Russia with nord Stream 2 that no action could be taken against Ukraine, or it would most likely abolish the pipeline operation plan. This is also the first time that German chancellors (including Merkel) have made similar statements, and the "Nord Stream" project has obviously become a "hostage" in Germany's eyes that can threaten Russia.

"Hanging" threatens Russia? Scholz: If Russia invades, Nord Stream 2 will fail

The fact is that this kind of behavior is undoubtedly to "hang yourself to show Moscow." Most of the upfront investment cost of Nord Stream 2 is borne by Russia, and the German government and outsourcing companies also bear part of it, so if the project is aborted on the surface, the direct blow to Russia is very large, but Germany may not consider that this annual gas transmission of up to 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas will cause a sharp drop in German gas prices, and even the potential losses caused to Germany for more than two years have exceeded Russia, and they are still forced to use "sky-high gas" and rely entirely on Russian supplies.

"Hanging" threatens Russia? Scholz: If Russia invades, Nord Stream 2 will fail

This is not to mention that if the collapse of the project angered Russia, directly to Germany "out of gas", their natural gas reserves can only support more than four hundred days, with the "Nord Stream 2" threat to Russia is completely unable to scare the Russian side. It has to be said that since Merkel stepped down, the downhill road of the German government has become bigger and bigger, and in the absence of a good mediator, the control of the United States over Germany has also been greatly enhanced, and even there are signs of becoming a puppet, as can be seen from the last US deputy secretary of state speaking on behalf of Germany, which is absolutely impossible in the Merkel era.

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