
"Swatting flies" must use the "tiger fighting" force

author:Governor of the Nine Factions

"The big 'tigers' must be beaten, the small 'flies' must also be beaten, and the 'flies' are very harmful and should be eliminated immediately" "The 'tigers' fight well, but the kind of corrupt little 'flies' hidden at the grass-roots level cannot be spared either"... Recently, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision successively released the news that Yin Jianhuai, a staff member of the rural drainage station in Tianyuan District, Zhang Wangnian, former secretary of the party branch of Zhushan Village in Lusong District, and Zhang Cailan, former member of the village committee, were investigated. With an iron fist, the people clapped their hands and praised the speed, focused on "shooting flies", and the people applauded and praised.

"Swatting flies" must use the "tiger fighting" force

The beetles are crowded and wooden, the gaps are large and the walls are broken. No one cares about the "buzzing" "flies," and no one will be satisfied with how many "tigers" they hit, which will seriously erode the relationship between cadres and the masses and shake the party's foundation for ruling the country. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a number of grass-roots corruption cases have been investigated and exposed, and people have seen the party's determination to persist in fighting "tigers" and "flies" together.

Improve the "deterrent power" of punishment and let the "flies" dare not rot. Maintain high-pressure deterrence, through inspections, special management, joint review, and other methods, strictly investigate problems such as people's livelihood and violations of the spirit of the eight central regulations, comprehensively use measures such as party disciplinary punishment, government sanctions, organizational handling, and economic punishment to increase the cost of corruption, increase the intensity of reporting and exposure, and let the "fly greed" around the masses outweigh the losses. As long as someone is corrupt, no matter who it is, it must be resolutely and decisively dealt with, and continue to release a strong signal of strictness to the end and non-stop.

Strengthen the supervision of "binding force" so that "flies" cannot rot. With intra-Party supervision as the leading role, continuously promote the organic integration and mutual coordination of supervision methods such as big data supervision, WeChat group supervision, petition supervision, online supervision, special governance supervision, and case-handling supervision. Grasp the "key minority" and increase the supervision, inspection, accountability, and accountability of the grass-roots number one leaders in implementing collective decision-making, financial management, "three capital" management, and other systems. Do the "second half of the article" of in-depth investigation and handling of cases, use cases to promote reform, and use the rigidity of system implementation to maintain the authority of the system.

Tighten the thought "master switch" so that the "fly" does not want to rot. There are many cadres who "do not act with evil and small things" and excuse themselves by violating discipline at the grass-roots level and "having little money for things." The root cause of corruption among these cadres lies in their thinking, so it can be seen that it is particularly important to strengthen ideological education, party discipline and state law education, and warning education. It is necessary not only to work the content of education, the methods of education, and the carrier of education, but also to guide grass-roots cadres to know and respect, guard against fear, and guard the bottom line through more down-to-earth methods, and build a dam to resist corruption and prevent degeneration.

Using the power of "fighting tigers" to "shoot flies" is a requirement for comprehensively and strictly administering the party, "where there is corruption, there must be anti-corruption, and where there is corruption, it must be investigated," and it is also the desire of the people; the discipline inspection and supervision organs will focus their supervision "magnifying glass" on the issues on which the masses have strong reactions, so that the masses of the people can feel fairness and justice even more in the course of comprehensively and strictly administering the party. (Zhu Jiping)

【Source: Qingfeng Zhuzhou Network_Current Politics】

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