
Talk about strange phenomena no. 21

author:Heart waves

There is a strange phenomenon, it seems that animals and animals, between people, are particularly fond of fighting, are particularly fond of pinching.

When I was a child, in my rural hometown, I was idle, and I liked to watch the rooster fighting frame and the goose fighting frame; I liked to watch the cows meet the head, the pig bite the frame, the dog bite the frame; that is, they all used up their milk strength, sacrificed their lives to fight each other, and were eager to fight to the death. I don't know why they are so aggressive? They were all like enemies, and when they saw them, they were extremely red-eyed. However, most of them are males who love to fight, and females are rare. Unless it's a tigress, it's particularly powerful.

Of course, whenever a similar scene is encountered, most of the idlers around them will gather and watch; some like to point and point and talk nonsense; some like to talk and judge; some like to shout and cheer; some like to bet with each other, which one loses and which wins; some are eager to join the battle group personally to enjoy it. Those who lost the battle either slipped away in ashes or fell to the ground and pretended to be dead, and could not run anymore.

Later, after leaving the countryside, the scene of those livestock desperately fighting was difficult to see. However, fortunately, there is always a bustle; on the street, in the unit, between neighbors, between husband and wife, between family members, there are open and secret struggles, and it is commonplace, a piece of cake, indispensable. It is not uncommon to quarrel in public, fight, scold, fight, and add sticks. Whenever a similar scene is encountered, there are always many people around, watching, exchanging ears, asking each other; they all seem to want to ask for an understanding, and they can't watch it for a while; otherwise, they can't go back and tell others about their ugly character. However, people do not distinguish between men and women, young and old, and most of them seem to love to fight.

The most impressive thing is that not far away near the vegetable market, there is a fat woman, famous for scolding, famous far and near. She scolded people, especially vigorously; jumping high, stomping on the mountain, two arms constantly waving, pointing at each other, scolding so much that her mouth was full of foam; she scolded people, she could not go to persuade and pull fights, who persuaded who to annoy whom, who pulled with whom; the more people watching, the more vigorously she scolded, the more fiercely she jumped; if anyone provoked her, even if you fell for eight lifetimes, she did not scold tiredly, she really could not move, and she would never stop. She could scold for three days and three nights without repetition, and she had always grown up swearing. Once she scolded, the nearby people would rush to see the hilarity. Of course, she generally did not dare to come closer, and naturally gave up a large open space to admire the fierce force of her slapping her ass and stomping her feet and jumping and scolding. Within a few years, she had moved away, never to hear or see her swearing fierceness again.

In recent years, the network has developed, mobile phones have become popular, and there is no need to go to see the liveliness of seven miles and eight miles; as long as you want to see, your fingers are light, and you want to see everything.

I have had a hobby since I was a child, and I especially like to watch the hilarity. Now it's good, old don't go out, there is no shortage of lively to see. It's really exciting and lively on the Internet. Fighting mouths, fighting, showing off, sneering, all the time, everywhere. The opposite side does not know each other, the mountains block the water, the photo is not wrong; the old man scumbag, the prostitute young woman, the scolding is not wrong; it can really be said: a thousand miles of scolding is a line of pull, not the wrongdoers also gather.

However, compared to the fat woman who likes to scold people mentioned above, it is much more civilized. After all, it is in the network, after all, there are constraints in the network, after all, there is a certain level: most of them are cultured people, some are brick families, sitting at home; some are called beasts, rich beasts; some are flat commentators, sisters kick people; some are on the "cockroach" level, some are big shackle imitation V level, so the two sides scolded each other, scolded very chic, scolded are all literary, all bending and scolding, all trying to do their best to scold, all scolding with relish. Some people seem to take headlines as their home, rip eggs as their business, take pleasure in scolding, take eyeballs as shortcuts, take traffic as their purpose, and earn money as their purpose, in order to seek fame and fortune.

Now scolding people, they are all on the next level, but also forced to helpless. Because, if there are sensitive words, the audit may not be able to pass; therefore, even if you grit your teeth and scold, hysterical swearing, most of them rarely have dirty words.

What makes people feel strange is that it seems that some people especially like to scold people, and some people especially like to be scolded; I really don't understand, what kind of people? Is it innately virtuous?

It is a little regrettable that I can't see those who like to scold and like to be scolded, and I don't know what it looks like. Scolding, is it also a mouth full of white foam, jumping up and down?

Talk about strange phenomena no. 21

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