
Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

author:Walnut pupils

On January 15, the Dananmen Police Station in Anqing City, Anhui Province, carried out a security inspection of the hotels under its jurisdiction, and found that two young girls, 16-year-old Huang and 17-year-old Feng, were suspicious, so they searched their rooms, and found several bottles of "laughing gas" in their guest rooms. After questioning, Huang Moufeng and Feng confessed to smoking "laughing gas" in the hotel, and the two have been detained by the police.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others
Coincidentally, on the evening of January 6, also in Anqing, the police of the Tong'an Road Police Station found a man on an off-road vehicle looking nervous while patrolling in the jurisdiction, and then the police found 20 cans of "laughing gas" on his car. It is reported that the man Liu mou purchased "laughing gas" at a stranger that night, and contacted his friend Chen mou to help transport, and the two sides agreed that after the "laughing gas" was sold, Liu gave Chen a benefit fee of 300 yuan. Both have been arrested and the case is under investigation.
Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others
"Laughing gas" is a very dangerous thing, in recent years, many young women have been lured to smoke "laughing gas", thus becoming undignified, let others play with the "gas slave". What is a gas slave, that is, some girls who are addicted to laughing gas but can't afford it, and have to be "captive" by a group of men.
Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

What is "laughing gas"

"Laughing gas" is a colorless and sweet oxidizing agent, scientifically known as nitrous oxide. It is mainly used in industrial automotive engine accelerants, rocket oxidants or the food industry to whipp up cream, and can also be used clinically for general anesthesia. It can make people lose their pain sensation, and they can still maintain consciousness after inhalation, and they will not be delirious.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

"Laughing gas" was first widely used in the medical field as an anesthetic, such as when extracting teeth, and laughing gas is used in some places. Some foods also serve as food processing agents, but they are rarely used now. But in recent years, some criminals have discovered this thing, when laughing gas and oxygen are mixed in different proportions, inhaling laughing gas containing 30% will appear powerless, inhaling 35% of laughing gas will be sleepy, so they will be "laughing gas" as a substitute for drugs to sell, let people smoke, because the beginning is not taken seriously, so that "laughing gas" spread widely

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

In 16, 17 years on Taobao search for laughing gas can be bought directly, 2, 30 a box, buy a few boxes and send a special inflatable air gun and a lot of balloons, and many bars, KTV and other entertainment venues are openly peddling laughing gas, until recent years the country began to pay attention to "laughing gas", it only disappeared into the underground, quietly sold. However, because of its low cost and large profits, the laughing gas has not been effectively controlled.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

A female college student in Zhengzhou nestled in the hotel to smoke laughing gas, spent 50,000 yuan in 4 days without leaving home, bought dozens of boxes of laughing gas, smoked thousands of cigarettes, and was found to be in a coma. It is said that this kind of laughing gas is 30 sticks a box, each box costs 700 yuan, and addicted people can suck out thousands of cigarettes a day.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

How terrible is "laughing gas"

To say how terrible the "laughing gas" is, after inhaling the "laughing gas", the whole body will be very numb, the brain will be stuck and then can't stop giggling, and it will make people's endorphins rise sharply, produce pleasure, it is easy to form mental dependence, and the harm is extremely great. Many young people are misled into thinking that "laughing gas" is not a drug, will not be addicted, and relieves the bitterness through the pleasure of smoking.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

Generally criminals will "laughing gas" with small metal bullets, through the air gun to punch the laughing gas into the balloon, and then by sucking the balloon, a balloon of "laughing gas" often can only maintain the effect of 30 seconds, but the danger is that if the self-control is not good, you will immediately want to suck the second, and then the third, until it has not stopped.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

Guangzhou fitness coach woman Liang Mou infected with the addiction to sucking laughing gas, the worst time to smoke more than a dozen boxes of laughing gas every day, do not eat, do not move, just suck laughing gas on the bed, and even when the police find her, she seems to be begging her to suck, after spending a lot of money, in order to continue smoking, she began to sell sucking, and even introduced prostitution, to provide for herself to suck laughing gas.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

Liang introduced female friends around to accompany the sucking, on the one hand, let these girls become addicted, you can take the goods from her hand, she can earn a certain fee, on the other hand, she introduces these girls to accompany the sucking, you can also get a certain benefit fee, not only fallen, but also let the friends follow the addiction of smoking laughing gas, which can be described as harmful.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

Xiaosun and Xiaowang, who live in Yaohai District, Hefei, Anhui Province, are in flowering age, and they should have had a bright future, but they have smoked "laughing gas" for three years. The two are fellow countrymen, went to school in Hefei, and were encouraged to laugh when they played at the night club. And tell them both that this is not a drug. Then the two felt very stimulating and comfortable, so they became addicted.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

But it costs at least 500 yuan to smoke laughing gas every day, and the living expenses given to them by their families are simply not enough, through the laughing gas circle, they see that there are friends who buy laughing gas through prostitution, so Xiaosun and Xiaowang also do it together. When the police of the Yaohai Branch of the Hefei Municipal Public Security Bureau found them, they all needed to support the wall when they got up, and beside them were laughing gas cylinders and packaging on the ground.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

The girl meets a strange man in a bar and sucks in a laugh at his instigation. The unconscious girl, unsurprisingly, woke up in a hotel bed already disheveled, with used condoms everywhere on the floor. But the nightmare has only just begun. The girl found herself unable to leave the laughing gas, full of thoughts of "cheering". After spending all his money, he had to go to the man he had. Men do everything they can to humiliate her: make her prostrate, tie her with a dog chain, make her crawl on the ground like a dog... Truly become a slave, at the mercy of others, driven!

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others
Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

The harm of laughing gas to the body

In addition to making you mentally dependent, laughing gas is also very harmful to the body. But laughing gas "can lead to hypoxia in the human body after entering the bloodstream, and long-term smoking may cause high blood pressure, syncope, and even heart attack." In addition, long-term exposure to such gases can also cause anemia and damage to the central nervous system, causing memory loss, unresponsiveness, mental disorders and even paralysis.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

Xiao Xiao, a 19-year-old girl in Hangzhou, suddenly had weak legs and could not walk, and her boyfriend took her to the hospital for medical treatment. Under repeated questioning by the doctor, Xiao Xiao's boyfriend told the doctor that she had been smoking a gas called "laughing gas" for a long time. After examination by the doctor, the final diagnosis was "subacute joint degeneration of the spinal cord" caused by the inhalation of laughing gas.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

Xiao Zhang, a young man in his early 20s, began to have limb numbness a week ago, especially in the soles of his feet. At first he didn't care, but then the numbness grew heavier and worse, and affected walking, and a good young man suddenly got into a wheelchair. It turned out that Xiao Zhang was depressed for some time before, and in order to alleviate the "depressed state", he smoked the "laughing gas" recommended by his friends.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

At first, it was only a small amount of inhalation, and then the dose was getting bigger and bigger, and even a can was needed every day, and now the "depression" was not cured, but instead sat in a wheelchair, and the weight also increased by 90 pounds. The diagnosis results showed that Xiao Zhang suffered from a disease of "subacute joint degeneration of the spinal cord", and his consumption of "nitrous oxide" (commonly known as "laughing gas") caused chronic laughing gas abuse poisoning, interfering with the metabolism of cobalamin in the body, resulting in spinal cord lesions. Chronic laughing gas abuse poisoning is most prominent in the symptoms of nervous system damage, usually manifested as spinal cord lesions, peripheral neuropathy, toxic encephalopathy, spastic paraplegia, etc.

The flood of laughter

On the online platform, we can easily find the relevant sales of "laughing gas", and there are even detailed tutorials on the Internet to make laughing gas, which leads to the flood of "laughing gas". The Suzhou city police seized a den of illegal processing of laughing gas, and arrested 13 people, and seized a large number of laughing gas production tools and storage tools at the scene. Huang Mou of Luzhou went to Chengdu many times to sell laughing gas, selling more than 2,000 cans in total, making a profit of nearly 70,000 yuan. In the past few days, the Beijing police smashed a laughing gas sales gang and seized 57,000 laughing gas.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

In Tongling City, Anhui Province, the local police successfully arrested 19 criminal suspects and successfully cut off a "laughing gas" trafficking channel in Tongling and surrounding cities. The criminal suspect Gao Mou made a monthly profit of nearly 100,000 yuan by purchasing a large number of goods, and then subpacking, transporting and selling "laughing gas" through his subordinate horses! This must be the money that has hurt how many people have.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

In recent years, various drugs have begun to disguise themselves as common items in life, such as "milk tea", "cola", "jumping candy", "chocolate", "fairy water", "small branches", etc., which are similar to or stronger hallucinogenic and narcotic effects of controlled drugs. Don't try it out of excitement or curiosity, because once these things are stained, then it may ruin your life.

Two underage girls in Anhui were arrested for smoking "laughing gas"! Girls are addicted to "laughing gas" at the mercy of others

#Anhui##Anqing##Girls##女性 #

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