
Hechang Middle School and the School of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University jointly held the summit forum of "Educating People with Beauty"

author:Yellow River News Lvliang Channel

On January 8th, Hechang Middle School and Tsinghua University School of Fine Arts jointly held the summit forum of "Educating People with Beauty". Yang Peizhang, Niu Zhiyuan, Zhang Hui and other teachers from the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University gave special lectures on the theme of "educating people with beauty".

Professor Yang Peizhang talked about the relationship between art and science and technology with the theme of "The Integration of Art and Science and Technology - Talking about the Revitalization of Traditional Crafts", and explained in detail how to carry out art education in schools; Professor Niu Zhiyuan gave a detailed explanation on how to expand "educating people with beauty" with sculpture aesthetic education as the starting point; Professor Zhang Hui explained in detail on the professional classification of art education in colleges and universities, admission rules, admission colleges, and joint examination questions.

Zhao Xuehong, director of the Municipal Education Bureau, and Liu Gaihua, full-time deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Education Working Committee, attended the forum.

Zhao Xuehong stressed that aesthetic education is aesthetic education, but also emotional education and spiritual education, which has an irreplaceable role for Lide tree people. On September 24 last year, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government issued the Action Plan on Running a Satisfactory Education for the People, which clearly proposed that aesthetic education should be strengthened. Zhao Xuehong encouraged Hechang Middle School to focus on excavating the spiritual connotation of He Chang and other martyrs in educational practice, starting from the opening of good aesthetic education classes, paying attention to the cultivation of core literacy, building a teaching model centered on student development, actively promoting the reform of aesthetic education evaluation, and forming a new pattern of vibrant, multi-party collaboration, openness and efficiency in aesthetic education.

Parents of Hechang Middle School and some teachers and students listened to the lecture and visited the School History Museum and the Temple of Literature.

The parents of the school's 574th class student Qing Zhiyuan asked Shaoguan that after listening to the lecture, they were very rewarding, and they understood the importance of aesthetic education to children's artistic quality and moral cultivation, and in the future, they will pay more attention to aesthetic education in family education.

Lvliang Daily

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