
Dreams and reality and the meaning of love

author:Creative World Paradise

Each of us is born without understanding anything, neither talking nor walking, nothing comes and goes, some are given by our parents, which is our natural capital. The time of our birth and the environment in which we are born, the family background and conditions, and whether we are able-bodied people or not are not decided by us. This is all decided by heaven, coming to this beautiful earth to our parents, it is our parents who give us love and survival to raise us as adults, the kindness of our parents we can not repay in our lives, we must always have a kind and warm filial heart. When we entered childhood, it was the teacher who taught us to impart knowledge, the teacher gave us love and happiness, and enjoyed the happy love between classmates and friends. Our happiness today is thanks to the efforts of our great Communist Party members and leading cadres and the martyrs and people of the previous generations together with the enthusiastic young people led by Grandpa Mao Zedong to create a miracle and rewrite the history of our great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and it is everyone who has worked together to establish today's harmonious and beautiful transition. Grandpa Mao Zedong was the founder of the founding of New China, and his meritorious deeds were that all the people of China will respect and thank the greatest people in their lives who deserve to be worshiped and studied. Each of us must learn from the spirit of Lei Feng and respect the revolutionary martyrs, without their joint efforts how to come to us today. Keeping firmly in mind the lessons of history and not forgetting the original intention to cherish peace is not easy to come by, everyone must have the patriotic spirit of defending the country and understand that the country has a sense of responsibility for difficulties and responsibilities. Being a person should not only learn to be grateful to parents and society and repay the society, when a person has a certain economic ability, use some actions to help others achieve more harmony with each other, there are many people in the society who need help, helping others is also to help themselves and accumulate fate and connections to leave a broader path for themselves. In a person's life, we must first learn the principle of being a person, and be innocent and do everything around us conscientiously. In people's lives, we must have diligence and wisdom and smile optimistic ordinary people's mentality to face a difficult life, let their courage and dreams have been realized, silently guard their big dreams, let love and dreams spread in the world, and pass on the strong warmth of the spirit of great love. In guarding our dreams, we must have a fearless spirit in our hearts to love society and integrate into society, and remember to help some people in need when we have the ability. Absorb more positive energy spirit and good network, help others not only make others happy themselves but also wait for happiness and satisfaction and the ability to love. Make this society more harmonious and beautiful, and have love in your heart can not only illuminate yourself but also illuminate everyone. This will make the world more beautiful and harmonious, a person's mind only continue to learn and grow to improve their knowledge and vision and pattern and goals, open up their own broader vision and look forward to the future, to know that each of our wealth is not owned by themselves, all our wealth is based on their own efforts, the most important thing is that wealth is given by others, we must first know how to thank the society, society will return us to give us more wealth. To be a person, we must face life with diligence and hard work and smile, let the dream of love increase their greater energy in the heart, guard their dreams need to pick chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely see the indifferent fame and fortune of nanshan and the optimism of the willow dark flowers and bright villages, and hang on the confidence of the clouds and sails when the long wind and waves are broken. Guarding our dreams and goals requires cutting thorns, looking directly at the hardships and hardships of stepping through every life's ups and downs, and smiling at the sunshine of love for life in the headwind. Finally, we can adopt the flower of life and play the symphony of life. Let love and goals and dreams fly, and let our friends not forget the guardians of dreams on the road of youth! Don't let your dreams fall with you, don't let difficulties scare you, and recharge your life in time. Learning to adjust your mood and relief in time will allow you to successfully reach the other shore and dream of flying with it. Learn to care for others Help others learn to be touched and grateful. Always adhere to the dream in your heart, overcome the difficulties in life, and a better tomorrow will definitely move towards our future. Know how to thank parents and society to return to society to use love to manage the way of life, to find the true drops of life.

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