
Only 54 years old! Advertising guru died of cancer, reminder: 5 types of work may increase the risk of cancer

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

"Man, just be cruel to yourself!"

The person who said this, died of cancer. According to beiqing network report, ye Maozhong, a well-known advertiser and marketing planning expert, died of cancer on January 13, at the age of 54, shortly after entering the New Year.

You may not know Ye Maozhong, but you have heard his "magic" advertising slogans - "Wash more healthily", "Hengyuanxiang, sheep and sheep", "Heilan House, men's wardrobe", especially "Men, just be cruel to yourself!" It has also been rated as one of the top ten buzzwords in Chinese advertising.

Sometimes, people really can't be too themselves. In today's society, many people are always exchanging health for money, overdrafting their lives, staying up all night every day, working day and night. As everyone knows, health is the greatest wealth in life, and only by maintaining health can we have the ability to create wealth and pursue dreams.

Only 54 years old! Advertising guru died of cancer, reminder: 5 types of work may increase the risk of cancer

First, a number of studies: work pressure, cancer, heart disease may come to the door

Study 1: Stressful work, 5 cancers staring at you

In a report published in Preventive Medicine by a research team at the University of Quebec in Canada, researchers surveyed 3100 cancer patients and found that high work stress not only increased the risk of high blood pressure, but also was associated with a significantly higher risk of stomach, lung, colon, rectal and lymphoma.

Coincidentally, an in-depth analysis of the causes of cancer in Shanghai cancer patients found that about 37% of patients believed that it was formed by overwork, and about 7% of patients thought that it was induced by work hypertension.

Shen Hongmei, director of the Department of Integrative Medicine of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, said that the reason why overwork can induce cancer is related to the damage to immune function caused by long-term excessive fatigue and high mental tension. The human body is in a state of intense and high pressure for a long time, immune function can not be repaired, and the body's ability to repair DNA declines, which will lead to the possibility of replication errors and the formation of abnormal cells, thereby increasing the risk of cancer.

Study 2: The more overtime work, the greater the likelihood of heart disease and stroke

996 is used as the overtime culture of some companies, as everyone knows, the more overtime work, the greater the risk of disease.

Recently, researchers at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and the University of London published a study of overtime related to disease risk in the sub-journal The Lancet, which showed that people who worked more than 55 hours a week had a 52% increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease before the age of 65, and the risk of bacterial infection, diabetes, and cardiovascular death increased.

Only 54 years old! Advertising guru died of cancer, reminder: 5 types of work may increase the risk of cancer

Second, these "occupational cancers", each of which deserves your attention

I believe that everyone is familiar with "occupational diseases", but you may not know that cancer may also be a member of these professions. In addition to the pressure of work, the working environment, certain behaviors at work, and the objects exposed to can become factors that cause cancer.

1. Programmers, drivers, clerks, advertisers

This type of occupation often stays up late and works for a long period of time. Research from the University of Regensburg in Germany has found that sitting for a long time can cause cancer. For every 2 hours of prolonged sitting, the risk of endometrial cancer increases by 10% and the risk of bowel cancer by 8%.

2. Miners

Workers engaged in coal mining, petroleum, chemical industry and other industries, in the process of mining, excavation, cleaning, etc., are prone to produce a large amount of dust and other harmful substances, through the air inhaled into the lungs, it may cause harm to the lungs, the risk of lung cancer is relatively higher.

3. Hairdresser

Our "Tony" teacher, in addition to helping to trim her hair on a daily basis, often comes into contact with chemicals such as perm and dye. A 2009 study found that prolonged exposure to chemicals in hair dyes was the "culprit" that increased the risk of hairdressers with bladder, throat, lung and other cancers.

4. Construction workers

Construction site workers, not only sun and rain, they are exposed to various types of building materials for a long time, and these materials contain asbestos, arsenic, nickel, chromium and other carcinogens, if you do not pay attention to protection, it may also increase the risk of cancer.

5. Auto mechanic

Every time I see a car mechanic, it's a dirty, greasy image. In the process of repair, they are exposed to carcinogens such as asbestos and benzene for a long time, causing a higher risk of skin cancer, leukemia and other diseases than ordinary people.

Only 54 years old! Advertising guru died of cancer, reminder: 5 types of work may increase the risk of cancer

Third, people in the workplace, put away this job health strategy

With high-intensity work pressure, most office workers have sub-health problems. In fact, a healthy body and good living habits are inseparable. So, what good habits can help us strengthen our physical and mental health?

1. Go to bed early and get up early

The organs of the human body are not perpetual motion machines, they also need time to rest in order to maintain smooth functioning. Especially in the high-pressure, high-intensity working state, it is more necessary to ensure adequate sleep, so that the body can relax and rest. It is recommended to go to sleep before 11 o'clock at night.

2. Pay attention to supplementing nutrition

Nutritional balance has an important impact on physical health, and the nutrition needed by the human body is diverse, so the types of daily food should also be diversified. Eating more fresh vegetables, melons and fruits, supplementing vitamins, minerals, etc., has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system.

3, it is best to bring your own food, eat less takeaway

Takeaway food is not only prone to calories exceeding the standard, high oil and high salt diet, and is not conducive to health. It is recommended that office workers try to bring their own home meals to the unit, there is really no time, and they also try to choose lighter meals when ordering.

Only 54 years old! Advertising guru died of cancer, reminder: 5 types of work may increase the risk of cancer

4. Walk around between work

Office workers often sit in the office for several hours, and maintain a sitting position for a long time, which can easily lead to poor blood flow in the lower body and oppression of reproductive organs. So work for a period of time, it is best to get up and move, walk around, do not sit for half a day.

Many young people do not care about their own health, thinking that there is time to "maintain health", it is better to take advantage of the youth to "give a fight". Work is precious, health is more expensive! Having a good body is the capital of the revolution. In daily life and work, we must adjust our rhythm, do a good job of work protection, and stay away from cancer. #家庭健康守护官 #


[1] World Cancer Day | "Hit the worker", did you know that working hard can also tire out cancer? 》. Yunnan Traditional Chinese Medicine.2021-02-04

[2] The Lancet: The More Overtime Workers, the More Sick They Get. BioQuest.2022-01-11

[3] "Poor physical fitness of office workers? Maintain a few good habits to make your body healthier". China Economic Net.2020-09-24

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