
Zhangzhou: "Study and implement the spirit of the Eleventh Provincial Party Congress Eight Fujian Trip" squatting theme interview activity was launched

author:Minnan Net

On January 18, the "Study, Publicity, and Implementation of the Spirit of the Eleventh Provincial Party Congress" was launched in Zhangzhou. The event lasted for 3 days, sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee and the School of Journalism and Communication of Minnan Normal University, aiming to deeply study and publicize the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the 11th Provincial Party Congress and the 12th Municipal Party Congress.

With the theme of "Striving for a New Journey and Building a New Era of Meritorious Service", the event organized an interview group of representatives of teachers and students stationed in Zhangzhou, the municipal news media, and the School of Journalism and Communication of Minnan Normal University to go to Qiancheng District, Longwen District, Zhangpu County and other places to enter enterprises, rural areas, and communities, carry out joint learning activities with front-line cadres and masses, and excavate typical cases at the grass-roots level. Through the interview activities, all media will focus on launching a number of in-depth and weighty news reports, produce a number of interactive, vivid and vivid new media products, and further promote the spirit of the Party Congress to take root and blossom in the grassroots frontline.

Zhangzhou: "Study and implement the spirit of the Eleventh Provincial Party Congress Eight Fujian Trip" squatting theme interview activity was launched

On the same day, the Minnan Network reporter came to Shuangxi Village, Punan Town, Qiancheng District, rows of neat houses were scattered, a street lamp was erected on both sides of the spacious and tidy village road, a group of carp in Yueyao Pond, a continuous stream of tourists in Yiqian Park, and a series of cultural and tourism projects were under construction. It is understood that Sungai Village has a total of 2 natural villages and 5 villager groups, a total of 267 households, a population of 1070 people, of which 598 are outgoing residents, and 27 are currently party members. Shuangxi Village has been awarded "Fujian Rural Revitalization Pilot Village" and "Fujian Rural Governance Demonstration Village", in 2020 it was rated as "The City's Advanced Grassroots Party Organization", and in 2021 it was rated as "The Second Batch of Rural Governance Demonstration Villages in China". In recent years, Shuangxi Village has continuously improved its infrastructure around the implementation of the general requirements of the rural revitalization strategy, closely integrated the construction of beautiful villages with industrial development, and promoted the transformation of "beauty" into "productivity".

Zhangzhou: "Study and implement the spirit of the Eleventh Provincial Party Congress Eight Fujian Trip" squatting theme interview activity was launched

Coming to Sample Steel Group, the factory area is full of greenery, which makes people feel that "the factory is in the park, the park is in the factory". The variety of "hardcore" equipment in the factory made the media representatives admire, and the entire operation area of the production line was clean and tidy, changing everyone's traditional understanding of the "stupid big black and thick" in the steel industry. According to reports, the greening rate of the Sanbao Iron and Steel Group plant area has reached 40%, and the green park area has reached more than 600 acres. The factory embeds the concept of "whole-process green manufacturing" into all aspects of production to create a "national green factory". Sample Steel Group has successively won the "National Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises" and "National Top 500 Private Enterprises". In 2020, Sample Steel Group achieved an output value of 32.5 billion yuan, an increase of 8.7%. From January to July 2021, the output value was 27.8 billion yuan, an increase of 34.5%; the actual tax paid was 624 million yuan, an increase of 87.47%. Sample Steel Group is a leading private enterprise in Fujian Province focusing on cultivating an industrial cluster of 100 billion yuan, and is also the first industrial enterprise in Zhangzhou to pay more than one billion yuan in tax payments.

Zhangzhou: "Study and implement the spirit of the Eleventh Provincial Party Congress Eight Fujian Trip" squatting theme interview activity was launched

Come to the Qunyu Community in Qiancheng District, where the finishing of the manhole cover of the rain and sewage pipes and the surface leveling of the green layer are being carried out, and the overall project will be completed this month. In recent years, the Qiancheng District Party Committee and the Qiancheng District Government have started from solving the practical difficulties of the masses, and have continuously increased the transformation of old communities, and since 2018, 99 communities have been transformed, benefiting 35,000 households, improving the quality of living and life of residents, and have been widely praised by the people. Among them, Qunyu Community as a demonstration point for the transformation of old residential areas at the provincial level in 2021, with a total of 35 residential buildings and more than 2,500 households, this transformation involves rain and sewage diversion, gate transformation, parking space settings, strong and weak electricity pipeline construction and other infrastructure transformation, and is expected to invest more than 46 million yuan.

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