
Elementary school student essay: Tears of nature

author:Van Way

Tears of nature

Text/Zheng Aokun (Grade 6)

Elementary school student essay: Tears of nature

5,000 years ago. Human beings and nature have always been friendly, people enjoy the food and benefits given by nature, nature loves people, people love nature.

  3,000 years ago, human beings learned to drill wood for fire, build some tools out of iron, and began to ask for a lot of things from nature little by little, and humans learned a lot of knowledge.

  2000 years ago, humans slowly began to expand the rate of harm to animals, animals began to slowly become extinct, 600, 200, 50 ...

Elementary school student essay: Tears of nature

  1,000 years ago, human beings learned a lot of things, asked more from nature, and obtained many things underground, such as oil, ore, etc., to make a lot of things.

  500 years ago, human beings began to expand the scope of life, there are human figures in every corner of the world, more and more requests from nature, nature is gradually a little overwhelmed.

  Nature supported the tired body and was about to fall, and slowly nature began to rage, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc., and nature became devastated.

  As time went on, nature grew weaker, groaning feebly and shed tears of pain—acid rain.

Humans! Wake up! Nature is for us to cause a series of "pathologies"! For our own survival, we must protect nature and love our homes! Let's work together!

Elementary school student essay: Tears of nature

#I'm going to make headlines##Elementary school students##作文 #

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