
Xinhua All Media + | junior ski team on the Loess Plateau


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Surrounded by the mountains of the Loess Plateau, a professional ski resort covered in snow is particularly striking. Inside the snow field, dozens of sharp figures galloped down from the high mountains, snow droplets splashed, the formation was beautiful, and in a short while, the laughter of the teenagers spread throughout the mountain at the end.

Xinhua All Media + | junior ski team on the Loess Plateau

These skilled and elegant skiers are all 10- to 15-year-old children from the Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture Youth Ski Team in Gansu Province, which was established in 2021 and is also the first youth ski team in the history of Gansu Province.

Xinhua All Media + | junior ski team on the Loess Plateau

With the improvement of infrastructure and the change of the concept of the masses, local children can now come to the snow from an early age to feel the joy and charm of ice and snow sports, and this youth ski team will continue to show their whistling youth and dreams in the ice and snow.

Xinhua All Media + | junior ski team on the Loess Plateau

Reporter: Zhang Rui

Edit: Tian Tian

Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

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