
100 ways to eat tofu this is the best meal! Replenish iron protein, 5 minutes out of the pot without scattering without breaking into the flavor

author:The food is still the most gourmet material

Although it has 100 ways to eat, these 3 are the coolest to eat! Reasonable collocation, delicious and not expensive~

As the saying goes, "eat beans for three dollars a day, why take medicine for years", indeed, eating a little soy product every day can not only stay away from the troubles of diseases, but also assist in the treatment of some diseases.

The traditional tofu method is more than stir-frying, stewing, cold mixing, etc. Today, I will introduce you to several of the most nutritious ways to eat, pack what you like.

100 ways to eat tofu this is the best meal! Replenish iron protein, 5 minutes out of the pot without scattering without breaking into the flavor

1. Tofu stewed fish

Tofu with fish, nutritious. Tofu is high in calcium, while fish is rich in vitamin D, the two are eaten together, with the help of vitamin D in the fish, the body's absorption rate of calcium can be increased many times. Therefore, it is especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

Ingredients: 1 silver carp, 3 green peppers, garlic, ginger, bean paste, dried chili strips, tempeh, peppercorns, green onion strips, soy sauce, cooking wine, chicken powder to taste.


1: Cut the fish into large thick slices after washing and cutting; cut the tofu into thick slices, slice the ginger, and cut the green pepper into large pieces for later.

2: Heat the oil in a wok and then sauté the peppercorns, dried peppers, sliced ginger and garlic to bring out the aroma, pour the tempeh and watercress sauce together to stir-fry the aroma.

3: Add an appropriate amount of water, then add an appropriate amount of cooking wine and soy sauce.

4: After the soup is boiled, add the fish pieces to medium-low heat, add tofu and simmer until the fish is cooked.

5: After seasoning with an appropriate amount of chicken powder, add green peppers to the pot and sprinkle a few green onions. Silver carp is delicate and tender, and the tofu absorbs the essence, making it even more delicious!

100 ways to eat tofu this is the best meal! Replenish iron protein, 5 minutes out of the pot without scattering without breaking into the flavor

Second, fish fragrant tofu

Ingredients: 1 piece of tofu, fungus, carrot, sugar, salt, vinegar, starch, garlic cloves, chives, tomato sauce to taste.

1: First cut the tofu into 2 cm square pieces and soak in light salt water for 10 minutes (prevent frying);

2、 Shredded fungus, shredded carrot, minced chives, minced garlic;

3, sugar, vinegar, tomato sauce, water, soy sauce into the juice and set aside;

4, tofu fish out the drainage, hot pan cold oil, put in the minced garlic stir-fry, put carrot fungus stir-fry, hear the wood ear burst sound, put the tofu stir-fry, until golden brown, put the mixed juice on a low heat, put a spoonful of salt, until the soup is thick, turn off the heat, out of the pot and plate sprinkle with chives.

100 ways to eat tofu this is the best meal! Replenish iron protein, 5 minutes out of the pot without scattering without breaking into the flavor

3. Minced meat and tofu cake

Tofu with meat and eggs, half as nutritious. Although tofu is rich in protein, it lacks an essential amino acid——— methionine. If the dish is cooked alone, the utilization rate of protein is very low. If tofu is combined with other meat and egg foods, the nutrient utilization rate of protein in tofu can be improved.

Ingredients: Lactone tofu, green onion, ginger, garlic, pork, sugar, white pepper, soy sauce, flour.

1、 Cut the green onion, ginger, garlic and pork into minced pieces and set aside;

2, tofu and minced pork mixed, add ginger, garlic, green onion white, salt, sugar, white pepper, soy sauce, oyster sauce mixed, and then add the right amount of flour to stir well;

3: Pour a little oil into the pan, knead the minced meat into a ball and put it into the pan and fry slowly.

4: Fry one side and then turn over and fry the other side until golden brown.

100 ways to eat tofu this is the best meal! Replenish iron protein, 5 minutes out of the pot without scattering without breaking into the flavor

Finally, it should be reminded that although tofu is good, it should not be eaten every day, and it should not be overdose when eaten at one time. Elderly people and patients with kidney disease, iron deficiency anemia, gout, and arteriosclerosis should control the amount of consumption.

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