
【Attention】 Peng Qinghua pointed out at the joint group meeting of the Fifth Session of the Twelfth CPPCC Provincial Committee: Closely follow the overall situation of the central government to build up rumors, offer good policies, and make practical moves, and extensively gather the wisdom and strength to forge ahead on a new journey and build a new era of meritorious service

author:Concentric Sichuan

Peng Qinghua pointed out at the joint group meeting of the Fifth Session of the Twelfth CPPCC Provincial Committee

Closely follow the overall situation of the center to build up rumors and offer good policies and practical moves

Extensively gather the wisdom of forging ahead in a new journey and building a new era of merit

【Attention】 Peng Qinghua pointed out at the joint group meeting of the Fifth Session of the Twelfth CPPCC Provincial Committee: Closely follow the overall situation of the central government to build up rumors, offer good policies, and make practical moves, and extensively gather the wisdom and strength to forge ahead on a new journey and build a new era of meritorious service

On January 19, Peng Qinghua, secretary of the Sichuan Provincial CPC Committee, attended the joint group meeting of the Fifth Session of the 12th CPPCC Provincial Committee to listen to the opinions and suggestions of members of the economic, agricultural, educational, and specially invited sectors on promoting common prosperity and promoting open development in our province.

He pointed out that it is necessary to deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC, adhere to the two major themes of unity and democracy, put the cause in mind, shoulder the responsibility, closely follow the overall situation of the center to build rumors, offer good policies, and make practical moves, extensively gather the wisdom of forging ahead in a new journey and building a new era of meritorious service, and make new and greater contributions to the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization in Sichuan.

Tian Xiangli, secretary of the provincial CPPCC leading group, attended the meeting.

During the discussion, Xiao Chun, Chen Dongyong, Tang Xianhong, Wang Dezhong, Guo Chunsheng, Mao Zhonggen, Lei Jianping, He Ying, Wang Qianmin, and other members of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference spoke successively, focusing on the development and expansion of a new rural collective economy, optimizing the allocation of rural compulsory education resources, promoting the high-quality development of the tea industry, deepening economic and trade cooperation between our province and the member countries of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP), accelerating the promotion of the pilot free trade zone and the innovation and upgrading of the pilot zone of collaborative reform, creating a better business environment, and casting a solid sense of the Chinese national community. Opinions and suggestions were put forward on building a high-level national fitness public service system and jointly building a major scientific and technological innovation platform in Sichuan and Chongqing.

【Attention】 Peng Qinghua pointed out at the joint group meeting of the Fifth Session of the Twelfth CPPCC Provincial Committee: Closely follow the overall situation of the central government to build up rumors, offer good policies, and make practical moves, and extensively gather the wisdom and strength to forge ahead on a new journey and build a new era of meritorious service

After listening carefully to the speeches, Peng Qinghua made a speech. He pointed out that the realization of common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has placed the gradual realization of common prosperity for all people in a more important position, and General Secretary Xi Jinping has issued a series of important speeches, pioneeringly answering a series of major theoretical and practical questions such as why common prosperity, what is common prosperity, and how to solidly promote common prosperity, profoundly expounding the goals, tasks, basic principles, overall ideas and important measures for promoting common prosperity, providing us with direction and guidance for promoting common prosperity in the new stage of development.

We must conduct in-depth exploration based on the actual conditions of Sichuan and find an effective path for common prosperity that meets the requirements of the central government and the actual conditions of the province.

Peng Qinghua pointed out,

It is necessary to grasp the relationship between development and sharing, unswervingly grasp the first priority of development, put the promotion of high-quality development in the first place, maintain a reasonable economic growth rate, make the "cake" bigger and better through common struggle, and cut the "cake" well through reasonable institutional arrangements, so that the people can better share the fruits of development.

It is necessary to grasp the relationship between efficiency and fairness, not only fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the whole society to create wealth and achieve the cause, but also refine and implement the coordination and supporting institutional arrangements for primary distribution, redistribution, and tertiary distribution, so as to prevent polarization and eliminate unfair distribution.

It is necessary to properly grasp the relationship between the first rich and the later rich, put the promotion of the common prosperity of peasants and rural areas in a prominent position, vigorously promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, and accelerate the construction of a new pattern of integrated urban-rural development at the county level.

It is necessary to grasp the relationship between material and spiritual, strengthen the guidance of the core socialist values, vigorously develop public cultural undertakings, and continuously meet the diverse, multi-level and multi-faceted spiritual and cultural needs of the people.

It is necessary to grasp well the relationship between the present and the long term, persist in doing our best, acting according to our ability, and making achievements for a long time; we must not wait for or rely on each other, take the initiative, and do what we can do first, but also work steadily and steadily, step by step, so that common prosperity will be adapted to the stage of development.

Peng Qinghua pointed out that opening up brings progress, and closure is bound to lag behind.

In recent years, the provincial party committee has conscientiously implemented the important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping to Sichuan, such as "building a three-dimensional and comprehensive open pattern" and "building an inland open economic highland", deeply implemented the strategic deployment of "four-way expansion and global opening-up", and achieved remarkable results in channel construction, platform construction, exchanges and cooperation.

Entering a new stage of development, Sichuan has better conditions for promoting open development and more opportunities. The Outline of the Planning plan for the construction of the Twin Cities Economic Circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing Region requires us to expand all-round high-level opening up, form a strategic hub for the linkage development of the "Belt and Road", the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and the new land-sea corridor in the west, build a new highland for reform and opening up, and become a model of regional cooperation and opening up. Seizing and making good use of the rare opportunity to speed up the transformation of Sichuan from an inland hinterland into an open highland is a major strategic issue that must be seriously studied and resolved.

It is necessary to make overall plans for hardware and software, comprehensively exert efforts to build major projects of "iron and public water and air", smooth the opening up channels to the outside world, promote the accelerated development of various open platforms, benchmark the frontier of opening up, optimize the business environment, and create a more open, fair and just market environment.

It is necessary to make overall plans to grasp the introduction and going out, carry out the "Year of Foreign Trade Import" action, innovate ways to run major exhibitions and investment promotion activities, gather more high-quality resources and high-end elements; actively integrate into the national "Belt and Road" construction, accelerate the cultivation of a number of local export-oriented enterprises, and steadily promote more Sichuan manufacturing, Sichuan construction, and Sichuan services to the world.

It is necessary to make overall plans for international cooperation and domestic cooperation, continue to deepen economic and trade cooperation with key countries (regions), steadily expand the scale of trade, deepen cooperation with developed regions in China, take the initiative to undertake industrial transfer, and better achieve win-win development.

It is necessary to make overall plans for economic and trade cooperation and people-to-people exchanges, play a good "tourism card", sing a good "cultural drama", and support the people-to-people connection to ensure that the opening up and development are stable and far-reaching.

Qu Mushiha, vice chairman of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, presided over the meeting, and provincial leaders Yu Lijun, Li Yunze, Wang Yihong, and Lin Shucheng attended the meeting.

(Source: Chuanguan News)


【Attention】 Peng Qinghua pointed out at the joint group meeting of the Fifth Session of the Twelfth CPPCC Provincial Committee: Closely follow the overall situation of the central government to build up rumors, offer good policies, and make practical moves, and extensively gather the wisdom and strength to forge ahead on a new journey and build a new era of meritorious service

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