
Xiang Shouqing went to China and other places to supervise the rectification of the feedback problems of the "one law and one regulation" of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Municipal People's Congress on production safety and the "one law and one method" of fire protection

author:Huaihua Municipal People's Congress
Xiang Shouqing went to China and other places to supervise the rectification of the feedback problems of the "one law and one regulation" of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Municipal People's Congress on production safety and the "one law and one method" of fire protection

Xiang Shouqing went to Zhongfang County and other places to supervise the rectification of the feedback problems of the "one law and one regulation" of the standing committee of the provincial and municipal people's congress standing committee for safe production and the "one law and one method" law enforcement inspection and feedback of fire protection

From January 14 to 17, Xiang Shouqing, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, led a supervision team to go deep into the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Chinese county to supervise the implementation of the "one law and one regulation" for safe production and the "one law and one method" for fire protection and the "one law and one method" law enforcement inspection and feedback of the Provincial Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee.

Xiang Shouqing went to China and other places to supervise the rectification of the feedback problems of the "one law and one regulation" of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Municipal People's Congress on production safety and the "one law and one method" of fire protection
Xiang Shouqing went to China and other places to supervise the rectification of the feedback problems of the "one law and one regulation" of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Municipal People's Congress on production safety and the "one law and one method" of fire protection

Xiang Shouqing stressed that it is necessary to pay close attention to pressure transmission. Safe production has a bearing on the overall situation of social stability, and we must raise our political standing, firmly shoulder our political responsibilities, and tighten the string of safe production at all times; we must keep a close eye on our shoulders. Clarify responsibilities, refine responsibilities, consolidate the main responsibilities of all units and departments, earnestly put the responsibility for safe production in the mind, and shoulder the responsibility on the shoulders; we must pay close attention to propaganda and education. Innovate the methods and methods of propaganda and education, carry out targeted and realistic publicity and education and training, and at the same time strengthen emergency drills in various industries and fields, and earnestly enhance the awareness and ability of self-protection in safe production; we must pay close attention to investigation and rectification. While further strengthening investigation and strict rectification and reform in place, we should conscientiously carry out the inspection and supervision of hidden dangers in a long-term manner by combining open investigation and secret visits, never let go of problems found, and eliminate hidden dangers of accidents to the greatest extent; we must pay close attention to capacity building. Improve the working mechanism, improve the emergency plan, strengthen the emergency material reserve and emergency duty, and comprehensively improve the ability to prevent and deal with production safety accidents; we must pay close attention to the pursuit of responsibility and accountability. While strengthening accountability and improving the deterrent effect, we should pay more attention to prior accountability, prevent the occurrence of dereliction of responsibility in advance, solve problems from the source, and minimize the occurrence of safety production accidents. (Zheng Ping)

Xiang Shouqing went to China and other places to supervise the rectification of the feedback problems of the "one law and one regulation" of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Municipal People's Congress on production safety and the "one law and one method" of fire protection
Xiang Shouqing went to China and other places to supervise the rectification of the feedback problems of the "one law and one regulation" of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Municipal People's Congress on production safety and the "one law and one method" of fire protection

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