
In Ningbo, Chinese and foreign youth "Welcoming the Winter Olympics together and moving toward the future" and "Approaching International Students and Promoting New Nanjing" series of activities were praised

author:Dragon tiger people's livelihood

Dragon Tiger Network News (reporter Xu Wangqiang correspondent Lv Quanfu) on February 4, 2022, the 24th Winter Olympic Games will be officially opened in Beijing. From the 2008 Summer Olympics to the 2022 Winter Olympics, from the heat to the ice and snow, after 14 years, Beijing has once again become the Olympic venue of the world's attention. On the afternoon of January 17th, Nanjing Municipal Office for the Promotion of Urban Internationalization, together with the Foreign Affairs Office of Nanjing Municipal People's Government, Nanjing Municipal Sports Bureau, Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce and some universities in Nanjing, jointly held the "Welcoming the Winter Olympics and Moving Toward the Future" Experience Activity for Chinese and Foreign Youth Nanjing Dry Snow Pavilion, which was attended by nearly 50 Chinese and foreign young students from Southeast University, Nanjing Xiaozhuang College and other universities in Nanjing.

In Ningbo, Chinese and foreign youth "Welcoming the Winter Olympics together and moving toward the future" and "Approaching International Students and Promoting New Nanjing" series of activities were praised

It is reported that the Nanjing Dry Snow Museum is located in the Nanjing Sports Training Center and is a training camp for the snowboarding national training team. The museum has perfect facilities, including 3 snowboard big jumping tracks and 1 slope obstacle course, which can meet the all-weather all-season ski training, and has successively guaranteed the training tasks of the snowboard big jump national training team, the freestyle ski big jump national training team, the cross-border cross-sports snowboard and the freestyle ski big jump national team training task. During the experience activities of the dry snow hall, the museum arranged on-site explanations, video playback, athlete display, scientific and technological equipment experience and other links, which can provide a full range of dry snow experience.

In Ningbo, Chinese and foreign youth "Welcoming the Winter Olympics together and moving toward the future" and "Approaching International Students and Promoting New Nanjing" series of activities were praised
In Ningbo, Chinese and foreign youth "Welcoming the Winter Olympics together and moving toward the future" and "Approaching International Students and Promoting New Nanjing" series of activities were praised

At the event site, Chinese and foreign youth played ice and snow sports through "black technology" such as ski simulators, 3D dynamic balance platforms, and 4D core torso instruments, personally experienced the new scenes of science and technology to help the Winter Olympics, and felt the charm brought by ice and snow sports in an all-round way. "I've been studying in Nanjing for eight years, and I love Nanjing roast duck, and I love Nanjing." Shi Wajia, an international student from Namibia, happily shared with reporters, "Nanjing is an open and inclusive city, and international students can participate in many colorful activities. I heard that there were many ice and snow projects at this event, I was very much looking forward to and excited, and under the protection of the on-site safety officers, I experienced a lot of interesting ice and snow projects, which was a very meaningful experience. ”

In Ningbo, Chinese and foreign youth "Welcoming the Winter Olympics together and moving toward the future" and "Approaching International Students and Promoting New Nanjing" series of activities were praised
In Ningbo, Chinese and foreign youth "Welcoming the Winter Olympics together and moving toward the future" and "Approaching International Students and Promoting New Nanjing" series of activities were praised

Wang Lu, a sophomore from Nanjing Xiaozhuang College, said in an interview: "I have been seeing such wonderful ice and snow projects on TV before, and today is the first time to participate in ice and snow sports. After personally experiencing ice and snow sports, I realized the hard work of athletes training day after day, and I hope that Chinese athletes can maintain a good attitude and compete at a high level in this competition. ”

In Ningbo, Chinese and foreign youth "Welcoming the Winter Olympics together and moving toward the future" and "Approaching International Students and Promoting New Nanjing" series of activities were praised

"I wish the Winter Olympics a successful event, and I wish Chinese athletes good results!" The participants in the activities cheered for the Olympic athletes and offered good wishes, saying that this winter is destined to be "hot"!

The "footsteps" of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics are getting closer and closer, and this event has issued an invitation to Chinese and foreign youth in Ningbo to jointly feel the charm of ice and snow and the passion of the Olympic Games, aiming to build a communication platform for Chinese and foreign young people in Ningbo universities, promote Nanjing culture, promote the deep integration of Winter Olympic elements and Nanjing characteristic culture, and create a good atmosphere for the successful holding of the Beijing Winter Olympics. In the future, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Nanjing Municipal People's Government will continue to expand the dissemination of the city's image, highlight the youthful brilliance and open and innovative international style of Nanjing, a famous historical and cultural city, actively spread Nanjing's good voice to the world, and contribute to cultivating and building a central city for international exchanges and building a model city of socialist modernization that the people are satisfied with.

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