
Yu Yayu: With a bright heart, he is an expert in judicial practice in Beijing courts

author:Beijing-France Internet Affairs

Eyes soaked in the light of the heart

Words flow deep insights

There is power in the process of philosophical thinking

Forge ahead and give people sparks

Yu Yayu: With a bright heart, he is an expert in judicial practice in Beijing courts

Yu Yayu, deputy director of the Trial Management Office (Research Office) of the People's Court of Dongcheng District, Beijing and an expert in the judicial practice of the second Beijing court, has always adhered to the practical research as the driving force, made suggestions for the judicial cause, and helped the growth of talents.

But the way forward is no question

20 years of party experience, 1 year of volunteer teaching in remote mountainous areas, 12 years of judicial research in the court... Yu Yayu always adheres to the original intention, firmly chooses, acts in thought, moves forward, and stores strength in perseverance and blooms in storage.

Yu Yayu, who has just joined the company, started from writing a thousand-word small message, starting from a small question that was puzzled, and learning from an award-winning paper of the court's predecessors. She often said, "There is no road in life, everyone likes to be faster than anyone, let me compare with everyone slower." Hidden in the words of self-consolation is a stubbornness and a persistence in self-selection.

After 12 years of perseverance and tempering, Yu Yayu has gradually grown into a leader in practical research with great thinking and action power in the Dongcheng Court. Due to his outstanding work performance, Yu Yayu was selected into the "100 Legal Talents" training program of the Beijing Law Society, was selected as the joint tutor of the Master of Laws of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, and was rated as an advanced individual in the organization of academic papers and information work in Beijing courts 6 times. During her academic research work, the Dongcheng Court has won more than 50 papers and more than 70 national and Beijing awards in the past three years, won the "Advanced Award for Organizational Work" of the National Court Academic Symposium for three consecutive years, and also won many collective honors in research categories such as the National Court Excellent Case Analysis Advanced Organization Unit Award, the Beijing Court Information Work Advanced Unit Award, etc.

Yu Yayu: With a bright heart, he is an expert in judicial practice in Beijing courts

Behind the growth and honors, there are endless diligent research and countless night battles. After more than ten years of work, Yu Yayu is still the same as before, never slackened, with full enthusiasm for the judicial cause, diligently pursuing and determined to move forward.

There are hills in the chest and a fine sniff of roses

He has authored 1 monograph, co-authored 1 monograph, co-authored 13 award-winning papers, published 23 articles, and guided and written research information that was adopted by superiors... Yu Yayu gathers the wisdom of the grassroots, takes the service of trial and promotion of work as the driving force, and serves the leadership decision-making and judicial practice in deep thinking and deep cultivation.

Yu Yayu: With a bright heart, he is an expert in judicial practice in Beijing courts

Yu Yayu is in a comprehensive research position, with a broad research vision and a solid academic background, according to the needs of the work, the research content covers judicial reform, civil and commercial affairs, administration and other fields, the transformation of achievements is fruitful.

In the face of judicial reform, Yu Yayu used what he thought and thought, with the help of multidisciplinary perspectives, to write a personal monograph on court management, accumulating nearly 300,000 words, "Good Governance like Water: Court Organization Governance and Judge Team Management". In view of the crux of the problem of "collegial panels without discussion", innovative solutions to organizational behavior and group decision-making psychology are proposed. In view of the signs of illegal lending by insurance companies, the guidance team was guided to warn of regulatory risks in a timely manner. In view of the repeated violations of minors in the training places found in the case, the focus was on protective measures, and the relevant information was rated as the Annual Excellent Information of the Supreme Court. Organize the backbone of the hospital to conduct in-depth research on the chaos of homestay operation in the core area of the capital, and make suggestions for the protection of intellectual property of Universal Studios Beijing, so as to help the social governance in the core area of the capital be more perfect. A number of research articles written by Xinhua News Agency and Beijing court decision-making references have helped form a white paper on the "Annual Report on judicial trial of administrative cases in Dongcheng Courts", which has been transformed into a number of specific system norms, providing theoretical support for the key highlights of the Dongcheng Court's work such as "Hefang", "Fast-standing and Fast-trial Execution", "Three Optimizations and One Linkage"...

Yu Yayu: With a bright heart, he is an expert in judicial practice in Beijing courts

Yu Yayu often laughs at herself as a "miscellaneous family", and behind every seemingly complicated research work, there is a consistent undercurrent, and the hills in her chest are her love for the judicial cause and her sincere original intention for the party and the people.

Light in the heart gives people sparks

Every year, he presided over more than ten exchange seminars and guided nearly 100 cases of papers; with the support and help of leaders, organized and carried out colorful youth academic activities such as "breakfast party" and "afternoon tea", case study "cloud guide" and "cloud radio"... Yu Yayu is keen on innovation, actively sets an example, carefully taps the potential of academic research of cadres and policemen, fully stimulates the enthusiasm of cadres and policemen for practical research, and leads the Dongcheng court to surge and emerge.

Yu Yayu: With a bright heart, he is an expert in judicial practice in Beijing courts

In order to organize the academic paper work, Yu Yayu is attentive and more affectionate. She started from one phone call after another, initiated from text message after text message, just to tell the young cadres and policemen the importance of finding problems, forging the importance of thinking and method paths, and to help the young cadres and policemen dig deep and continuously improve. Every year from the beginning of winter to the end of mid-summer, in the process of organizing the academic seminar, Yu Yayu led the young cadres and policemen to carefully consider words, think deeply, and forge ahead, and wrote a splendid article, bursting out one shining wisdom after another, presenting them as a judicial bag. "Without director Yayu's guidance and encouragement again and again, I am afraid that it would be difficult for me to write a complete paper", the authors sincerely thank her for her patience and intentions.

In order to better mobilize academic enthusiasm, under the guidance and support of the leadership, Yu Yayu relied on the characteristic branch activities and took "reading to light up wisdom" as the vision, leading the team to create a series of online and offline synchronous and unique book clubs and book club activities in 2020, further creating a strong book atmosphere of "everyone reading, everyone reading". "Dongfa Wisdom Reading" has become a platform for young talents in Dongcheng courts to absorb the power of knowledge, a ladder for cadres and police to gather momentum for development, and a "book and far away" that can nourish people's hearts and integrate into the background of life. In 2021, when the book club gave more than 40 cadres and policemen the book "Wangu River", Yu Yayu wrote an open letter: "The ancient rivers belong to you, belong to us, and even more belong to the Eastern French readers who are coming." ”

Yu Yayu: With a bright heart, he is an expert in judicial practice in Beijing courts

Only when there is light in the heart can we maintain hope

Only by acting diligently can we act steadily and far

Think well and do good deeds. Yu Yayu is poised to act in intensive thinking, contributes wisdom in exploration and research, gathers strength in leading by example, and will continue to be full of love and persistence, and continue to forge ahead with determination and breaking the waves!

Contributed/Dongcheng Court

Editor/Yang Chenhui Yao Rihui

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