
Meituan Takeaway and trade unions in many places jointly carried out Spring Festival condolence activities During the Spring Festival, 550 million yuan of subsidies were issued to riders in seven days of the Spring Festival

author:Booming news

This year's Spring Festival is the third Spring Festival affected by the new crown epidemic, and recently many places across the country have issued initiatives: reduce the flow of people, and do not leave the province (city) unnecessarily. Meituan Takeaway recently announced that it will actively respond to the government's call to issue 550 million yuan subsidies to riders who still stick to their jobs during the seven-day Spring Festival holiday, and jointly organize free Chinese New Year's Eve meals, distribute New Year gift boxes, site condolences and other activities nationwide with trade unions at all levels, so that the majority of riders can live a good year in peace of mind.

550 million yuan subsidies allow riders to live a good year with peace of mind, more than 60% of riders take the initiative to stay and get more income

In order to respond to the call of local governments to reduce the flow of people during the Spring Festival and not to leave the province (city) unnecessarily, and to ensure the convenience of citizens' lives during the Spring Festival, Meituan Takeaway announced that it will provide 550 million yuan in subsidies for riders who stay on duty during the Spring Festival. In the case of a rider in Beijing, it is expected that the average income of the seven days of the Spring Festival will increase by 1,000-2,000 yuan. During the rework period after the Spring Festival, riders from more than 100 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Xi'an will also receive red envelopes of varying amounts. Through tangible incentives, let the riders who still stick to their posts on holidays and ensure the operation of the city have a more sense of gain in the New Year.

In addition to subsidies and red envelopes, Meituan Takeaway will also provide more than 2,400 free Chinese New Year's Eve meals on the eve of the Spring Festival, in cities with epidemic prevention and control requirements, Chinese New Year's Eve meals will be delivered to riders in the form of takeaway to the site and New Year goods; nearly 50,000 New Year gift packs and gift boxes will be distributed to excellent riders and riders' families; Meituan Takeaway, Beauty and other businesses will jointly provide riders with exclusive life service coupons such as catering and haircuts. Let the rider have a Warm And Happy Chinese New Year.

According to the platform sample survey data, more than 60% of the riders who are in situ for the New Year are actively choosing to stay because they will get more income during the Spring Festival. Deng Yuecheng, a Harbin rider who lives in Daqing, said: "This year's epidemic is also unstable, we still stay for the New Year, take advantage of the high subsidies during the Spring Festival, make more money, and then go home to see when it is warm." Rest assured, too! The station is also very lively! ”

Actively respond to the call of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, link up trade union organizations at all levels, and earnestly do a good job in caring for and guaranteeing riders

In November 2021, after the All-China Federation of Trade Unions issued the service month notice of "Trade Union Into Ten Thousand Homes • New Employment Form Workers Warm Action", Meituan Takeaway responded quickly and actively cooperated with a series of caring for riders, cooperated with the Federation of Trade Unions at all levels to carry out nearly 40 activities, built more than 2,800 rider stations, organized riders to participate in free physical examinations, donated Bluetooth headsets, cold-proof materials and other practical items, and helped solve the practical problems of the rider group through various ways. Send the warmth and care of the government to the rider's heart, and continuously enhance the rider's sense of gain, happiness and security.

On the eve of the Spring Festival this year, Meituan worked with trade unions in many places to effectively do a good job in the care and protection of takeaway delivery workers. Trade unions in Shanghai, Guangdong and other places will cooperate with Meituan takeaway to organize condolence activities to riders who stick to their jobs during the Spring Festival and riders who have children with serious diseases at home, and send condolences and New Year gifts, so that they can also spend a warm New Year in a foreign land.

In July 2021, the relevant state departments successively issued the "Guiding Opinions on Safeguarding the Labor Security Rights and Interests of Workers in New Employment Forms" and "Guiding Opinions on Implementing the Responsibilities of Online Catering Platforms and Effectively Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Takeaway Delivery Workers", among which "scientifically set remuneration rules to ensure reasonable labor income", "strengthen organizational construction, improve the support and security system" and other contents put forward specific requirements for the income, subsidies, care activities and organizational guarantees that the platform should provide for riders working on holidays. Meituan Takeaway has responded positively and continued to launch a series of measures to continuously improve the protection level of the legitimate rights and interests of the rider group.

Wei Wei, vice president of Meituan and general manager of Meituan Distribution, said: "The upcoming Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger is the third Spring Festival under the influence of the epidemic, we are experiencing changes in lifestyle together, there are still many people who cannot be reunited with their families this year, in this special case, Meituan takeaway and Meituan delivery will still provide reliable accompaniment and service to everyone." We will use a variety of ways to let riders have more comprehensive protection, more abundant income, and a warmer atmosphere during the Spring Festival, improve the work experience of riders who stay on duty, and let riders work comfortably and warm the New Year. ”

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