
The National Public Security Contingent Education and Rectification Summary Meeting Was Held to Consolidate and Deepen the Achievements of the Education and Rectification of the Public Security Contingent and Forge the "Four Iron General" Excellent Public Security Iron Army

author:Ping An Beijing
The National Public Security Contingent Education and Rectification Summary Meeting Was Held to Consolidate and Deepen the Achievements of the Education and Rectification of the Public Security Contingent and Forge the "Four Iron General" Excellent Public Security Iron Army

On January 18, the summary meeting on the education and rectification of the national public security contingent was held, and Zhao Kezhi, state councilor, minister of public security, and head of the national leading group for the education and rectification of the public security contingent, attended and spoke.

The national public security contingent education and rectification summary meeting was held on the 18th, and Zhao Kezhi, state councilor, minister of public security, and head of the national leading group for education and rectification of the public security contingent, attended and spoke. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve "two safeguards", in accordance with the requirements of the national political and legal contingent education and rectification summary meeting, promote self-revolution with a high degree of political consciousness that is always on the road, consolidate and deepen the results of the education and rectification of the public security contingent, promote the normalization and institutionalization of the comprehensive strict management of the party and the police, and strive to forge a "three absolute" and "four iron general" excellent public security iron army.

The meeting pointed out that under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, under the coordination and guidance of the National Leading Group for the Education and Rectification of the Political and Legal Contingent, and with the strong support of the organizations and leaders of party committees at all levels and the strong support of relevant departments, the public security organs throughout the country have launched an unprecedented battle to combat the police with an iron fist and rectify the work style and discipline, and through the education and rectification of the contingent, they have laid a solid foundation for political loyalty, eliminated a number of hidden political dangers, punished a number of black sheep, rectified all kinds of stubborn and chronic diseases, established a series of institutional norms, and carried forward the spirit of heroic models of public security. It has deeply planted the feeling of loving the people for the people, stimulated a strong sense of responsibility, and effectively promoted the further optimization of the political ecology, the further improvement of discipline and work style, the further enhancement of quality and ability, and the further improvement of the credibility of law enforcement and justice, and more than 2 million public security police have received an all-round ideological tempering, political experience and practical training in this revolutionary forging. The broad masses of people's police have been unforgettable and widely praised by all sectors of society, believing that this is another moral and administrative project carried out by our party leaders after the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces, and is a vivid practice of the party's self-revolution on the political, legal, and public security fronts in the new era. Practice has fully proved that this major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is very wise and completely correct.

The meeting pointed out that in the practice of carrying out education and rectification of the public security contingent, public security organs at all levels have explored many useful practices, accumulated a lot of valuable experience, and further deepened their understanding of the regularity of strengthening the building of the public security contingent and promoting the comprehensive and strict management of the party and the police under the new situation: First, adhere to the party's leadership and consolidate political responsibility; second, persist in systematic planning and pay attention to overall planning; third, adhere to the orientation of problems and highlight the key points of work; fourth, persist in combining leniency with severity and grasp policies and tactics; fifth, persist in strict supervision and practical guidance, and ensure that there is no formality. At the same time, we must also realize that it is impossible to carry out education and rectification and solve prominent problems overnight, and it is impossible to purify the public security contingent and forge a public security iron army once and for all. Public security organs at all levels must profoundly understand the seriousness, complexity, long-term nature, and arduousness of the situation in the building of a sound party style and a clean administration and the anti-corruption struggle, persistently grasp the present and manage the long term, maintain a strict main tone unchanged, resolutely fight a protracted battle to administer the police with an iron fist, straighten out the work style and discipline, and normalize and promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party and the police.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to further improve the political position and do a good job in study and education on a regular basis. It is necessary to strengthen loyalty education, firmly grasp the fundamental requirements of political construction and mastery of public security organs, focus on achieving "two safeguards", educate the whole police to be more firm and consciously loyal to the core, support the core, follow the core, and defend the core, and ensure that at any time and under any circumstances, they will resolutely obey the orders of General Secretary Xi Jinping and obey the command of the Party Central Committee. It is necessary to strengthen theoretical armament, deeply study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of party history study and education, unremittingly arm the mind with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, educate the whole police to increase historical self-confidence, strengthen ideals and beliefs, consciously practice General Secretary Xi Jinping's important precepts and the people's police oath, and always maintain the political nature of loyalty to the party. It is necessary to strengthen political training, intensify cadre exchanges and the training of young cadres, select the best and strongest leading bodies at all levels, and ensure that they are politically reliable and trustworthy to the party and the people.

The meeting demanded that we should further deepen the elimination of the influence of the poison and resolutely eliminate hidden political dangers. It is necessary to fully understand the serious harmfulness of the problem of Sun Lijun's political gangs, grasp the eradication of the poisonous influence of Sun Lijun's political gangs as a serious and urgent political task, strengthen organizational leadership, persist in linking up from top to bottom, dare to take action to confront tough problems, dig deep and thoroughly investigate relevant people, events, and cases, uphold principles, dare to struggle, and absolutely not let people with problems pass the test in confusion. It is necessary to profoundly draw lessons, educate and guide the whole police to conduct in-depth comparative inspections and analysis, strictly abide by political discipline and political rules, always adhere to the "five musts," resolutely prevent the "seven haves," and earnestly ensure that they know and respect each other, guard against fear, and abide by the bottom line. It is necessary to solemnize the political life within the party, strengthen political supervision within the party, standardize and purify the exchanges between comrades within the party, resolutely resist unhealthy trends such as engaging in political attachment, personal attachment, gangs, gangs, and flattery, and strive to create a clean and healthy political ecology.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to further strengthen the rectification of the work style, discipline, and anti-corruption, and continue to rectify stubborn and chronic diseases. It is necessary to always maintain a high-pressure anti-corruption posture, adhere to no forbidden areas, full coverage, and zero tolerance, persist in heavy containment, strong high pressure, and long deterrence, make full use of the "four forms" of supervision and discipline enforcement, and promote as a whole that we do not dare to be corrupt, cannot be corrupt, and do not want to be corrupt. It is necessary to pay close attention to the "key minority" and key areas and key posts, increase the intensity of verification of clues and supervision and discipline enforcement, persist in investigating all cases and punishing corruption, and resolutely eliminate all viruses that erode the physical health of the public security contingent. It is necessary to persistently promote the rectification of work style and discipline, persistently start with leading cadres taking the lead, start with small things and small sections, earnestly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations in detail, and promote a major change in discipline and work style with "small incisions." It is necessary to continue to deepen the rectification of stubborn and chronic diseases, intensify the rectification of prominent problems in law enforcement, resolutely rectify acts that harm the interests of the masses, such as not filing cases, not investigating cases, interfering in economic disputes in violation of regulations, and pursuing profits in law enforcement, and strive to win the trust of the people with practical actions. It is necessary to conscientiously sum up the experience and practices of carrying out the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses" and the activities of "I solve difficult problems for the grass-roots units", and promote the formation of a good working mechanism for serving the masses and the grass-roots units.

The meeting demanded that we should further improve the system and norms and promote the realization of the long-term effectiveness of permanent governance. It is necessary to improve the long-term mechanism for rectifying the work style and suppressing discipline and fighting corruption, profoundly analyze the typical cases investigated and handled in the course of education and rectification and the common and deep-seated problems exposed, improve and perfect more stringent systems, mechanisms, and work norms, formulate and revise more comprehensive discipline supervision and regulations on the management of contingents, and promote the formation of a system of rules and regulations covering all fields of public security work, all links in the operation of power, and all aspects of contingent management. It is necessary to improve the long-term mechanism for law enforcement restraint and supervision, firmly grasp the key links in the operation of power, further improve and improve the law enforcement system and norms, and accelerate the construction of a law enforcement power operation mechanism with clear responsibilities, strong supervision, mutual restraint, and high coordination and efficiency. It is necessary to improve the supervision and inspection mechanism for the implementation of the system, strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of rules and regulations, strengthen the implementation of the system, maintain the vitality of the system, and absolutely not let the system become a "tiger" that has lost its teeth and a "scarecrow" that acts as a decoration.

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to further increase the positive incentive and strive to stimulate the motivation to forge ahead. It is necessary to adhere to the guidance of party building, strengthen ideological mobilization, give full play to the political functions of party organizations at all levels, the role of grass-roots party branches as fighting bastions, and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, so that the party flag can fly high in the front line of security and stability maintenance. It is necessary to closely focus on greeting, publicizing, and implementing the Twentieth National Congress of the Party, thoroughly organize and carry out propaganda activities on themes such as "public security hearts to the party and escorting a new journey," and earnestly make a good public security voice and tell the story of the police. It is necessary to carry forward the spirit of heroic models, vigorously select and commend the advanced models that have emerged in the public security contingent, encourage the whole police to continuously strengthen ideological tempering, political experience, practical training, and actual combat training in the practice of struggle, and fully display the good image of the people's police in socialist countries under the leadership of the party of self-denial and selfless dedication. Public security leading cadres at all levels, especially the principal responsible comrades, must earnestly undertake the major political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly managing the party and the police, persist in combining strict management with loving care, attach equal importance to encouragement and restraint, do a thorough and practical job of loving the police and warming the police, truly make "finding organizations with difficulties" the first choice of the people's police, continuously enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the contingent, and strive to show new responsibilities and new deeds in the party's twenty major security and stability maintenance examinations.

Wang Xiaohong, secretary of the party committee of the Ministry of Public Security, vice minister in charge of daily work, and first deputy head of the national leading group for education and rectification of the public security contingent, presided over the meeting. Members of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Beijing attended the meeting. Principal responsible comrades of all bureau-level units of the Ministry of Public Security and units directly under Beijing, discipline inspection and supervision groups stationed in the ministry and responsible comrades of the State Immigration Administration attended the meeting at the main venue. The principal responsible comrades and members of the leading bodies of provincial-level public security organs, and the principal responsible comrades of various departments and police departments attended the meeting at various sub-venues. The subordinate units under the ministry set up sub-venues, and other party members and cadres of the ministry organs listened to and watched through the organ network television system.

Source: Ministry of Public Security

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