
Li Keqiang presided over the executive meeting of the State Council


Beijing, January 20 (CNBC) -- According to the Voice of China News and Newspaper Summary of the Central Radio and Television Corporation, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council presided over an executive meeting of the State Council on January 19 to deploy and further strengthen the guarantee of coal, electricity, oil, and gas transportation and market supply in the next stage, especially during the Spring Festival; it was decided to continue to implement the partially expired tax and fee reduction policy to support enterprise bailout and development.

The meeting pointed out that in accordance with the arrangements of the PARTY Central Committee and the State Council, all localities and relevant departments have strengthened the work of ensuring the supply and price stability of energy and important people's livelihood commodities. In the next step, it is necessary to consolidate the territorial responsibilities of local governments and enterprises to ensure energy supply, maintain normal coal production, support coal power enterprises to exhaust their development, and ensure oil and gas supply。 Second, we must strictly implement the "vegetable basket" mayor responsibility system and do a good job in the production of vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, and aquatic products. Enrich market supply and promote the expansion of consumption. Increase assistance and assistance to the disaster-stricken people and the groups in need. Third, we must do a good job in responding to uncertain factors such as bad weather and sudden epidemics, and guide local governments to ensure the smooth flow of backbone transportation networks while doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, give play to social forces and community roles, and do a good job in the distribution of daily necessities. Fourth, we must strengthen quality and safety supervision, and investigate and deal with illegal acts such as price gouging according to law.

The meeting pointed out that tax reduction and fee reduction are direct, effective and fair policies to benefit enterprises and the people. The meeting decided that on the basis of the extension of some of the mature tax preferential policies in the previous period, 11 preferential tax policies involving science and technology, employment and entrepreneurship, medical care, education, etc. will be extended until the end of 2023. The first is to exempt eligible science and technology enterprise incubators, university science and technology parks and co-working space incubation services from vat, and exempt real estate tax and urban land use tax on real estate and land provided to incubated objects for their own use and for use. Continue to relax the criteria for the identification of start-up technology enterprises, and all eligible venture capital enterprises and angel investment individuals who invest in them will be deducted from the taxable income according to a certain proportion of the investment amount. Where enterprises recruit self-employed retired soldiers and retired soldiers to engage in self-employment, taxes and related surcharges will continue to be deducted sequentially according to a certain limit. The second is to exempt agricultural products wholesale markets, farmers' market real estate tax and urban land use tax. Exempt from urban land use tax for operating land such as urban bus stations. The third is to continue to authorize provincial governments to decide on their own to exempt, suspend or reduce the local reservoir migration support fund. The fourth is to exempt medical personnel and epidemic prevention workers from personal income tax in kind such as temporary subsidies, bonuses, and preventive drugs issued by units to individuals. Exemption from registration fees for drugs and medical devices related to epidemic prevention products. Fifth, it is exempt from the real estate tax of college student apartments and the stamp duty of related lease contracts. Enterprises undertaking commodity reserve policy business are exempt from real estate tax and urban land use tax for their own use of real estate and land. Tax on pollution prevention and control third-party enterprises will be levied at a reduced rate of 15%.

The meeting also considered other matters.

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