
China released 丨The Central Office for Governing the Country according to Law launched the 2021 rule of law government construction field supervision feedback rectification work

author:China release, January 20, 2019 Recently, according to the work arrangements of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Ruling the Country in Accordance with the Law, the Central Office for Governing the Country in Accordance with the Law launched the 2021 rule of law government construction field supervision feedback rectification work. Each inspection team will give feedback to the eight provinces of Beijing, Tianjin, Jilin, Anhui, Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing and Ningxia, supervise and urge the inspected provinces to pay close attention to the rectification and implementation of the problems found by the inspectors, and promote the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee to achieve results without compromise.

The Central Office for Governing the Country according to Law requires that the provinces under supervision should conscientiously formulate rectification and reform plans, make overall plans for rectification and reform, and conduct rectification and reform pressure at all levels, and effectively highlight the rectification and reform effects. In rectification and reform work, it is necessary to pay close attention to key departments, establish and improve long-term mechanisms for performing duties according to law, and earnestly promote the strict standardization of fair and civilized law enforcement; it is necessary to consolidate the foundation of the grass-roots level, make the grass-roots level more fundamental from the institutional mechanism, make the grass-roots level more powerful in terms of service guarantees, and promote the downward shift of the center of gravity, the sinking of strength, and the downward tilt of guarantees for the construction of the rule of law.

It is necessary to persist in taking the people as the center, keeping a close eye on the people's urgent difficulties and anxieties in the field of rule of law, keeping a close eye on small things, difficult things, and things around them that are closely related to the interests of the masses, so that the masses can get benefits in the rectification of supervision problems, and enhance the sense of gain and satisfaction of the rule of law; we must effectively serve economic and social development, take the opportunity to solve prominent problems in the field of rule of law, use the rule of law thinking and rule of law methods to deepen reform, promote development, resolve contradictions, maintain stability, and deal with risks, and make overall plans to promote epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. Give full play to the role of the rule of law as a guarantee for the fundamentals, stabilizing expectations, and benefiting the long term; it is necessary to earnestly strengthen organizational leadership, and all localities and departments should further consolidate the responsibility for rectification and reform, thoroughly analyze the problem of the rule of law, improve the work style, do practical work, focus on the key points, grasp the key points, vigorously guard against formalism and bureaucracy, and not add unnecessary burdens to the grass-roots units.

The offices of provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) governing the country according to law should play a leading role in grasping the general situation and supervising implementation, strengthen the request for instructions and reports, coordinate and communicate, timely report rectification and reform plans, and carry out centralized rectification and reform for a period of 3 months. The Central Office for Governing the Country in Accordance with the Law has strengthened follow-up guidance, promoting the rectification and reform work to go deep and solid, and achieve practical results.

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