
Tiger Tigers greeted the Winter Olympics, spent a healthy and happy winter vacation, and my granddaughter's primary school held a graduation ceremony online

author:Zhang Zhongrong himself

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Pearl Primary School, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 2022-01-19 08:00

Tiger Tigers greeted the Winter Olympics, spent a healthy and happy winter vacation, and my granddaughter's primary school held a graduation ceremony online

Tiger tigers and tigers will welcome the Winter Olympics Healthy and happy winter vacation

Pearl Elementary School Area A

Closing ceremony for the first semester of the 2021 academic year

Time passes, the years change. In the blink of an eye, the tense semester is about to quietly leave, and the fruitful learning journey will come to a perfect end.

On January 19, 2022, the students of Pearl Elementary School Area A ushered in the graduation ceremony of the first semester of the 2021 academic year with the theme of "Tigers and Tigers Welcome the Winter Olympics, Healthy and Happy Winter Vacation".

Year-end awards:

Tiger Tigers greeted the Winter Olympics, spent a healthy and happy winter vacation, and my granddaughter's primary school held a graduation ceremony online
Tiger Tigers greeted the Winter Olympics, spent a healthy and happy winter vacation, and my granddaughter's primary school held a graduation ceremony online
Tiger Tigers greeted the Winter Olympics, spent a healthy and happy winter vacation, and my granddaughter's primary school held a graduation ceremony online
Tiger Tigers greeted the Winter Olympics, spent a healthy and happy winter vacation, and my granddaughter's primary school held a graduation ceremony online

The winter vacation is coming, but the epidemic prevention and control is not over. In order to ensure that everyone has a healthy holiday and a happy New Year, I would like to convey a "winter vacation health tips" sent to you by Pudong Moral Education

1. Health first to remember, strict prevention of the new crown is the headline

(1) Adhere to the "three-piece set" and "five also" of epidemic prevention, so that it is remembered in the heart and placed in action. If you have symptoms of discomfort such as fever or runny nose, you should take personal protection as soon as possible and go to a fever clinic in a medical institution for medical treatment.

(2) Good hygiene habits cannot be forgotten. Adhere to the "seven-step handwashing method", the living environment is also important, and the windows should be opened often in winter.

(3) Advocate the family meal sharing system, nutrition collocation to talk about science, diet science to understand moderation.

2. Living and eating should be regular, and sleep and exercise should be sufficient

(1) Brush your teeth in the morning and evening and cannot forget, rinse your mouth with water after meals.

(2) Life and rest should be regular, sleep sufficiently to ensure health (young children and primary school students are not less than 10 hours a day, junior high school students are not less than 9 hours a day, and high school students are not less than 8 hours a day).

(3) Three meals a day should be regular, alcohol is prohibited, and snacks and fried foods are reduced. Drink more plain water, drink less or no sugary drinks and carbonated drinks.

(4) Outdoor activities for 2 hours a day to enhance autoimmunity. Parent-child time can not be less, and the effect of exercise together is even better.

3. Combination of dynamic and static arrangement, more bathing in sunlight to prevent myopia

Continue to develop good eye habits, in the case of suitable weather conditions, primary and secondary school students 2 hours a day, kindergarten children more than 3 hours of "eye" bathing sunshine - can contact the sun, to outdoor activities.

To learn time management, primary and secondary school students use the "3010" rule (after 30 minutes of continuous use of the eyes, rest for 10 minutes); young children use the "2010" rule (after 20 minutes of continuous use of the eyes, rest for 10 minutes).

Actively improve the family eye protection environment, pay attention to adjusting the light when using the eyes, maintain the correct reading and writing posture, one foot and one punch plus one inch (the eyes are one foot away from the book, the fingers holding the pen are one inch away from the tip of the pen, and the chest is a punch away from the edge of the table).

Strictly control the use of electronic products, adjust the "love eye" timer, avoid playing mobile phones for a long time, watching TV, etc., after 20 minutes of video screen, look up at the distance of 20 feet (6 meters away) for at least 20 seconds.

Insist on doing eye exercises 2 times a day, looking into the distance, turning the eyeballs, and giving the eyes a holiday.

Change the erroneous concept of "heavy treatment and light prevention", pay attention to the signs of abnormal vision of children, promptly bring them to regular ophthalmic medical institutions for examination, and follow the doctor's instructions for scientific intervention and correction.





Tiger Tigers greeted the Winter Olympics, spent a healthy and happy winter vacation, and my granddaughter's primary school held a graduation ceremony online
Tiger Tigers greeted the Winter Olympics, spent a healthy and happy winter vacation, and my granddaughter's primary school held a graduation ceremony online


Tiger Tigers greeted the Winter Olympics, spent a healthy and happy winter vacation, and my granddaughter's primary school held a graduation ceremony online
Tiger Tigers greeted the Winter Olympics, spent a healthy and happy winter vacation, and my granddaughter's primary school held a graduation ceremony online


Deep ploughing and meticulous work will move forward, and the harvest will eventually be successful. Every seed planted by students in the process of growth will grow into a towering tree, and every drop of sweat sprinkled on the way forward will eventually merge into the vast blue waves in the sea.

The 2021 full harvest has passed, and the more brilliant 2022 is coming. Happy holiday is about to begin, may every Pearl students spend a safe, fulfilling and meaningful winter vacation, and greet the new semester with a fuller spirit! In the future, continue to work hard, create good results, and cast brilliant again!

The epidemic will eventually dissipate, the flowers will be as usual, and when the spring breeze warms up, we will meet again on campus!

Clip 丨 Yu Xinzhi Zhu Chenjie

Copywriter 丨 Zhang Shijia

Typography 丨Tang Yimin

Audit 丨 Brigade Department

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