
Video ‖ 2022 "My Dream of Publishing a Book" - Zhang Yonghong (Recommended by Young Writers Network)

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Video ‖ 2022 "My Dream of Publishing a Book" - Zhang Yonghong (Recommended by Young Writers Network)

"My Dream of Publishing a Book" NO1 Video - Zhang Yonghong

Edit the words written in front:

When YongHong sent me the video, she opened it and looked at it: Wow, really beautiful woman, long hair fluttering, elegant temperament.

Looking at it, I burst into tears...

Laughing and crying, crying and laughing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

From a young age to adulthood, how many tribulations a woman has to go through, how many times she has to go through to get back up, only to have the talent and courage to practice like this, and to speak out the pain calmly.

Before releasing the video, I asked Yong Hong, are you ready? Even I have to be prepared.

Yong Hong said: Be brave and brave, say it, you will be relieved, I made a wish, 2022, I must write my own story. Cry, and write it out.

A woman's roots have always grown under her own feet.

Hope, there is a power that is passed on.

——Wang Ru (Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Young Writers Network, Initiator of Book Publishing Training Camp, Independent Publisher)

Video ‖ 2022 "My Dream of Publishing a Book" - Zhang Yonghong (Recommended by Young Writers Network)

Who am I?

Zhang Yonghong, after 70, grew up with a lake breeze. He joined the media at the age of 18 and worked as a senior director of Hong Kong China Entertainment Satellite TV for nearly ten years, producing various TV programs such as large-scale variety shows and celebrity interviews.

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Where does it come from?

I have always felt my roots, coming from the big farm on the shore of Dongting Lake.

After living in Shenzhen for eighteen years, Teacher Wang Ru published the third batch of students in the training camp.

Why do you want to publish a book?

Life has given me suffering, but I am a little strong who can't die.

My Birth and Growth:

I was a child outside of the state family planning, and because I was "awkwardly and dangerously" implanted in my mother's body, I had to come into this world "on the doctor's advice." As a result, I have been saddled with "superfluous" grief in my life.

"Superfluous", so that I was hated and taught by my brothers and sisters since I was a child, rarely got the love of my parents, was ignored, snubbed, beaten, and bullied, it was common.

In the third grade, he was humiliated by the math teacher in public, and was tiptoeing and raising his hand to surrender to the crowd, encountering various verbal sneers... (Only because my mother opened the farm's first convenience store), and when I returned home, I was punished by my mother to kneel until dark. Later, he ran away from home many times, but he still could not change the personal fate of "not being treated fairly".

When I was twelve, my brother and sister left home to study, my parents opened a shop next to the provincial road, leaving me alone in an empty home, and was targeted by murderers... The triangular scraper hit my face and almost tied it to a rope, leaving me with a lifelong shadow. Because of fear and fear, I had no intention of studying, and eventually went to a technical school... The moment I stepped into the door of the technical school, I suddenly woke up and decided to use knowledge to change my bottom fate. Later, he was admitted to university step by step, systematically studied film and television production, and taught himself Chinese language and literature. At present, he is the planning director of a cultural tourism night tour company.

My youth years:

16 years old to read the winter and summer vacation of the technical school, I went out of the house, went to the restaurant as a waiter, at a young age, I had to learn to greet guests, stand next to the table, at any time to serve tea, pour wine, deliver dishes, answer the phone, more than twelve hours of work a day, even if the physiological period, can only be bathed with cold water, but also by the chefs collectively ridiculed chest small and not developed, by the farm classmates ridiculed is not to go out "to be a lady"..., suffer these grievances, only to rely on their own hands, work to make money, learn to type on the computer ... , and the father often said, "Be ambitious."

When he was in technical school, the boy who admired him for the first time was sentenced to seven years in prison for robbery. On the afternoon of his sentencing, his mother hanged herself and, before committing suicide, left me a letter... and she wanted me: to encourage her children not to go astray again. This also made me feel the value of my life, so I encouraged him with letters for more than three years until he was released after completing his sentence.

I would like to say that words are magical, infect others, and also redeem themselves.

Lately, I've been writing about these memories. Maybe this book is called "Jasmine Blossom" or "Dogtail Grass"! "Jasmine Blossom", the same name as Su Tong's film Adaptation of "Jasmine Blossom". "Dogtail Grass" is a weed on the shore of Dongting Lake, the grass of my hometown. I like the tenacious vitality of the dogtail grass, its ordinary and inconspicuous, and the lightness of its dancing against the wind.

What type of book to produce

A book about women growing up in suffering. The roots of women, growing under their own feet, the branches and leaves, sprouting quietly in the heart, we have always been our own tree.

What value does it bring to the reader? (What kind of book to look forward to)

We can't choose our own origin and the environment in which we grew up, but we can choose our own way of life. For example, listen to what others say, even if it's your loved ones. Because they, too, live in their own suffering, unable to extricate themselves. Bravely get out of the pain of the original family, strive to love yourself, strengthen yourself, and express yourself with the original color of life. In the face of life's suffering and injustice, stand up your chest and grow upwards. As long as we are willing to polish the broken stones in the fate of women, one day, they will be connected into sparkling pearls.

Even if I am a piece of linen, I can polish it like silk in the years.

Video ‖ 2022 "My Dream of Publishing a Book" - Zhang Yonghong (Recommended by Young Writers Network)

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