
75 percent of Manhattan's largest companies have been delayed by Aomi Kerong in asking employees to return to their offices


According to a survey of employers released tuesday by The Partnership for New York City, employers of large Manhattan companies have delayed the return of employees to the office due to the influence of Omi Kerong.

75 percent of Manhattan's largest companies have been delayed by Aomi Kerong in asking employees to return to their offices

▲ (Image from pixabay)

According to NBC, the investigation was conducted between Jan. 10 and Jan. 18. The 10th was almost the peak peak, and the number of infection cases on the 18th began to decline.

Three-quarters of employers say they have all delayed returning to the office, and less than two-thirds are confident that half of employees will be able to return to the office by the end of March.

Covid-19 has fundamentally changed the way new York City and other major cities work, forcing people to rely on remote work as never before. Many believe that remote work is less costly for employers and more convenient for employees.

The survey shows that the direct effects of Omi kerong are as follows:

34% of companies reinstated mask orders

22% of companies closed their offices to non-essential employees

10% suspended face-to-face meetings

7% suspend business travel

5% no longer allow guests into the office

According to The Partnership, slightly more than a tenth (12 percent) of the large employers surveyed require all employees to be vaccinated and receive boosters by a specified date.

Under New York City's emergency order, all private and municipal employers, regardless of size, must ensure that all employees are fully vaccinated, and that those who are not yet fully vaccinated have a scheduled date to complete their vaccinations. The order does not currently include reinforcement needles, and Mayor Eric Adams said earlier this month that he would continue to implement the order.

25 percent of companies surveyed require regular testing of employees returning to the office, and 7 percent require guests to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test, regardless of vaccination status. 6% said they only asked unvaccinated guests to provide a negative test.

Most of the largest companies surveyed have offices in Manhattan's Midtown West (37 percent), Midtown East (34 percent) or Financial District (16 percent). More than a third of respondents (36%) are in the financial sector, followed by real estate (16%), law (11%), technology (5%), consulting (5%) and media (5%). (Original title: 75% of manhattan large corporate employers have postponed returning to work because of Ami Kerong)

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