
Miso soup, natto, egg poured rice... Japanese breakfast with a large inventory

author:Hujiang Japanese

What is the Japanese breakfast menu?

Japanese breakfast recipes

Miso soup, natto, egg poured rice... Japanese breakfast with a large inventory

Rice, miso soup, grilled fish, egg dishes, pickles and soaking are standard menu items. There are also dishes that go well with grilled nori, tsukudani, simmered dishes, and rice. In addition, natto is also a staple in Japanese breakfast although it is not shown in the photograph. I don't think I eat much natto for lunch or dinner.

Rice, miso soup, grilled fish, egg dishes, pickles and blanched greens are all classic Japanese breakfasts. There is also a choice of grilled seaweed, Japanese-style tenant cooking (seafood cooking), boiled items, and rice. Natto is also a fixed dish, although it is not reflected in the photos. Natto is often used for breakfast, and it is rarely eaten for lunch and dinner.

There are various versions of egg dishes such as raw eggs, rolled eggs, fried eggs, etc. Egg rice and natto are unique to Japan! Other Japanese and Western dishes include fried eggs and wieners.

There are many ways to eat eggs, raw eggs, souped omelets, fried eggs and so on. Egg poured rice and natto are specialties unique to Japan! In addition, there are breakfasts that mix and match Western styles, such as omelette with sausages.

Miso soup, natto, egg poured rice... Japanese breakfast with a large inventory

◇Japanese breakfast is good for the body! ! ◇

◇ Japanese breakfast is good for human health!! ◇

There are many fermented foods in Japanese food that are said to be good for the body, such as miso, soy sauce, natto, pickles, bonito flakes, etc. Fermented foods are foods that have changed the function of microorganisms and enzymes on foodstuffs. By fermenting, the umami increases, and the preservation and nutritional content are also enhanced.

Miso, soy sauce, natto, pickles, dried bonito... There are many fermented foods in Japanese cuisine that are considered beneficial to the body. Fermented foods are foods that are processed by microorganisms or enzymes. Fermented foods taste better, preserve and nutrients become higher.


Miso used for miso soup etc. has the effect of suppressing the rise of blood cholesterol and prevents aging. In recent years, it has been attracting attention because it is said to have the effect of cancer prevention.

Miso, the main ingredient used in dishes such as miso soup, has the effect of inhibiting the rise of cholesterol in the blood and delaying aging. In recent years, it has attracted much attention because of its characteristics of preventing cancer.

Miso soup, natto, egg poured rice... Japanese breakfast with a large inventory

●Soy sauce●

●Soy sauce●

Soy sauce, a seasoning essential for Japanese cuisine, is said to be effective in suppressing blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Soy sauce is an indispensable seasoning in Japanese meals and has the effect of lowering blood pressure and blood sugar.



Natto, a staple of breakfast, contains pyrazine and nattokinase, improves blood circulation, and makes blood even more so that it prevents "cerebral infarction" and "myocardial infarction". It also leads to a decrease in bad cholesterol.

The must-eat natto is rich in Pyrazine (Pyrazine) and nanokinase (NK), which can promote blood circulation, reduce blood lipid concentration, and then prevent "cerebral infarction" and "myocardial infarction". It is also able to control the increase in LDL cholesterol.

Miso soup, natto, egg poured rice... Japanese breakfast with a large inventory

Even if Japanese people are not conscious, they eat a lot of fermented foods, and healthy body building has started from breakfast at the beginning of the day!

Eating more fermented foods has become a habit of Japanese people, and a healthy diet and rest starts with a one-day breakfast!

◇You can eat egg rice because it is a Japanese egg◇

◇The egg pouring rice uses sterile eggs, and can be eaten with confidence◇

It is familiar with Japanese breakfast, and it is fried rice with raw eggs and soy sauce on warm rice. In recent years, soy sauce dedicated to egg rice is also sold.

Egg poured rice is a very authentic Japanese breakfast that is served with raw eggs in hot rice and then served with soy sauce. In recent years, some merchants have also launched special soy sauce for egg poured rice.

The custom of eating raw eggs is unique to Japan, but there are also dishes using raw eggs in the world. However, the main dish of [raw eggs] is unique to Japan. It is very delicious, so I would like people from overseas to eat it, but be a little careful. Raw eggs are prone to salmonella food poisoning, so safely eaten in some areas such as Japan.

Although the habit of eating raw eggs is unique to the Japanese, raw eggs are also used in the cuisine of other countries. But "egg-poured rice" is a unique Japanese dish. Very tasty, highly recommended for foreign friends, but be sure to pay attention when eating. Raw eggs can easily cause Salmonella poisoning, and only eggs in some countries and regions such as Japan can be eaten raw.

Miso soup, natto, egg poured rice... Japanese breakfast with a large inventory

In Japan, it is assumed that eggs are eaten raw, so domestic chicken eggs are based on the "Hygiene Management Guidelines" stipulated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. In addition, the expiration date is also displayed in Japan about two weeks, but there is also a month overseas.

In Japan, the factory standard for eggs is that they can be eaten directly, so the eggs produced in Japan are processed and sterilized in strict accordance with the "Health Management Essentials" formulated by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. In addition, in Japan, the shelf life of eggs is about two weeks, but in other countries it is generally up to a month.

◇Ancient Japanese food, natto◇

◇Traditional Japanese cuisine, natto◇

Natto is a fermented food made by adding natto bacteria to boiled soybeans and fermenting them. It is characterized by its unique odor and pulling a spring-handed thread.

Natto is a fermented food made by adding natto bacteria to cooked soybeans and fermenting them. The smell is unique and accompanied by a thick filament.

Miso soup, natto, egg poured rice... Japanese breakfast with a large inventory

The oldest book in which the phrase "natto" can be confirmed is [Shinsaru Rakuki] written by Akihira Fujiwara around the middle of the 11th century. About 1,000 years ago, natto was already made and eaten in Japan. Natto is said to have many effects such as lowering cholesterol, preventing high blood pressure, improving constipation, and activating the brain.

The term "natto" is first traced back to the New Ape Music Book, which was written by Akira Fujiwara in the mid-11th century. About 1,000 years ago, the ancients began to make edible natto. Natto has multiple effects such as lowering cholesterol, preventing high blood pressure, improving constipation, and activating the brain.

Japanese breakfast is very good for your health. Let's eat rice firmly from the morning! !

The Japanese breakfast is rich in many ingredients that are good for the body. Good day to start with enjoying breakfast!!

This content is an original translation of Hujiang Japanese and is strictly prohibited from reproduction.

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