
Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

By JinJin Jin Xin Xin Xin


  • 1 yam
  • 1 carrot
  • 6 or 7 black fungus
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • Water small half bowl
  • Eggs two
  • Light soy sauce two scoops
  • Old soy sauce half a scoop
  • Oyster sauce one and a half spoonfuls
  • Balsamic vinegar three scoops
  • A little sugar

Practice steps

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

1. Foam fungus.

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

2. Yam and carrot.

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

3. Set aside yam slices.

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

4: Slice carrots and set aside.

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

5: Beat two eggs and sprinkle.

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

6: Put oil in the pan, scramble the eggs and sprinkle a little salt for later.

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

7: Cut the fungus into strips and set aside.

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

8: Mix a sauce, two spoonfuls of light soy sauce, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, three spoons of balsamic vinegar, one and a half spoons of oyster sauce, a little bit of sugar, a spoonful of starch, half a small bowl of water and evenly set aside.

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

9: Put oil in the pan and heat the oil.

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

10: Add carrots and sauté over high heat to reduce.

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

11, put into the yam slices and fry over high heat, if it is more sticky pan put a little water and fry.

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

12: Stir-fry in the fungus over medium heat.

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

13: Add eggs and stir-fry well.

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

14: Pour in the prepared sauce and stir-fry evenly over high heat.

Learn to stir-fry yam and move the restaurant flavor home

15, out of the pot ~

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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