
The wonderful life of Yang Mengheng, an armless youth in Yunnan

author:Palm Qujing
The wonderful life of Yang Mengheng, an armless youth in Yunnan

Yang Mengheng, born in 1990 in Yiliang, Kunming, Yunnan, lost both arms due to high-voltage electric shock when he was more than 6 years old. He worked as an athlete for 7 years before retiring due to injury. Subsequently, he returned to school to study hard, and was admitted to Sun Yat-sen University in 2010 with the first place in the county's liberal arts. In 2014, he obtained the qualification of Baoyan and chose to study at Yunnan University. In 2016, he went to Cambridge University to study, and after returning to China in 2018, he continued to study at Yunnan University until graduation, and is currently starting his own business.

Yang Mengheng has traveled to 150 cities in the four years of undergraduate research, made more than 300 speeches, and directly reached more than 500,000 people. In 2010, he was invited by CCTV to participate in the recording of "The First Lesson of School". In 2014, he stepped on the stage of Beijing Satellite TV's "I Am an Orator", and many celebrities praised him.

The wonderful life of Yang Mengheng, an armless youth in Yunnan
The wonderful life of Yang Mengheng, an armless youth in Yunnan

Self-study at university. Courtesy of respondents

Disappointment and hope

Once again, his hopes were disappointed, Yang Mengheng was depressed, but fortunately, accompanied by his family, he climbed out of the trough. "Since swimming doesn't work, I'll study hard." In 2007, Yang Mengheng picked up books again, starting from his first year of high school.

There are more than 800 people in the whole grade, and the goal set by his father for Yang Mengheng is: the top 200 in the first year of high school, the top 100 at the end of high school, and the top fifty in the third year of high school.

It's not easy to climb out of the trough. Yang Mengheng took the third-to-last exam in his first exam, and his English was only more than 20 points, "even 'hello' can not be written."

Yang Mengheng did not give up, found a suitable learning method for himself, coupled with the guidance of parents and teachers, the performance improved significantly. "Since life does not actively adapt to me, I learn to adapt to life." He said.

In 2010, Yang Mengheng participated in the national college entrance examination, ranking first in the liberal arts in Yiliang County, and then was admitted to Sun Yat-sen University, majoring in English translation.

During college, in the face of better classmates, Yang Mengheng did not dare to slacken off. Fate didn't joke with him this time. In his senior year, he obtained his qualification for research and applied to Peking University.

The turning point came quickly. Peking University did not admit him, and Yang Mengheng instead applied to the School of Foreign Chinese of Yunnan University.

Yang Mengheng recalled: "At that time, during the interview, the four interviewers asked very professional questions, and they did not answer well. After the interview, a person walked to the residence, and the sunset hit his face, thinking that he might not have a chance to go up to the clouds. That night, in a frustrated mood, he also asked two or three friends to drink in the bar to relieve his sorrows.

Unexpectedly, Yunda gave Yang Mengheng a chance. Two or three days later, he was notified of the interview and became a student of English Language and Literature at the School of Chinese outside the school. "Grateful to Yunda!" Yang Mengheng said.

What made Yang Mengheng grateful was not only that Yunda had admitted him. In order to facilitate life and living, before the start of the school, the school changed the high and low beds into flat beds; during which he started a business while reading, and the school did not object.

The teacher also paid close attention to Yang Mengheng. Yang Mengheng was impressed by teacher Wang Jinjun, who teaches his own functional linguistics, "Once I went to Jiangxi and delayed a few lessons of the teacher, the teacher called me and scolded me, asking me to learn the major well first, and then go out to fight before it is too late. Yang Mengheng remembered that Teacher Wang was usually kind, and that was the first time she lost her temper.

Yang Mengheng remembered that Wang Jinjun had high requirements for the students, and the students could take long or short reading notes, and Teacher Wang would comment and click one by one, and put forward specific requirements.

What makes Yang Mengheng even more grateful is that in 2016, he has always wanted to go abroad to exercise, he was admitted to the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, the teachers sent blessings, and the school quickly agreed to his suspension application. In 2018, Yang Mengheng returned to Yunnan University to study after receiving a master's degree in philosophy in education from Cambridge University, and successfully graduated in 2019.

The wonderful life of Yang Mengheng, an armless youth in Yunnan

In 2013, he gave a speech at Huajing Primary School in Guangzhou. Courtesy of respondents

Become a "little strong who can't be defeated"

Yang Mengheng hopes that his experience can help more people realize value, so after graduating from Yunnan University, he started a business for the second time and initiated the establishment of Kunming Yuanmai Education Technology Co., Ltd. to help more people realize the value of life through motivational speeches, self-management training and organizing winter and summer camps.

In the past two years, due to the epidemic, many offline activities cannot be carried out normally, and Yang Mengheng has moved his speeches and training online. On November 30 last year, he posted a scene of studying at Cambridge University to Douyin, accompanied by inspirational text that read, "I was born bare-handed and empty-handed, why should I be afraid of the pain caused by adversity", which caused netizens to watch in a short period of time, with more than 1.75 million likes.

The form of helping more people realize value doesn't stop there. In 2010, when Yang Mengheng scored high in the college entrance examination, his inspirational story spread through the media, and that year, he appeared on the stage of CCTV's "First Lesson of School" to share his experience with the audience. At the age of 24, he appeared on the stage of Beijing Satellite TV's "I Am an Orator" to tell how he kept moving forward and pursuing his dreams.

In the four years of undergraduate, in addition to ensuring that his studies did not fall behind, Yang Mengheng went to all parts of the country to give motivational speeches, which not only exercised his ability, accumulated experience, but also had additional income. Yang Mengheng has roughly counted, four years of undergraduate, he has traveled to more than 150 cities, and has given more than 300 speeches.

He also published an inspirational book called "If the Heart Is Proud of the Sun, I Fly Youth with My Soul", "Fate kisses me with pain, I still sing with my life", "Desperate circumstances will not give you despair, indifference can disappoint you"... In the book, Yang Mengheng hopes to use his proud sun to "shine on you, warm you, and achieve you."

Today, Yang Mengheng is married and has a happy family, he and his wife have been from the school uniform to the wedding dress, knowing each other and supporting each other. He also ushered in the birth of his daughter this year, and also experienced the joy and difficulty of being a parent. He himself has long been liberated from inferiority and has become a "small strong man who cannot be defeated".

His alma mater, Yunnan University, is about to be established for a hundred years, and Yang Mengheng hopes that the students will learn their majors well, exercise their bodies well, make more like-minded friends, and realize their dreams in life as soon as possible. He also wished his alma mater a happy birthday and wished the teachers all the best.

Yu Yang Mengheng himself, just after the establishment of the year, he hopes that before entering the age of confusion, he can finish his doctorate, have a clearer life plan, and hope that everything will go smoothly for his family.

The goal is planned, in the office of about 10 square meters, he opens the computer with his "hand" and hits the keyboard with "dada". On the computer desktop, a recently taken inspirational copywriter is being written.

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