
I long for the excitement and live my wonderful life


Maybe it is accustomed to seeing the glitz of life, so it pays attention to simplicity and nature, more and more people believe in plainness, and believe that plainness is a blessing.

I am an ordinary person among all sentient beings, but I always want to do something, and I can't waste this life.

So I long for the wonderful, live my own wonderful life, I am destined to have a moving heart, there is a dare to drift nature, so, how can I be content with the plain?

Therefore, I yearn for that dynamic life, not that with it, I will definitely be able to achieve my booking goals, life, his own vivid jumping feeling is enough to fascinate me.

Maybe no matter how brilliant and brilliant things are, they will eventually return to plainness, but even if I have been brilliant once, I have no regrets in this life.

I long for the wonderful, eager to live my wonderful life, even if it is like a shooting star, streaking in the night sky, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye. Even if it is like that short-lived flower, which can only bloom once in the night that no one appreciates, I feel that as long as there is that wonderful moment, my life will not be lonely, and my life can be regarded as having a rich connotation.

Maybe the road ahead is full of mud and swamps, maybe my heart will become tired, but the pace I pursue will not hesitate, driving the blandness and boredom away from my life, 2022, let my life paint a heavy stroke!

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