
Eva Belon: A snake and scorpion beauty who rises to power by betraying her beauty

author:Flower spray

Everyone knows that there is a classic musical called "Madame Perón", which tells the life of Eva Perón, the wife of the President of Argentina. Some people say that she is a poisonous woman with a heavy heart, and some people say that she is a stunning legend.

Eva Belon: A snake and scorpion beauty who rises to power by betraying her beauty

There is no doubt that her position in Argentina is extremely exalted and admired by thousands of people. It has been 60 years since she passed away, but her status can still not be shaken.

Today, we will take a look at the story of this snake and scorpion beauty.


In 1919, Eva was born, the youngest child in the family, and four siblings before her, but all of them were illegitimate children. They lived on each other with their mother, Juana, who fed her children by tailoring, and lived a poor and difficult life.

Eva and her siblings were often bullied, and the other children even laughed at them as wild children without fathers. Eva is very thin and weak, and is often called "little thin" by others.

Eva Belon: A snake and scorpion beauty who rises to power by betraying her beauty

When she was a child, Eva did not understand, and as she grew up, she began to wonder why she had never seen her father, and whether she really did not have a father.

But one day, Mom said she was going to take them to Daddy. It turned out that they were going to the farm to attend their father's funeral, but Eva and her party were driven out without even stepping through the gate.

Eva Belon: A snake and scorpion beauty who rises to power by betraying her beauty

Eva grew up and never saw her father. However, this incident made Eva firmly determined to become a pivotal figure at all costs, and she did not want to let others look down on her, nor would she give others the opportunity to drive her out of the door.

At that time, Argentine girls were eager to become stars to change their fate. But as a poor peasant girl, how can Eva become a star, and most importantly, she doesn't even know how to rush out of this town.

And when she was 15 years old, a singer came to town to perform, and Eva realized that this might be an opportunity for her to go out. Eva wanted to follow the singer to Buenos Aires, but she had no money, and as she was worried, she remembered that she had the most valuable things—beauty and body.

After a night of affair, the singer promised Eva that he would take her with him. But as soon as she arrived in Buenos Aires, the singer abandoned her on the streets.

Eva had a hard time coming to the capital of her dreams, and of course she wouldn't give up easily. She decided to stay here and look for opportunities.

Eva Belon: A snake and scorpion beauty who rises to power by betraying her beauty

But Eva had nothing, and even eating and wearing became a problem, let alone becoming a star. So she once again used her strengths to physically exchange a bar owner for a night's food and lodging.

But after a night, the boss did not drive Eva away, but offered her a "job offer" to stay in the bar as a dancer. Eva agreed without hesitation, because she needed a place to stay, and only by settling herself in would she have the opportunity to move on to the next step.

Eva Belon: A snake and scorpion beauty who rises to power by betraying her beauty

Eva began to haunt the bars, theaters and hotels of Buenos Aires, and she befriended many high-society men with her dance steps and beauty.

At first, she targeted rich merchants with money, and then she began to catch up with the powerful. Eva used her beauty and body in exchange for everything she needed, and she gambled almost everything.

Soon, Eva's purpose was achieved, she asked a photographer to take a group of photos for her and publish it in a magazine, and Eva became famous overnight. She began to receive advertising invitations, and she did not refuse a single advertisement.

Eva Belon: A snake and scorpion beauty who rises to power by betraying her beauty

With the shooting of commercials, Eva earned her first pot of gold. She not only used the money to buy her first home, but also invested in a radio company. Later, with her good looks and figure, Eva also became a movie star and host.

She played roles that were either Queen of England or Queen of France, and even Catherine the Great played her. In playing these roles, Eva deeply studied their lives and means, followed their example, and gradually grew into a strong woman.


Although her situation has been better than countless people, completely free from the suffering of the peasant girl, her ultimate goal has not yet been achieved, and has never changed, that is, to become a very powerful person.

In 1943, the opportunity finally came. Argentina was in turmoil at the time, and Colonel Juan Perón was Argentina's most prestigious officer, and his democratic and equal ideas were embraced by the people.

Juan attracted Eva in 1944 when he spoke at a charity gala. He said, "The ideas I preach are for everyone. It made Eva feel that the man in front of her was someone who could achieve something, so she felt that she would do her best to support Juan.

After the dinner, Eva took the initiative to find Juan and said to him, "Thank you for your presence." In fact, Juan had already noticed this beautiful woman. That night, the two established a relationship between lovers and comrades in bed.

Eva Belon: A snake and scorpion beauty who rises to power by betraying her beauty

Outside, as an actress and host, and with a mass base, Eva spoke around canvassing for Juan. At home, Eva also took on the role of Kenneth, not only responsible for Juan's clothing and dressing, but also almost personally cooking three meals a day.

But one is a so-called actor born as a dancer, and the other is an officer with a bright future in the political arena, and their combination is destined to attract criticism from high society.

But Eva knew very well that they did not like herself, not because of her origins, but because of the power of the masses she had gathered for Juan, which terrified them of the opposition.

Eva Belon: A snake and scorpion beauty who rises to power by betraying her beauty

Juan was also arrested and imprisoned, but Eva continued to motivate him not to give up his confidence, not to be discouraged, and to save him.

Eva traveled extensively for her husband, calling on the Argentine people to support Juan. She also revealed her scars in her speeches, lamenting her tragic past in order to gain the sympathy of the masses.

Eva Belon: A snake and scorpion beauty who rises to power by betraying her beauty

"I have tasted your suffering; I have experienced your poverty. Peron has saved me, and he will save you; Peron will support the poor, love the poor, if not, how can he be very fond of me?! ”

Eva Belon: A snake and scorpion beauty who rises to power by betraying her beauty

Eva's story touched many Argentines, who took to the streets and shouted "Release Juan!" Soon after, under the pressure of public opinion, Juan was released.

The first thing Juan was released was to marry his confidant and benefactor. However, on the day of their big wedding, they were almost assassinated.

Eva Belon: A snake and scorpion beauty who rises to power by betraying her beauty

After surviving, Juan ran into Argentina's presidential election in 1946 and was elected with 690,000 votes. Eva, on the other hand, became the president's wife, and this year, she was 27 years old. It took Eva 12 years to complete her ultimate goal.


But she sat in this position not for her own selfish desires. After Eva became the president's wife, she was very keen to help the weak, and the unemployed, single-parent families, unmarried mothers, and homeless people were all helped by her.

Moreover, Eva is also an out-and-out feminist, and when she took office, she won the right to vote for Argentine women. Eva represented Argentina on other countries and was also known as the "Rainbow Tour".

Eva Belon: A snake and scorpion beauty who rises to power by betraying her beauty

Later, Eva was elected vice president in 1951 due to her influence. But she had been busy with state affairs and had developed cervical cancer. A year later, the legendary president's wife left this world on her sickbed.

It is said that when the Argentine people bid farewell to Eva's body, the road was crowded with 700,000 people. After Eva's death, Juan soon collapsed, and only Eva became the spiritual leader of the Argentine people forever.

From an illegitimate daughter who has nothing, is rejected and driven away, to the first lady above all. Her life has been full of ups and downs and dirt, and she once needed to sell her beauty in exchange for her own needs, but with firm perseverance and courage, she eventually lived into a legend.

There are always people who say that she is a snake and scorpion beauty who will not hesitate to do anything, but she is also a legendary woman who has been passed down through the ages, and she has written a page of her glory in history.

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