
Cannes Film Festival nominated film "Extremely Evil", Takeshi Kitano brings you the Japanese version of "The Godfather"

author:Fly the Mary
Cannes Film Festival nominated film "Extremely Evil", Takeshi Kitano brings you the Japanese version of "The Godfather"

Takeshi Kitano was asked after the release of "Extremely Evil", "You yourself said that the era of cutting off your fingers as a way to apologize has passed, do you think gangster movies will become obsolete?" He said: "I don't think the gangs themselves are obsolete. As far as I know, they still exist, but the way they operate is very different from the golden years of the past. In the past, there was a strict hierarchy between their superiors and subordinates, and cutting their fingers was one of the ways in which subordinates obeyed their superiors, and they were punished for making mistakes. Now, these organizations will use cash more instead of fingers."

Extremely Evil is a 2010 Japanese film directed by Takeshi Kitano, which features gangsters as the main theme. The film was shortlisted for the main competition section of the 63rd Cannes Film Festival. It was released in Japan on June 12, 2010. The sequels to the film are Extremely Evil Non-Dao 2 Ending (2012) and Extremely Evil Non-Dao 3 Final Chapter (2017), and the entire series is written and directed by Takeshi Kitano. This film is also Takeshi Kitano's 15th film work.

Cannes Film Festival nominated film "Extremely Evil", Takeshi Kitano brings you the Japanese version of "The Godfather"

The leader of the Iketo group, the Yamanokai, the number one gang organization in Kanto, Japan, was once married to the leader of the small organization Murase in prison. The president of the Sannokai Association, Kannai, is ambitious and covets Murase's turf and drug business. At the behest of Kato, the second in command of the Yamanokai, Ikemoto ordered his Otomo group to challenge the Murase group.

Cannes Film Festival nominated film "Extremely Evil", Takeshi Kitano brings you the Japanese version of "The Godfather"

Chi Yuan is very cunning, he did not personally shoot, but let the Otomo group under his command do it. Otomo is also very cunning, and instead of confronting the Murase group, he thinks of a plan. He sent a man in a suit to a nightclub in the Murase group to spend money, and afterwards the manager of the nightclub, Lion, opened his mouth and asked for 600,000 yen. The man in the suit claimed that he did not have enough cash and asked the manager to accompany him to a nearby office to get the money. The manager came to the office, and when he saw that it read "Ikemoto Group Otomo Group", he quickly said that he did not need to give money, but mizuno and Ishihara, the top executives of the Otomo Group, ordered the manager to take the money. Knowing that the manager took the money, Murase was furious and asked the manager to cut his finger to apologize, and asked the second boss Kimura to apologize with the manager, the manager's finger, and twice the money. Of course, the Otomo group that caught the handle did not stop there, and ordered Kimura to cut off his fingers on the spot. Otomo was unforgiving, and broke Kimura's picture with an art knife.

Cannes Film Festival nominated film "Extremely Evil", Takeshi Kitano brings you the Japanese version of "The Godfather"

Afterwards, the nightclub manager knew the plan, he could not swallow this breath, assassinated the man in the suit. Murase did not dare to oppose Kannai, so he had to apologize to Kanai for kneeling down. Kanuchi is not angry on the surface, but Kato knows that Kannai has not forgiven Murase, so he sends Ikemoto to rule Murase. At Ikemoto's orders, Otomo used a dental scalpel to make Murase's mouth full of blood while he was looking at Murase' dentistry.

Cannes Film Festival nominated film "Extremely Evil", Takeshi Kitano brings you the Japanese version of "The Godfather"

Murase went to see Kato, who had been Kato's order, but Kato said that Ikemoto never listened to Kannai. In order to save his life, Murase had to give Ikemoto the land. In order to consolidate his position, Kanuchi said to Kato: Let Ikemoto step down and you will take over. On the other hand, he said to Ozawa, the second in command of the pool tuple: If you kill the pool element, let you take over the pool tuple. Unaware of this, Ikemoto orders Otomo to kill the retired Murase.

Ōtomo was uncomfortable with Ikemoto's dirty behavior, and after taking Murase's territory, Otomo's younger brother Ishihara threatened the ambassador of a small African country in Japan with a scheme and forced the embassy in Japan to be used as a casino, because the casino had diplomatic immunity, so the casino achieved great success, and the casino's profits made the Otomo group very powerful. However, when it is discovered that the retired Murase is hiding behind the Otomo group and selling drugs, Ikemoto again advises Otomo to kill his brother Murase, and although Ōtomo is reluctant, he breaks into Murase's sauna and kills Murase and his younger brothers.

Cannes Film Festival nominated film "Extremely Evil", Takeshi Kitano brings you the Japanese version of "The Godfather"

However, Kanuchi used this as an excuse to instruct Ikemoto to expel Otomo. Otomo is angry because Ikemoto carried out Otomo's expulsion. Otomo then returns and returns to Kannai and asks for forgiveness while offering the little finger of his left hand to apologize for his sins, but Kanuchi says that Otomo's expulsion was not his order, but Ikemoto's own decision. Kanuchi also said that Ike's vitality had been exhausted, and it was Otomo's turn to lead the team to create prosperity again. So Ozawa and Otomo kill Ikemoto. Kanuchi and Ozawa meet privately, saying that he can take over the Ike Tuple by killing Otomo, and send Kato to help Ozawa kill Otomo.

Cannes Film Festival nominated film "Extremely Evil", Takeshi Kitano brings you the Japanese version of "The Godfather"

In fact, Ōtomo's subordinate Ishihara had already defected to Kato, so Kanuchi, Kato, Ozawa, and Ishihara all wanted to kill Ōtomo. Otomo's men and family members were all killed, and the police officer Kataoka arrested Otomo for promotion, and lied to Otomo that it was better to go to jail than to be killed, making Otomo feel that he was doing him well. Kanuchi ostensibly agreed to Ozawa taking over the Iketo group, but instead sent Kato to kill Ozawa. In this way, Kanuchi did not move a finger, and killed Ikemoto, Ozawa, Otomo and others, consolidating his position. Just when Kanuchi thought he was a winner in life, he was shot by Kato. Before the other men came, Kato put a gun in Ozawa's hand, falsely claiming that Ozawa had killed Kannai and killed Ozawa himself in revenge. In this way, Kato successfully ascended to the throne as president.

Cannes Film Festival nominated film "Extremely Evil", Takeshi Kitano brings you the Japanese version of "The Godfather"

Ishihara, who had previously betrayed Otomo, defected to Kato, and helped Kato kill Otomo's men, became the second in command. In prison, Otomo is assassinated, and it is Kimura, who was previously disfigured by him, who killed him.

Cannes Film Festival nominated film "Extremely Evil", Takeshi Kitano brings you the Japanese version of "The Godfather"

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