
Water Margin 3 female Haojie, why only she can die well...

author:The history of running
Water Margin 3 female Haojie, why only she can die well...

Sister-in-law Gu


The woman in the Water Margin has no good ending.

For example, the heroic image of the grandson of the second lady, the third lady...

For example, the image of an adulteress Pan Jinlian, Yan Po Xie...

For example, the royal wife of the city servant's face, Yan Po...

Even Lady Lin of virtuous shude was forced to hang herself.

As a result, some people said that Shi Nai'an must have been hurt by women.

Actually, not really.

In the Water Margin, Shi Nai'an has a blue eye for a woman, and even has some eccentricity.


Gu Sister-in-law, the only tigress in the Water Margin man pile.


The tigress appeared in the Tiger Case.

It is said that this year, there was a tiger disaster in Dengzhou Capital, and this tiger often went down the mountain to hurt people.

To this end, the prefect ordered the hunters to catch tigers within a time limit, and if they did not get it within the time limit, they would wait to eat the board.

As a result, the most professional and nestled tiger fighting good man Xie Zhen XieBao in the Water Margin appeared.

Water Margin 3 female Haojie, why only she can die well...

Unravel the treasure

Why is it the most professional?

The two brothers were originally a pair of senior hunters in Dengzhou.

Lo and behold, the people's nest of bows, medicine arrows, crossbows, boring forks, iron forks and other tiger fighting equipment are all available.

Why is it the most nestful?

Water Margin has many good men who fight tigers.

For example, walker Wu Song.

On Jingyang Gang, he got a tiger with three fists and two feet, and the hero who fought the tiger became famous.

For example, the black whirlwind Li Kui.

On the Yishui collar, Li Kui used only a simple knife and a breath to wipe out the four members of the tiger family and destroy them.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Looking at it again, it took the two brothers three days to shoot a tiger with a medicinal arrow.

No, this tiger was hit by anesthetic, the brothers were stunned that even a tiger hair was touched, and finally because of the inability to fight the tiger was also imprisoned, you say nest bag no?

However, because the two brothers went to prison, they led to a tigress- Gu Dajie.


Gu Dajie, nicknamed the female worm, is the tigress.

She must be ugly, right?

Non also.

Jin Sheng sighed and said that she was not a lady, which was credible.

However, although she was not a lady, she was by no means a face of flesh and fierce spirits.

What does Sister-in-law Gu look like?

In the book, Shi Nai'an describes Gu Dajie as follows:

Thick eyebrows, big eyes, fat face and fat waist. Insert a strange ring, exposing both arms and fashionable bracelets.

Six red dresses, like May durian flowers. The green collar is several layers, dyed with three spring willows.

At the same time, Gu Dajie's old Gongsun Xin himself is a talent in the first army class, with a good appearance, as evidenced by poetry:

The military class is talented and handsome, and his eyebrows are mighty.

Moreover, as the lady owner of a large hotel, Gu Dajie's image should be relatively reliable.


The same as the boss lady, Sun Erniang made a big difference.

Gu Dajie runs a large-scale offline physical store that integrates catering, retail and entertainment:

I saw a hotel with cattle and sheep and other meat hanging in front of it; under the back house, a cluster of people gambled there.

Then go to cross slope, take a look at sun erniang's human meat bun shop:

At that time, there were already rumors on the rivers and lakes:

Big tree cross slope, guests who dare to go there? The fat ones are cut to make steamed bun fillings, but the thin ones are put to fill the river.

Sun Erniang opened a black shop, and the wind was extremely bad.

Sun Erniang is so reckless with people's lives and doing business like this, sooner or later there must be an accident.

On the contrary, Gu Dajie opened a shop gu Dajie only did legitimate business, and only sought wealth, not harming lives.


Since Gu Dajie is nicknamed "Mother Worm", she should be very fierce, not also.

Shocked to hear that her cousin was killed, Gu Dajie's first reaction: "A cry of bitterness."

Bold and straightforward, serious and righteous, jumping on the paper.

After crying bitterly, Gu Dajie's first reaction was to let the guys, "Go and find the second brother's house to talk." ”

When looking for a husband in case of trouble, this is the usual performance of the little woman at home.

Soon, Sun Xin returned, and his daughter-in-law Gu Dajie decided on a rescue plan, robbing the prison and opposing the prison.

Next, the couple agreed to first pull the Zou family's uncle and nephew into the gang, and then force the eldest uncle Sun Li to rebel and strengthen the prison robbery team.

Water Margin 3 female Haojie, why only she can die well...

After some operations, Gu Dajie and others robbed the prison in one fell swoop and successfully rescued the brothers who understood the family.

It can be seen that although the female tiger Gu Dajie is a woman and a Taoist family, she is definitely not a shrew.

If you don't believe me, please take a look at the following details:

First, Sun Xin said that he was going to rob the prison, and Gu Dajie not only approved of it, but also said that he would go tonight.

When Sun Xin heard this, he immediately laughed at her: "Why don't you talk about your brain, you are so rude, you should think about it in the long run." ”

In this regard, does Gu Dajie have a dissatisfied performance?


She didn't burn people, and she didn't spit or insult.

Second, Sun Xin wanted to join the uncle and nephew of the Zou family in Yunshan Mountain, and let Gu Dajie prepare "wine and food dishes".

Without saying a word, she immediately arranged for the guys to go to the row of wine and food.

Third, Sun Xin was ready to pull Sun Li into the water, and he wanted gu dajie to pretend to be ill.

She prepared meticulously and completed the tasks arranged by her husband.

The above is the rivalry of the husband and wife.

You taste carefully, from the beginning to the end, Gu Dajie obeyed Sun Xin's words, and her husband sang and sang with her.

And Sun Xin did not have the slightest fear of being scolded and beaten by Gu Dajie, and he had a very high status in the family.

It can be seen that Gu Dajie is not as fierce and fierce as the rumors in the jianghu: "Sometimes when angry, the well bar will hit the husband's head."

Internally, Gu Dajie is a virtuous wife.

However, externally, Gu Dajie's sister-in-law is not so good-tempered.

At that time, the Zou family's uncle and nephew raised an important question: after the robbery, they could only join Liangshan.

The subtext, some hesitation in the heart, some reluctance to give up their family business that they have struggled for many years.

Think about it, people have nothing to do with brother Mao, why do you want to abandon your family for you?

In this regard, Gu Dajie's throat immediately snorted, and she said in a certain tone: "If there is one who does not go, I will shoot him to death." ”

The tigress is not threatening, do you think I am a sick cat?

Looking at it again, Gu Dajie's brother Sun Li was even more of a tiger.

Sun Li was under the jurisdiction of the Soldiers and Horses of Dengzhou, and if a good civil servant did not do it, who would want to be a bandit?

Sun Li not only refused in his heart, but also put his mouth even more bluntly: "I am an officer of Dengzhou, how dare I do such a thing?" ”

In this regard, Gu Dajie pulled out a double knife and shouted: "Since Uncle is unwilling, we will first fight with Uncle today!" ”

The tigress doesn't threaten, do you think I'm a sick cat?

The eldest uncle immediately confessed: "And the aunt lives!" Hugh is in a hurry. Wait for me to think long and discuss slowly. ”


However, Gu Dajie is by no means a brave and fierce person.

First, at the time of the robbery of the prison in Dengzhou Capital, Gu Dajie carried a double knife, and obviously rushed to the front, only to poke over three or five small prisons, and the head of the cell was slashed to death by Xie Baoyi, who had just drilled out of the prison eye.

You think, the strength value of the small cell is much lower than that of the cell boss.

Gu Dajie's move is low risk and safe.

Second, on the occasion of the three dozen Zhujiazhuang, Gu Dajie saw the liangshan brothers fighting and rejoicing, and the Zhuang soldiers fell to the ground. If she did not shoot again, she fell in the face, so she shouted, pulled out a double knife, went straight into the room, and took the woman who should be there, one knife at a time...

Lo and behold, the object chosen by Gu Dajie was not a murderous and fierce Zhuang soldier, but a group of unarmed women.

Gu Dajie's move is zero risk and absolutely safe.

Look, what is Li Kui doing on this set?

Third, during the conquest of the Liao State, Gu Dajie attacked the female soldiers of the Taiyin Formation of the Liao Army and once again happily harvested a large number of heads.

See no, Gu Dajie specifically looked for soft persimmon pinch, definitely a connoisseur of picking watermelon.

Is Gu Dajie's martial arts very bad?

In a ridiculous way, Xie Zhen once said to Lehe personally: "My sister, there are thirty or twenty people who are close to him. Brother-in-law Sun Xin, such a skill, also lost to him..."

Lo and behold, thirty or twenty people can't help Gu Dajie, her kung fu is definitely not to be underestimated!

Look again, Gu Dajie's suspicious asterisk, the Earth Yin Star.

Which yin?

She was a little yin in her heart, the thief spirit of the little abacus: the work of playing with life, the sister did not do it!

Look again, Gu Dajie's record:

When Dengzhou was robbed of prison, Gu Dajie disguised herself as a woman who delivered food and successfully rescued her brothers.

When he took the Daimyo Mansion, Gu Dajie disguised herself as a rural woman and mixed into the city to respond internally.

During the attack on Dongping Province, Shi Jin was captured, and Gu Dajie, disguised as a poor woman, was thrown into prison to deliver news to Shi Jin.

When Gao Li was defeated three times, Gu Dajie again disguised herself as a woman delivering food, mixed into Jeju City, and found a gap and burned the Jeju Shipyard.

During the conquest of Fang La, Sun Xin and his wife disguised themselves as fleeing civilians and found a mountain path under Dusong Pass, which led Li Li, Tang Long, and others to touch the pass and set fire to scare away the thieves.

Gu Dajie's appearance in these colors is mostly unnoticed.

Of course, people are afraid of fame, pigs are afraid of being strong, and even the rafters that come out of their heads rot first.

She did not make a splash, did not grab the C position, and the risk factor was low, allowing her to die well.


There are a large number of good men in the Water Margin who are called tigers and big insects.

However, after consulting Fang La, these "tiger" cards and cattle B flashed good men all hung up.

Only the mother worm Gu Dajie was still alive.

And that's not all.

In the end, Gu Dajie and The old Gongsun Xin returned to their hometown as civil servants of the Great Song Dynasty.

Soon, Dengzhou Shili Brand Casino will open soon.

Sister-in-law Gu lived a rich and stable life again.

Lao Wang: Listening to my wife, there is nothing wrong with it.

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