
The Pingliang Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment held a summary meeting on the study and education of party history

author:Information News
The Pingliang Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment held a summary meeting on the study and education of party history

On January 14, the Pingliang Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment held a summary meeting on party history study and education, deeply studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on party history study and education, fully implemented the spirit of the party history study and education summary conference of the central government, Gansu Province and Pingliang City, summarized the effectiveness of party history study and education of the Ecological and Environmental Bureau, found deficiencies and gaps, and made arrangements for consolidating and expanding the study and education of party history. Roll Duoxiong, secretary of the bureau's party leading group, presided over the meeting and made a speech; Yao Zheng and Shi Shuangjiang, members of the Seventh Circuit Guidance Group of the Municipal Party Committee's Party History Study and Education, guided the meeting, and county-level cadres at home and all party-member cadres attended the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that since the study and education of party history was launched, the party group of the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment has attached great importance to it, carefully organized, carefully arranged, and solidly advanced; the main responsible comrades have taken the lead in studying problems, deploying tasks, transmitting pressure, organizing and leading effectively, carrying out various forms of carriers, and having a strong atmosphere of activities; they have solved a number of prominent problems that the masses have strongly complained about, achieved remarkable results, and achieved the expected goals.

The meeting demanded that party organizations at all levels and the vast number of party members and cadres in the ecological environment system of Pingliang City should consolidate, expand, and deepen the achievements of party history study and education, enhance historical consciousness, strengthen historical self-confidence, grasp the historical initiative, and make contributions in the new journey of striving to build a green, open, prosperous, peaceful, and happy new Pingliang. First, it is necessary to further strengthen political construction. We should always regard stressing politics as the first requirement, take a clear-cut stand to strengthen the party's political building, strengthen our political beliefs, enhance our political ability, strictly abide by the party's political discipline and political rules, earnestly enhance our political acumen and political discernment, take a clear-cut stand in listening to the party's words and following the party, and always be a person who understands politics. Second, it is necessary to further strengthen theoretical armament. The study and education of party history is a long-term task, and the study and use of party history well is a lifelong task for every party member and cadre; it is necessary to take this summing-up meeting as a new starting point, give prominence to the study of the party group's theoretical center group, the collective study of party branches, and individual self-study, so that the study and education of party history can be integrated into daily life, grasped on a regular basis, and formed a long-term mechanism and played a long-term role. Third, it is necessary to further grasp the practical measures. Firmly establish the people-centered service concept, deeply rooted in the feelings of the people, focusing on the ecological and environmental problems that the people are most concerned about, the most direct and the most realistic, do a good job in helping the villages, rural ecological revitalization, striving for the implementation of key projects, highlighting the rectification of environmental problems, handling environmental petitions and other work, and constantly enhance the people's sense of ecological environment gain, happiness and security. Fourth, it is necessary to further strengthen the comprehensive and strict management of the party. Thoroughly implement the general requirements of party building in the new era, resolutely implement the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, always firmly adhere to the main tone of strictness, strictly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and their implementation rules, unremittingly rectify the conspicuous problems of the "four winds," resolutely put an end to formalism and bureaucracy, tighten the cage of the tightly woven system, and consolidate and build a solid ideological foundation. Fifth, we must further fight the battle against pollution. Closely follow the "3659" development ideas put forward by the city, benchmark the work requirements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government and the goals and tasks of the pollution prevention and control battle, adhere to the problem-oriented, goal-oriented, practice-oriented and result-oriented, keep an eye on the goal and task of creating a national civilized city and urban renewal action, resolutely rectify and highlight environmental problems, deeply fight the battle against pollution, and improve the level of ecological and environmental modernization.

The meeting stressed that in order to understand, implement and implement the spirit of the Pingliang City Party History Study and Education Summary Meeting, the party members and cadres of the Municipal Ecological and Environmental Bureau should fully implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions to Gansu. Solidly promote the study of party history and the normalization of "I do practical things for the masses", and on the basis of conscientiously doing a good job of summing up, taking stock of harvests, finding deficiencies, and carrying out rectification and reform, we will hold high-quality special democratic life meetings. The results of party history study and education will be fully reflected in the results of pollution prevention and control, and the ecological environment of Pingliang City will be promoted to achieve a high level of protection.

(Written by: Su Rui Reviewer: Chen Weiping)

(Source: Pingliang Municipal People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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