
2021 Education Inventory (4) | What is a good education? Listen to the principals

author:Cover News

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Cover news reporter Liu Haoyang

In 2021, the cover news launched the "Principal Is Coming" column, where 42 principals focused on "double reduction", "five educations at the same time", "education anxiety", "family education", "labor education" and other educational focus, hot spots, and difficulties, and expressed their opinions.

Educator Tao Xingzhi once said, "It is easy to be a school principal!" To say that the smaller one is related to the study of tens of millions of people; the larger one is related to the rise and fall of the state and academia. "The quality of school management is related to many factors, but the formation of scientific, correct and novel ideas is an extremely important factor.

"Principals are essentially teachers, and if principals don't have a sense of teacher, they are dividing themselves out of the cause of education."

"The essence of education is to discover, awaken and activate the potential of life and promote the free growth of life."

"To do education is to do good deeds, and the greatest good deed of education is to let children grow up healthily."

"Education is a tree shaking another tree, a cloud pushing another cloud, a soul awakening another soul, and its essence is service."

"Education is a window, push it open, full of sunshine and flowers."

What exactly is a good education? The principals have their own incisive views, poke the video, let's review it together!

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