
240 kilometers away from Huangyan Island, the Philippine missiles are about to take place, experts: whether it is an enemy or a friend needs no more words

author:National Science Observatory
Since the Philippine territory is the coast of the east side of the South China Sea, once the Philippines deploys five companies of BrahMos cruise missiles in place, it can strike targets in the eastern and central waters of the South China Sea. This seems to be to cooperate with the US military's actions in the South China Sea, and at the same time, the Philippine side has made a statement that its strategic ally is the US military.

Producer: National Science Observatory (4127th exclusive debut)

Recently, the news about the Philippine Navy's purchase of Indian Brah Mos cruise missiles has been well known, so the question is, the Philippines seems to have a good relationship with us, why do they do this? Is the Philippines an enemy or a friend?

240 kilometers away from Huangyan Island, the Philippine missiles are about to take place, experts: whether it is an enemy or a friend needs no more words

Picture interpretation: This is an Indian Brah Morris cruise missile shore-based launcher, which can carry 3 cruise missiles and about 20 cruise missiles in a company

240 kilometers away from Huangyan Island, the Philippine missiles are about to take place, experts: whether it is an enemy or a friend needs no more words

Picture interpretation: These 100 cruise missiles can be divided into 5 combat units, which can guard the Bashi Strait in the north and deter the waters around the Nansha In the south

Regarding the purchase of cruise missiles by the Philippine Navy, here are three views:

First, the Philippines purchased cruise missiles for $374.9 million, and according to the Philippine Ministry of Defense, Indian companies have won the bid, and the number may be 100, which shows that this matter has been determined;

Second, the BrahMos cruise missile purchased by the Philippine army belongs to the shore-based model, with a range of about 290 kilometers, which is a shore-to-ship missile that can strike targets around Scarborough Shoal from the perspective of range. At the same time, these 100 cruise missiles can be divided into 5 combat units, the north can hold the Bashi Strait, the south can deter the waters around the Spratlys, and the combat intention and direction are quite obvious.

Third, this represents a shift in the Philippines' strategic direction, from attacking the United States in the past to uniting the U.S. military to deter our islands in the South China Sea, which is a major shift.

240 kilometers away from Huangyan Island, the Philippine missiles are about to take place, experts: whether it is an enemy or a friend needs no more words

Image interpretation: The Philippine Defense Secretary withdrew his decision to terminate the Philippine-U.S. Visiting Force Agreement (VFA), which means that U.S. troops can be stationed in the Philippines again

240 kilometers away from Huangyan Island, the Philippine missiles are about to take place, experts: whether it is an enemy or a friend needs no more words

Image interpretation: The U.S. military will soon be redeployed to the Philippines

The adjustment of the strategic direction of the Philippines has been evident since August this year, when the Philippine Defense Minister withdrew the decision to terminate the Philippine-U.S. Visiting Force Agreement (VFA), which means that the US military can be stationed in the Philippines again. Military experts from the Observatory think tank believe that the Philippines made strategic adjustments at a time when the Confrontation between China and the United States in the South China Sea was fierce, and it is very clear whether it is friend or foe, and there is no need to say more.

240 kilometers away from Huangyan Island, the Philippine missiles are about to take place, experts: whether it is an enemy or a friend needs no more words

Image interpretation: The Philippine Air Force is about to receive 12 F-16 fighters, pictured here are F/A-50PH light fighters purchased from South Korea

In June 2021, the U.S. State Department announced the export of a total of $2.6 billion in arms to the Philippines, including 12 F-16 fighter jets, and the resumption of the Philippines-U.S. visiting troops agreement, it can be clearly seen that the strategic direction of the Philippines began to fall to the U.S. military and become an ally of the U.S. military in the South China Sea. This article is exclusively published by @Guoke Observatory, and any form of reproduction is not allowed.

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