
The signs that are not expressed in feelings, but their love is very real, and they understand that only people deserve it

The signs that are not expressed in feelings, but their love is very real, and they understand that only people deserve it

There's a saying that there are 100 people, there are 100 Hamlets. Everyone has a different understanding of the same thing. In the world of feelings, the same is true, and different people express themselves differently. Everyone wants to be loved in a different way. Some people are particularly good at sweet words in their feelings, and they can always use language to confuse each other.

But some people are really not good at expressing themselves in their feelings, and they will only do things in a down-to-earth manner. Even many people complain that they don't understand the mood and don't have romance, but they have to say that their love is very real. Their love is always in action, in the details. For these people, their love is only deserved by those who understand.

The signs that are not expressed in feelings, but their love is very real, and they understand that only people deserve it

Today we will talk about these constellations that are not very good at expressing their feelings from the perspective of the astrological chart, but their love is very real.


Although among the twelve zodiac signs, Virgo is governed by Mercury. Mercury represents communication and exchange, but people who set the sun on Virgo are not very fond of sweet talk emotionally. This stems from the fact that Virgo belongs to the earth sign, and they are more pragmatic and more focused on practical actions rather than sweet words.

They pay more attention to logical thinking, are more cautious, and will be more rational in their feelings. For them, the way they express their love is more than just saying a few nice words to you. The way they love people must fall into practice. When you encounter a problem, they will give you an analysis from all aspects.

The signs that are not expressed in feelings, but their love is very real, and they understand that only people deserve it

Considering various situations, the optimal solution is given. This is how Virgos love a person, their love is real, never play tricks, play with flower racks. However, Virgo love is easily misunderstood, because they are always held in their hearts and are unwilling to express it. So for Virgos, their love can only be possessed by those who understand.


Like Virgos, Capricorns are not very good at expressing themselves in their relationships. Earth signs tend to be more pragmatic and more focused on what they can bring to each other. Whether it is material or really able to help each other. They always pay more attention to the real thing.

The signs that are not expressed in feelings, but their love is very real, and they understand that only people deserve it

Especially people like Capricorn, they are actually more proud in their hearts, and rarely take the initiative to say something. And this kind of people pay more attention to commitment, in their view, once the export, we must work hard to practice, to complete the commitment. Many people think that Capricorns are cold and selfish.

But it's actually a lot. They are all pretending, because they are too proud to explain, and they are not willing to be humble. But that doesn't mean they don't love you, if there are attentive people, you'll find that Capricorn love is all there. But they were never ostentatious, always very low-key. Some people can truly feel their love.

The signs that are not expressed in feelings, but their love is very real, and they understand that only people deserve it


The sign of Taurus is always complained that they do not understand the mood and do not understand romance. But for a pragmatic sign like Taurus, they are very pragmatic. This basic attribute also dooms them not to be particularly interested in formalism, not because they don't understand it, but because they don't think it's worth it.

But Taurus love is often reflected in the details, in real life. Taurus, whether male or female, is a type of person who is particularly suitable for living a life, although they are very picky, but they are more generous to people who belong to the same front and the same camp as themselves.

The signs that are not expressed in feelings, but their love is very real, and they understand that only people deserve it

If a Taurus really loves you, then they won't be stingy materially. This is also an important indicator of whether Taurus loves you or not. A Taurus loves you, they will be materially satisfied, and you will spare no effort to make money. It's true that they don't say anything sweet, but their love is real.

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