
Lu Chunxiang: Xie Lingyun's beard

What we see is not only Xie Lingyun's beard, but the afterglow of Wang Xie's wind and currents in the two Jin Dynasties.

Lu Chunxiang: Xie Lingyun's beard

Is there anything special about Xie Lingyun's beard? Like his life, he is dashing and casual, and his fate is uncertain.

Xie Lingyun's talent, displayed in his poems, was also revealed in his mouth, and after drinking a few bowls of wine, he boasted: Since Wei and Jin, there has been only one stone in the world, Cao Zhi has eight buckets, I have to fight, and the rest of you share a fight. When the unguarded cowhide was blown, everyone laughed, and he himself laughed triumphantly.

Xie Lingyun, the originator of landscape poetry, is qualified to brag, if there is no talent, Li Bai will chase him "one night fit mirror lake moon", and still wear "Xie Gongcao" to climb Tianmu Mountain with great pride? Shanshui is Xie Lingyun's life, for the sake of Shanshui, he can abandon the official and not do it, insist that he become an official, he also ignores government affairs, and wandering between mountains and rivers is ten days and a half months. For the sake of the landscape, he actually led hundreds of people, starting from his family's Shining Villa, all the way to the direction of Linhai to cut down mountains and trees, to open a convenient walking path, so that Linhai Taishou still thought that mountain thieves gathered to rebel!

In such a spontaneous manner, the landscape and water tolerated him, but some people in the official arena would not tolerate him, degraded the officials, and went to prison until he was killed in Guangzhou for the crime of treason.

Xie Lingyun's beard came next.

The Tang Dynasty Li Kang's notebook "Du Yizhi" records: "Xie Lingyun was about to be executed, and he had to be cut to the Guangzhou Buddhist Temple. It must be three feet long, and it will survive today." How long is Xie Lingyun's beard? At least one meter. Duan Chengshi's "Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" said that it "had to hang to the ground", and according to normal height, Xie Lingyun's beard was estimated to be more than one meter and five meters. I looked at xie Lingyun's portrait, fang broad face, thick whiskers tight, thick roots, from both ears down to the cheeks, Guan Yu's beautiful hair. The point is that Xie Lingyun has been a firm believer in Buddhism since he was a child, and there happens to be a Buddhist temple in Guangzhou called Gyi Hun Temple, and the statue of Vimalaya Bodhisattva in the temple is a big beard, and Xie Lingyun wants to keep his beard like his poems, and he has a plan: After I die, I will donate my long beard to Gyi Huan Temple, and make the beard of the Statue of Vimal.

Lu Chunxiang: Xie Lingyun's beard

Celebrities' beards naturally add luster to buddhist temples. Sure enough, Xie Lingyun's meishu was carefully protected and cared for by the monks of the temple, and for hundreds of years, it has been safe and sound. In the early years of the Tang Dynasty, there was a legend that a thief once sneaked into the temple and wanted to cut off Xie Lingyun's beard, but he did not want to fall off the Buddha statue and break his leg, it must be Vimal and Xie Lingyun apparition, and the temple was once again famous and incense was endless. However, the doom of Xie Lingyun's beard also came at the same time.

In the tang dynasty Liu Biao's notebook "Sui Tang Jia Dialect", the scroll records xie beard's doom: Emperor Zhongzong, Princess Anle fought for five days and hundreds of grasses, wanted to widely find it, and ordered Chi Yi to take it. And fearing that it would be gained by others, he cut off the rest and died.

It turned out that she was cut off by Princess Anle and used as a unique secret weapon to participate in the Hundred Grass Fighting Competition. In order to win the victory once and for all, to prevent others from adopting this method, they cut off all the remaining beards and burned them all at once.

What is the nature of the game? This kind of game is very old in China, and people began to play it during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The information left behind shows that doubaicao is divided into two categories, wendou and martial arts, which are more than who collects more grass, you brighten one, I dry one, I dry one, you light up one, you light up one, who wins. Martial arts is the stretching force of the grass, your grass is wrapped around my grass, the two pull each other, who breaks who loses.

Perhaps it was Xie Lingyun's beard that was as thick as a dragon's whisker grass, and Princess Anle did not hesitate to send someone from Chang'an to Guangzhou to cut it and participate in the competition, which was really a royal princess who was not afraid of heaven, and her imagination was so rich. Isn't it okay to cut a few sticks quietly? Why destroy it all? Didn't Li Shimin also bring the Lanting Collection to the grave? The good stuff is not wanting to share it with others! The delicate Princess Anle thought so.

Lu Chunxiang: Xie Lingyun's beard

Xie Lingyun's beard, compared with his poetry, is naturally only a symbol, but if he is not destroyed by Princess Anle, Li Bai may rush to Guangzhou to hang, he has time and energy, let alone to meet the idols he worships all his life? See the beard as you see the people, the idol's beautiful beard, I love you!

"Shallow water babbling, sunset mountains illuminating" (Xie Lingyun, "Seven Mile Se"). In the evening, Xie Lingyun's boat passed through the Seven Mile Se section of the Fuchun River under the Fuchun Mountain, he was degraded, he was going to Ren Yongjia Taishou, passing through Tonglu, the river in front of him was gentle, the stones in the clear stream were clearly seen, the water flowed slowly, and the soft light of the sun setting shone brightly on the mountains. The demeaning poet touched the scenery and was sad, but he had already realized the subtle truth of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and he did not care at all how others looked at him, and this Yan Ziling was an example for him to learn. Looking at the Qingjiang River in Fuchun, Xie Lingyun stood tall on the bow of the ship, the wave was flat as a mirror, a gust of mountain wind stirred his beard flying, and Xie Lingyun's beard thrived like a weed in the afterglow of the sunset.

A large number of archaeological proofs that human beards, like hair, should be able to be preserved permanently. If Xie Lingyun's beard is not destroyed, then today it must be a national first-class cultural relic, and we are very likely to see it. Of course, we see not only his beard, but the afterglow of Wang Xie's wind and currents in the two Jin Dynasties! (Lu Chunxiang)

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