
The volunteers ran out of ammunition, but with three alternative weapons, they miraculously repelled the American army

On May 18, 1951, 1Style 1, 1st Battalion, 235th Regiment, 79th Division, 27th Army, Volunteer Army, was connected to an emergency order: to go as fast as possible to Myeongdong and block the US Third Division.

After a day and night of rapid marching, the commanders and fighters of the 1st Company arrived in Myeongdong on time. However, a very bad contingency also occurred - the enemy had arrived here first and injured the reconnaissance squad leader who had gone to check the terrain in advance.

Company Commander Xiao Zhende resolutely issued an order: The whole company immediately threw itself into battle and regained the high ground occupied by the enemy as soon as possible!

After a fierce battle, the 1st Company recaptured three hills in one go, and the situation improved somewhat, but the highest peak was still firmly controlled by the enemy, forming a firepower suppression of our army.

The volunteers ran out of ammunition, but with three alternative weapons, they miraculously repelled the American army

The instructor Li Shusen saw that the situation was critical, so he proposed that he lead a platoon back to the enemy side and launch a surprise attack.

In fact, Li Shusen suffered from stomach disease and dysentery, his body was almost dragged down, and like the warriors, he had not eaten for a long time, and the whole person was already very weak. To fight under such circumstances undoubtedly requires extremely strong willpower!

Incredibly, Li Shusen and 1 platoon successfully copied behind the enemy, formed a front-and-forth attack with the other three platoons led by Xiao Zhende, and finally successfully conquered the highest peak of Myeongdong.

After Xiao and Li met on the mountain, they immediately led the soldiers to build fortifications and prepare for the next battle.

The volunteers ran out of ammunition, but with three alternative weapons, they miraculously repelled the American army

At dawn the next day, the enemy did launch a large-scale counterattack, and they first used artillery to indiscriminately bomb and blow up the position of the 1st Company beyond recognition.

Not long after the enemy's infantry launched the attack, Xiao Zhende was seriously wounded and forcibly dragged off the position by Li Shusen's men.

The enemy's offensive became more and more fierce, and the situation became more and more severe, and Li Shusen led the entire company of soldiers to calmly cope with the battle and always firmly hold their positions.

The battle this afternoon was even more brutal, And Li Shusen found that the position of the 3 platoons was under the fiercest attack of the enemy, and immediately ran over to fight alongside the 3 platoons of commanders and fighters.

The machine gun shooter Shi Chunmao was shot in the head and fainted to the ground, and Li Shusen asked him to carry him down and bandage him, and then he picked up the machine gun and swept towards the enemy who rushed up.

Not long after, Shi Chunmao returned to the position with a bandage wrapped around his head, grabbed the machine gun in Li Shusen's hand and continued to fight.

The volunteers ran out of ammunition, but with three alternative weapons, they miraculously repelled the American army

After the 3 platoons repelled the enemy's onslaught, Li Shusen played another 1 platoon position in a critical situation, which became the enemy's key offensive direction.

Li Shusen immediately rushed to the top of the hill where the 1st platoon was located, but they did not expect that they had just run between the two hills and found two US soldiers sneaking towards the 1st platoon heavy machine gun position.

Li Shusen did not hesitate to raise his gun and shoot, but because his body was too weak and his arm was weak, he did not hit two shots in a row.

A U.S. soldier immediately threw a grenade at this side, but it rolled down into the ravine. Li Shusen calmly fired a third shot, and finally knocked out the American soldier.

He was ready to hit another enemy, but there were no more bullets. Li Shusen was in a hurry, pointed the empty gun in his hand upwards, and roared angrily in English: "Don't move!" ”

The volunteers ran out of ammunition, but with three alternative weapons, they miraculously repelled the American army

This roar was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and it frightened the American soldier into trembling his legs and rolled down the hill.

This scene also stunned the trumpeter, and quipped: "This guy is also less courageous!" ”

Li Shusen led the trumpeters to the 1st row of positions, and found that there were only two soldiers left, the others had already died heroically, and what was worse was that the heavy machine guns had run out of bullets.

"Commander, run to the 3rd platoon position at once, and let the 3rd platoon leader transfer the 7th class to the 1st platoon!" Li Shusen knew that the position of the 1st platoon could not be lost, and it must be guarded by separate troops.

Next, Li Shusen rushed to the 2nd and 4th platoon positions respectively, where the most intense gunfire appeared.

The volunteers ran out of ammunition, but with three alternative weapons, they miraculously repelled the American army

After that, the fighting became more and more difficult to fight, and the 1st Company had fallen into a situation of running out of ammunition and food, and could not contact the battalion headquarters, so it could only endure hunger and bite its teeth and fight bitterly.

When the enemy launched the last attack, the commanders and fighters of the whole company had no bullets, so they smashed them with stones and engaged the enemy with bayonets in a white-knife fight!

Machine gunner Li Kui stabbed two American soldiers to death with a bayonet while suffering gunshot wounds. Then, after being stabbed in the back by the enemy, he angrily rushed to the American soldier, hugged him tightly, and desperately bit the enemy's neck with his teeth. He actually bit the enemy in such an extremely cruel way, and he himself died heroically.

Incredibly, under the leadership of Li Shusen, the commanders and fighters of the 1st Company miraculously repelled this round of attack of the US army and held their positions with the help of three alternative weapons, such as stones, fists, and teeth.

The volunteers ran out of ammunition, but with three alternative weapons, they miraculously repelled the American army

It was a bloody battle, but also an incredible victory!

Whether something went wrong with the U.S. military and had to take the initiative to retreat, or whether the indomitable willpower of the volunteer army frightened the enemy, we have no way of knowing. However, it is an indisputable fact that although the volunteers were exhausted, they finally miraculously repelled the American army with three alternative weapons and successfully completed the blockade task.

It is undeniable that the volunteers also paid a huge price, the original 1 company of 118 commanders and fighters, only 17 people were left in the end, including Li Shusen, 5 of whom were seriously wounded in this battle.

According to post-war statistics, the officers and men of the 1st Company repelled 16 attacks of the US army in this blockade battle, killing and wounding more than 300 enemy soldiers. More importantly, they held the Myeongdong position, cut off the enemy's offensive passage, and made an important contribution to the main force of the 235th Regiment to surround and annihilate the enemy. This example of the battle was thus recorded in the military history of the 27th Army.

After the battle, the headquarters of the Volunteer Army gave the 1st Company a collective first-class merit, and Li Shusen's personal first-class merit, and awarded him the honorary title of "Second-Class Combat Hero".

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