
Taking History as a Mirror to Create the Future and Make Unremitting Efforts for Greater Victories Major leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

author:Internet Information Silver

Original title: Taking History as a Mirror to Create the Future and Making Unremitting Efforts for Greater Victories - A Side Note of the Seminar on the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for Major Leading Cadres at the Provincial and Ministerial Levels to Study and Implement the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Taking History as a Mirror to Create the Future and Make Unremitting Efforts for Greater Victories Major leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

On January 11, the seminar on the study and implementation of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held at the Central Party School (National School of Administration). Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered an important speech at the opening ceremony. Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, Wang Yang, Wang Huning, Zhao Leji, Han Zheng, Wang Qishan, etc. attended the opening ceremony. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ye

At the beginning of the new year, Vientiane is renewed. Walking into the campus of the Central Party School in the western suburbs of Beijing, you can feel the upsurge of learning, thinking and exploration everywhere.

From January 11 to 14, a seminar on the study and implementation of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held at the Central Party School. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the opening ceremony, profoundly expounding five issues such as promoting the sinification of Marxism into the times, correctly grasping the main contradictions and central tasks of society, attaching importance to strategic and tactical issues, always maintaining the party's Marxist political party essence, and normalizing and long-term effectiveness of party history study and education, emphasizing the need to deeply study and understand the resolutions of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Party, better grasp and apply the party's historical experience in the past century, carry forward the great spirit of party building, and make unremitting efforts to achieve the party's second centenary goal.

Carefully study the documents, study and think deeply, and prepare the speech carefully... For four days, trainees from various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, relevant departments of central and state organs, relevant people's organizations, major units of the military, and departments of the Central Military Commission conducted discussions closely around General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech. On campus, it is common to communicate during walks; the lights in the room are often lit until late at night.

After in-depth study, the trainees unanimously believed that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, rich in profound historical background and strong practical guidance, is of great significance for the whole party to enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve "two safeguards", and will surely lead the whole party to win greater victories and glory on the new journey of the new era.

Profoundly understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments" -- comprehend the valuable experience and enlightenment of the century-old party history

In 2022, the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the key year of the 14th Five-Year Plan period. A good start and a good start are of great significance.

Grasp the program with the eyes, and the program is open.

Face-to-face teaching of "key minorities" and good "key lessons". The trainees generally felt that the first big lesson of the New Year taught by General Secretary Xi Jinping himself had a very thick ideological content, and after listening, they were very thirsty.

Li Guoying, a student of the seminar and minister of water resources, said: "General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech is a face-to-face counseling for in-depth study and comprehension of the spirit of the resolution of the plenary session; a vivid party lesson with the theme of starting a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country; and a mobilization order issued by the general secretary to better grasp and apply the party's historical experience in the past century of struggle, carry forward the great spirit of party building, strengthen confidence, move forward courageously, and make unremitting efforts to achieve the goal of the second centenary struggle." ”

Know where you came from, and know where you are going.

Looking back at the past 2021, it is a landmark year in the history of the party and the country.

Solemnly celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, successfully convene the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, formulate the third historical resolution of the Party, carry out the study and education of party history, win the battle against poverty as scheduled, build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way as scheduled, realize the first centenary goal, and start a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country and marching toward the second centenary goal...

Looking back at the glorious course since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, with its great historical initiative, great political courage and strong responsibility, has overcome a series of major risks and challenges, solved many difficult problems that have long been wanted to be solved but have not been solved, and accomplished many major things that were wanted to be done but not accomplished in the past, and promoted the cause of the party and the country to achieve historic achievements and historic changes.

During the discussion, the trainees unanimously held that the great achievements of the new era come from the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, from the brilliant guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the party's establishment of comrade Xi Jinping's core position as the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the whole Party, and the establishment of the guiding position of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, which is a major political contribution of the plenary session, reflects the common aspirations of the whole party, the whole army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country, and is the choice of history, the people and the times.

Li Bingjun, a seminar student and governor of Guizhou Province, said: "The more than nine years since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China have been the best period of development in Guizhou's history. Guizhou has completely torn off the label of absolute poverty for thousands of years, achieved a historic leap in comprehensive strength, rapid economic and social development, remarkable results in infrastructure construction, major achievements in the construction of ecological civilization, and a new mental outlook of cadres and the masses. These great achievements make us deeply feel that the 'two safeguards' are the greatest politics and the greatest overall situation. ”

Han Wenxiu, a seminar student and deputy director in charge of daily work in the office of the Central Financial and Economic Commission, said: "The 'two establishments' are of decisive significance. If the cause of promoting socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is compared to playing a grand symphony, then the conductor is General Secretary Xi Jinping, who is the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the whole Party; there can only be one musical score, that is, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era. Everyone obeys the unified command, follows the same score, and works together to play a mighty and majestic and wonderful great movement. ”

Contemporary China is experiencing the most grand and unique practical innovation in human history, how to answer The Questions of China, the Questions of the World, the Questions of the People, and the Questions of the Times in the torrent of the times? How to endlessly promote the sinicization of Marxism into the times?

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly replied in his important speech: "Persist in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, abiding by integrity and innovation, better unify the adherence to Marxism and the development of Marxism, and persist in using the 'arrow' of Marxism to shoot the 'arrow' of China in the new era."

Shen Fangwu, a student of the seminar and director of the Strategic Planning Office of the Central Military Commission, said: "Our party has always been a political party that is good at theoretical thinking, and Mao Zedong Military Thought and Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Army are the results of innovative development with the times. Theoretical and ideological innovation is a powerful weapon for our party to defeat all enemies at home and abroad and to overcome all difficulties and obstacles over the past hundred years. As party cadres, we must not be rigid in our thinking, we must not stick to conventional rules, we must not be cocooned, and we must continue to promote the integration of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and the integration of China's excellent traditional culture in accordance with President Xi's requirements, and continue to write a new chapter in the sinification of Marxism and the modernization of the times. ”

Constantly cultivate strong skills - grasp the strategic initiative around the central task

The leader of the new era is also the leader of new ideas.

In the report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has insight into the general trend and made it clear that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the main contradiction in our society has been transformed into a contradiction between the people's growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development. Two months ago, the Resolution of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made a comprehensive analysis of the Party's ability to grasp the main contradictions and central tasks of society and promote the overall work.

At this seminar, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "Whether the cause of the party and the people can move forward in the right direction depends on whether we can accurately understand and grasp the main contradictions in society and determine the central tasks." When the main contradictions and central tasks in society are accurately judged, the cause of the party and the people will develop smoothly, otherwise the cause of the party and the people will suffer setbacks. ”

In the midst of strategizing, decisive victory is thousands of miles away.

Judge the main contradictions in the complex situation and achieve key breakthroughs in the overall advancement. The students tasted the taste of truth and understood the wisdom of philosophy.

Xu Qin, a student of the seminar and secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee, said: "General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech closely follows the main contradictions and central tasks of our society, adheres to the people-centered development thinking, grasps the law of social contradiction movement, and promotes high-quality all-round development and achieve common prosperity with theoretical epistemology and practical methodology guidance, which is the scientific guide for our actions." Standing at a new important juncture, Heilongjiang will adhere to its political position, vigorously promote the transformation of ideology and concepts, the transformation of development mode, and the transformation of growth momentum, strengthen confidence, boost morale, stimulate endogenous motivation, strive to promote Heilongjiang's comprehensive revitalization and all-round revitalization, resolutely safeguard national food security, and guard the 'north gate' of the motherland. ”

The party and the people have worked hard for a hundred years to write the most magnificent epic in the history of the Chinese nation for thousands of years.

Analyzing its "key", General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly replied: "Over the past hundred years, the party has always been able to strategically understand, analyze and judge the major historical issues it is facing at major historical junctures, and formulate correct political strategies and tactics, which is a strong guarantee for the party to overcome countless risks and challenges and continuously move from victory to victory." ”

Conscientiously studying General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on attaching importance to strategic and tactical issues, Li Fengbiao, a seminar student and political commissar of the Western Theater General, said: "Strategy determines the direction, and strategy grasps the opportunity. The dialectical relationship between strategy and tactics is not only the relationship between the whole and the part, but also the relationship between the goal and the means. To resolutely implement President Xi Jinping's requirements and take the road of strengthening the army with Chinese characteristics, one is to firmly seek the overall strategic determination, the second is to highlight the strategic vitality of shaping the victory, the third is to accumulate the strength of the struggle to build up for war, and the fourth is to unite the people's great strength for the overall war. ”

A hundred years of struggle, a great cause in a thousand autumns, the right way in the world, and the feelings of the world are the grand patterns of the Chinese Communists.

Wang Qingxian, a student of the seminar and governor of Anhui Province, said: "Focusing on the overall situation is the horizontal coordinate, focusing on the overall situation is the vertical coordinate, and grasping the problem from the strategic and tactical point of view is essentially the one who has the 'great power of the country' in mind." General Secretary Xi Jinping is thinking about major strategic and tactical issues, learning from Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, first of all, we must learn to understand the strategic intentions of the General Secretary, arm the mind with new ideas, improve ideological methods, and then improve working methods, accurately implement the strategic deployment of the General Secretary into local strategic initiatives, and truly learn to understand and do practical work. Leading cadres should stand in such a pattern to plan development, find out their positioning, and serve the overall situation. ”

Determined to go to the great journey - to promote self-revolution and always maintain a forward posture

But the path of the way is concerned, and the sky is green and green.

The history of the party's century-long struggle is precisely the history of leading the great social revolution with the great self-revolution. Over the past hundred years, the Communist Party of China has always been vigorous through thousands of hammers and tribulations, has never changed its original intention through vicissitudes, and has always been true to itself after weathering the storms and frosts.

At the second plenary session of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly expounded on the great significance of self-revolution: "How can our party have such a long history, such a large scale, and have been in power for so long, how can we jump out of the historical cycle rate of the rise and fall of chaos?" Comrade Mao Zedong gave the first answer in the cave dwellings in Yan'an, that is, 'Only by letting the people supervise the government can the government dare not slacken off'. After a hundred years of struggle, especially the new practice since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party, our Party has given a second answer, that is, self-revolution. ”

At this seminar, in the face of senior party cadres, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again put forward requirements for the comprehensive and strict management of the party: "We must not breed the tiredness that has been strictly in place. The building of a sound party style and a clean administration and the anti-corruption struggle will always be on the road, and we must not relax for a moment; we must continue to fight a tough and protracted battle in the building of a sound party style and a clean and honest government and in the anti-corruption struggle with the tenacity and persistence of grasping the iron marks and leaving a mark on the stepping stones. ”

Drums and hammers, vibrating deafening.

Chang Dingqiu, a student of the seminar and commander of the Air Force General, said: "To implement President Xi's important requirements, the air force units should continue to do a good job in self-revolution, promote the construction of work style, and always maintain the true color of the people's army." In recent years, through the fight against corruption and clean government, the entire political ecology of the Air Force has been renewed, which is the huge effect of President Xi Jinping's focus on the goal of strengthening the army and reshaping the people's army. In the new historical stage, the air force units must continue to promote self-revolution, especially to do a good job in grass-roots construction, oppose 'micro-corruption,' ensure that the air force resolutely obeys the party's command, and ensure that the entire contingent is more clean and upright, more united and energetic, and more effective in combat effectiveness. ”

The past of the degree, the examination of the coming, the participation of the plain, can be decided.

Under the personal planning and personal promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, in the past year, the whole party has carried out in-depth study and education on party history, the majority of party members and cadres have received comprehensive and profound political education, ideological tempering, and spiritual baptism, the whole party's historical consciousness and historical self-confidence have been greatly enhanced, and the party's creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness have been greatly enhanced.

In the important speech of the seminar, General Secretary Xi Jinping made important arrangements for promoting the normalization and long-term effectiveness of party history study and education, emphasizing the need to seriously summarize the successful experience of this party history study and education, establish a normalized long-term system and mechanism, and continuously consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education.

Jin Zhuanglong, a student of the seminar and deputy director of the office of the Central Military-Civilian Integration Development Commission, who presided over the standing work, said: "The party's historical experience in a hundred years of struggle is an important basis for us to correctly judge the situation, scientifically foresee the future, and grasp the historical initiative, and it is an important guideline for thinking about problems, making policy decisions, and handling things. ”

Liu Ning, a seminar student and secretary of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Party Committee, said: "In April 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the first stop in Guangxi and went to the Memorial Park of the Xiangjiang Campaign of the Red Army's Long March to present flower baskets to the red army martyrs. Study the history of the party for a hundred years and seek rejuvenation. It is necessary to sum up the good experience and good practices in the study and education of party history, establish and improve the normalization and long-term mechanism, give full play to the advantages of Guangxi's rich red resources, dig deep into the red story, promote the red education into the classroom and the party school, use the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs to inspire and inspire people, and guide party members and cadres to deeply understand the decisive significance of the 'two establishments' and achieve it. Two safeguards', keeping in mind the original mission, taking Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, deeply understanding the importance of the sinicization of Marxism and the era, and moving forward courageously on the road of the new Long March. ”

History and reality meet here —

Proceeding from the party's great congress, thousands of rivers and mountains come and go, how many storms and clouds stir, how many winds and rains and journeys, the original intention and mission, suffering and glory, are deeply engraved in the annals of history. Although the 4-day study was short, it was a systematic review of our party's hundred years of struggle, and the students' perceptions and gains were meticulous and meticulous notes, sincere speeches, three-point understanding, and even more determination to really do solid work.

The new centenary has begun, the new examination is on the road, the trainees unanimously said that when they go to their respective posts, they must strengthen confidence, forge ahead, make unremitting efforts to achieve the party's second centenary goal, and greet the party's twenty-year victory with practical actions!

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