
The full name of China is "The People's Republic of China", the full name of Japan, do you know what it is?

Speaking of the origin of the word China, it first appeared on the bronze vessel named "He Zun" in the Western Zhou Dynasty, on which it was engraved "Zhaozi China". China here refers to the Central Plains. Later, the Central Plains evolved into areas such as the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. Outside the Central Plains is known as siyi. It was not until 1968 that China was officially used for the first time in the Treaty of Nebuchu. On September 27, 1949, China was named the People's Republic of China, which is also the full name of our country.

The full name of China is "The People's Republic of China", the full name of Japan, do you know what it is?

In fact, almost every country has a full name. So what is the full name of Japan? During the Eastern Han Dynasty in China, Liu Xiuci, the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, named Japan the "Kingdom of Wu". This is the first time that Japan has had a name in China. The "倭" here means short, which is very close to the small Japanese body shape at that time. Later, the Japanese thought that the name was not good and the meaning was inappropriate. So, I always wanted to change the name.

The full name of China is "The People's Republic of China", the full name of Japan, do you know what it is?

It was not until the time of Wu Zetian, under the repeated requests of Japan, that the Japanese "Uighur Kingdom" was given the title of "Japan". In other words, from the Tang Dynasty onwards, Japan was only "correctly named". Later, however, as Japan's national power grew stronger, they began to change their country's name on their own initiative. In particular, during the Meiji Restoration in Japan, it called itself "Great Japan". It seems that the name of Japan has evolved around the big and the small from the beginning.

The full name of China is "The People's Republic of China", the full name of Japan, do you know what it is?

In 1936, Japan, which wanted to conquer all of Asia, once again changed its name to the Empire of Japan. However, with the fall of Japan in World War II, the name was again renamed Japan. And this country name continues to this day. What do you think of the full name of Japan?

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