
Why is Kailash the "center of the world"?

author:Full raiders into Tibet

People say "no Ali, no Tibet", and many people come to Ali with a common goal: Kailash. Not only devout believers, but even tourists who love hiking and like snowy mountains will come to punch, in the hearts of many believers, this is the "center of the world", Kailash is not a vain name, here is the birthplace of Yongzhong Bon, and also with the Meili Snow Mountain, anima Qing Mountain Range, Qinghai Yushu Gaduo Juewo and called the four sacred mountains of Tibetan Buddhism.

Although in Tibetan areas, Tibetan compatriots believe that every mountain has a deity, which gives the mountain a lot of religious and mythological colors, but the most famous and influential must be Kailash.

Kailash is not very high, the altitude is only 6656 meters, compared to some high mountains in Tibetan areas, the altitude is not high, but this mountain has its own unique temperament, located in the "roof of the roof of the world", but not as arrogant as many of the mountains we think and have seen, more indifferent after the achievement of fame, more can show the supreme status.

And the snow on the top of the mountain, under the sunlight, is even more peculiar, like the light of the Buddha, dazzling, and his appearance is a curvy, soft but resolute pyramid shape, which makes people awe-inspiring.

Why is Kailash the "center of the world"?

From the south, the mountain on the south side has a natural, horizontal rock pattern, a deep ravine in the middle that is wide and narrow from top to bottom, and there is more snow on the south side, stacked in the natural grain of the mountain, like black and white, delicate, artificially carved lines, which is also a typical symbol of Kailash.

Why is Kailash the "center of the world"?

It is said that those who can come to Kailash are blessed, and it is even more blessed to see the summit (because the clouds are thick here all year round, and the top of the mountain seems to be hidden among the white clouds). According to Bon records, Kailash's worship seems to have begun in 1000 BC, and for thousands of years there have been pilgrimages from neighboring countries, and it is said that there are 360 gods of Bon here; Buddhist texts call this Mount Meru or Mount 90,000, which was believed in the former Buddhist era to be the place where Bon ancestors came from heaven to land on earth; and Hinduism regarded this place as the center of the world, and their upper reaches of the Indus and Ganges originated here.

Some people will wonder, this is more than a thousand kilometers away from the Tibetan capital Lhasa, the location is remote, at the intersection of the three countries, the climate is cold, the altitude is high, and the appearance of Ali's highest peak, Namunani Peak, is also very unique, and the glacier pouring out of the valley is several times more than Kailash, why do so many believers and tourists enjoy it, drive to it, and regardless of the thin oxygen in the plateau area, they also have to hike here to turn the mountain?

Why is Kailash the "center of the world"?

Frankly speaking, if it is only to see glaciers, snowy mountains, beautiful scenery, majestic mountains, Kailash is not the best choice, and even do not need to come to a corner of Tibet, Chuanxi can meet many imaginations of snowy mountains and glaciers, Kailash is mainly based on humanistic and religious values.

However, when it comes to why Kailash has such a lofty religious status in Tibet and even Asia, we must mention the matter of "Langdama destroying the Buddha." According to historical records, the last Tibetan dynasty, Zampu Lang Dharma, forbade Buddha, monks resisted, assassinated Zampu, and then the Tubo Dynasty, which ruled Tibet for more than two hundred years, collapsed. Bon also flourished during this period.

Devout Buddhists, descendants of the Tubo royal family who believe in Buddhism, came to Pulan County with the remnants of the personnel, leaned on this majestic mountain, and established the Guge Dynasty.

Why is Kailash the "center of the world"?

The Gug royal family made many efforts to revive Buddhism, such as inviting His Holiness Atisha, the burning lamp of the Indian Buddhist center, which was also a very influential act in the history of Tibetan Buddhism, and later, the light of Buddhism in the Ali region was rekindled and became more and more prosperous.

In addition, the four rivers named after lions, horses, elephants, and peacocks around Kailash have also given birth to four different civilizations and beliefs.

In the lonely corner of Tibet, Kailash is majestic, sacred, and contains a variety of religions and believers, so there is an unshakable and irreplaceable value here, if you can, come here to turn the mountain, even if you are not a believer, even if the mountain is long, but come to the foot of Mount Kailash, you can get a lot of shock and inner peace, you must not waste this trip.

Why is Kailash the "center of the world"?

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