
Why do people always go to Kailash?

author:Outdoor travel in the mountains
Why do people always go to Kailash?

© Bread travel WangHe

Kailash, World Pilgrimage Center

Representative of the Holy Land in the Hearts of All

Shaped like a pyramid, straight into the clouds, the peak is like a colorful round crown

It is the main peak of the Ganges Mountains, at an altitude of 6656 meters

It is also the most famous sacred mountain in Tibet

It is the birthplace of famous rivers such as the Ganges, Indus and Brahmaputra

Why do people always go to Kailash?

Every year many come from the mainland

Believers from India and Nepal come to worship the mountain

For hundreds of years

Kailash has always been an eternal sacred place in the minds of pilgrims

Why do people always go to Kailash?

© Paratroopers outdoor bridge beans

The peaks around it are very different

One has to be filled with religious piety and amazement

People who believe in Tibetan Buddhism

In this life, I want to go to Kailash to turn the mountain once

Why do people always go to Kailash?

About Kailash Kailash Kailash is known as the Four Sacred Mountains of Tibetan Buddhism, along with the Meri Snow Mountain, the Anima Qing Mountains, and the Yushu of Qinghai. It is recognized as the center of the world by The Yongzhong Bon Sect of Tibet, Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, and ancient Jainism in China. Tibetan Buddhism believes that this mountain is the dwelling place of The Vajrayogini and represents immeasurable happiness. There are many domestic and foreign believers who have been turning the mountain here all year round. Some people think that being buried here is also lucky.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

Why go to Kailash Tonshan?

Tibetans who believe in Buddhism firmly believe that pilgrimage can cleanse the sins of past lives and this life, add infinite merit, and eventually get rid of samsara and ascend to bliss.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

Therefore, there are always countless Tibetans who prostrate themselves between heaven and earth in a unique way of prostrating their heads and trekking towards the holy land.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

© Horse Honeycomb Huang Xiaohuang (Hangzhou)

Why do people always go to Kailash?

Kailash turned the mountain full raiders

▎Why are there the most people turning mountains in the Year of the Horse?

People who have watched the movie "Kailash" know that the group in the movie went to Kailash to turn mountains in the Year of the Horse, and there are many people in Kailash who turn mountains every year of the horse, which is exquisite:

It is said that the zodiac sign of Buddha Shakyamuni is a horse, and the one circle of the horse in the year of the horse is equivalent to 13 turns of the mountain in other years, and it is the most spiritual and accumulated merit.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

© Stills from the movie Kailash

▎ Something to eat

Prepare more chocolate, instant noodles (there is hot water in the tents of Tibetans on the way to the mountain, charges may apply), beef jerky, candy and the like; all the footholds in the whole process of the mountain will have instant noodles for sale, the price is about 10 yuan.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

▎ Climate issues

The temperature of the sacred mountain is not special, and, the sunshine is very strong, the day time is long, the sunset is only at 8-9 o'clock in the evening, the firepower of the people will feel hotter during the day, and the sunscreen things must be more (sunscreen, hats, eyes, gloves, etc.), some tourists go to the mountain without paying attention to the sunscreen, the hands are directly exposed to festering, this is the lesson of the past, we must pay attention.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

July and August are the rainy season, and when I set out, I was worried that I wouldn't see Kailash, but after arriving at the Temple, I was beautiful and finally saw the sacred mountain through the clouds.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

▎The end point is the beginning

Located at the foot of the mountain south of the sacred mountain, Tarchin (4560 meters) is the starting and ending point of the turning mountain, facing the vast Baga Plain and the tender Mapan Yongcuo, the current Tarchin is not what it used to be, hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, grocery stores are lined up one after another, singing Kara is no problem, it is no longer the era of a few simple tents in the past. Everything from hiking poles and oxygen tanks to Red Bull drinks is sold.

The so-called turning of the mountain is to start from Tachin and walk in a complete circle around the sacred mountain Kailash, in other words, the final end point is the starting point of the beginning. The whole journey is about 52 kilometers (49km if you do not enter the temple), and the highest point at the altitude is more than 5600 meters above the Dormala Pass.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

The time to turn the mountain is generally divided into two or three days, and there are many rest and supply stations and accommodation points on the way, and each station is separated by about four or five kilometers.

Accommodations in Zhuanshan generally choose the Temple of Thermist at an altitude of 5210 meters above sea level 22 km or the frozen diding at the Dolmala Pass at an altitude of 5650 meters above sea level. The conditions of the accommodation points on the road are relatively simple, and the bedding is not washed all year round, and it is strongly recommended to bring your own sleeping bag when turning the mountain.

Why do people always go to Kailash?
Why do people always go to Kailash?

▎ How to get to Tachin in Lhasa

When you come to Kailash to turn the mountain, you must live in Tachin, and many people also call it Tarchin. Originally a small village at the foot of the mountain, it has become an important town in the Ali region of Tibet under the influence of pilgrimage and mountain turning, and has gradually developed into an "international metropolis" in the Ali region, where believers and tourists from India, Nepal and other countries live here every day.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

Tachin is the base camp of the mountain. Starting from the Tachin Inn on foot, centered on the Kailash Sacred Mountain, circling clockwise and finally returning to the starting point of the Tachin station, a total of 52 kilometers, it is a complete turn.

The mountain turning mountain starts from the town of Tachin in the Ali region, Lhasa is about 1200 kilometers away from the town of Taqin, and this journey can be completed in the following three ways:

(1) Hitchhiking:

Relatively free, suitable for loners or adventurous people who like the unknown (not recommended for personal and property safety). On the first morning, take a train from Lhasa to Shigatse (one in the morning and one in the afternoon every day), this railway has only been open for a few years, it is clean and spacious, and the window is the wilderness you yearn for. About noon to Shigatse, take the bus to the westernmost intersection of Shigatse (donkey friends with hitchhiking experience should understand, that is, look at the map or ask the locals, the only way to the Ali area is good), Xigaze to Ali there is only one big road, will not go wrong. Then look at perseverance and character, indispensable, if it goes well, you can get to Tachin Town in 2-3 days;

Why do people always go to Kailash?

© Horse Honeycomb Cafelover (Beijing)

(2) Chartered bus:

Find hotels, hostels, travel agencies, there will be a chartered car to Ali, 4-6 people a car, this chartered car is generally 10-20 days round trip, in addition to going to Taqin Town will also go to many attractions along the way (Mapan Yong wrong, Guge Dynasty, etc.), of course, the price is not cheap, a person may want 1000-3000 range, suitable for time tight, do not want to do their own raiders, economically generous people; but relatively unfree, which day to go back to today to do what is set;

(3) Long-distance bus:

There are long-distance buses from Lhasa to Taqin Town, which may take about 1 and a half-2 days one way. Decent, the advantage is cheap, one-way should be more than 600, but the bus environment is more general, along the way will not go to the attractions, slightly boring. Of course, you can also put on your headphones, look into the wilderness, and fully experience the thrill of escaping the city on this bumpy journey, which will be unforgettable.

▎ Three ways to turn the mountain

1 day to finish

Suitable for local repeat mountain turners or a small number of hikers (about 53 km, 12-20 hours)

Very hard! Not much to say.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

2 days to go

Suitable for those who have a certain amount of trekking experience and are not highly repulsive, it should also be the most popular choice of walking. recommend.

* Depart from Tachin after breakfast at 8:00 (go straight down the street towards the sacred mountain, then take the road on the left, and immediately see the place to buy tickets, yes, turn the mountain to buy a ticket 150)

*After about an hour of uphill, you can reach the top of the hill and see a colorful prayer flag

*About 1 hour downhill to reach the pagoda (sky burial ground)

* Walking along the river, about 3-4 hours to reach the temple, altitude 5210 (the east side can see the sacred mountain, is said to be the best viewing point, so many people stay overnight, stop, accommodation 30-120 yuan range, there is hot water, electricity, people are lively)

Why do people always go to Kailash?

* Because I arrived at the temple at 4-5 o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was still bright and the physical strength was sufficient, so I did not stay at the temple at that time, and I continued to walk for 2-3 hours to a Tibetan tent at the foot of the mountain, which was very small, a total of two tents, less than 20 beds. There is hot water and electricity, there is a mat, 50 pieces;

Why do people always go to Kailash?

PS: About 4 kilometers from the temple to the heavenly burial ground, there are many mani piles, many clothes scattered on the ground, all of which are pilgrims, and it is said that the clothes are placed here, symbolizing a death, which can avoid the suffering of a reincarnation.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

Stop Fever Temple © Horse Honeycomb Lone Traveler Kaka (Shenzhen)

*At 5:00 or so, start climbing the mountain, all the way up, this section of the road is uphill, slightly shaky, consume physical strength, Dolmala Pass is in front;

* After 3-4 hours to the Dolmala Pass, at an altitude of 5630, the boundless prayer flags and devout believers will surely impress you, if there is anything to repent in this life, it is now;

Why do people always go to Kailash?

* The Dolmala Pass is all downhill, and after a section of gravel steps, overlooking a pool of emerald green lake- Moraine Lake, which is a lake of great compassion in the hearts of Tibetans;

* 1-2 hours downhill road, you can reach the first tent rest point, rest for dinner;

* 2-3 hours to reach Zunzhu Temple (also known as Zhongzhepu Temple), there are 2-3 tent rest points in the middle, this section of the road will pass through the creek and meadows, there is a section of more muddy;

* The last 3-4 hours down the mountain road back to Tachin, congratulations, you see what others don't see, you go to others, cry or eat a big meal.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

© Ma Honeycomb Solo Traveler Card (Shenzhen)

3 days to go

Suitable for those who fully enjoy the process, have plenty of time, eat, drink and rest photography at will.

The last 9 kilometers of flat road, the altitude and fatigue are slightly relieved than the previous day, the view is gradually broadened, along the way are canyons and mountains and streams, recalling the hardships of the previous two days, as if in another world, fully enjoy this last pilgrimage road.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

▎ Turning the mountain is clockwise and counterclockwise

Kailash turns the mountain clockwise and counterclockwise, Tibetan Buddhists and Hindus turn the mountain in a clockwise direction, always keeping the sacred mountain on the right side of the body, and tourists who turn the mountain basically choose this route, only Bon Christians complete the mountain in a counterclockwise direction.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

▎ Accommodation point

The first accommodation is concentrated in the 20.6 km Ofha Bangma Hotel, Jerep Temple and roadside tents, which can accommodate 500 people!

Why do people always go to Kailash?

The second accommodation is 29 km away from the immovable ground, the living is a bunk, the floor mat is a bit dirty.

The third accommodation is a tent set up on the edge of the river valley (between the tea house and the Jongjep Temple) at 37 km.

The fourth accommodation is the 38.9-point Zhongzhepu Temple, which has beds and is in acceptable condition, which can accommodate hundreds of people.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

Hisham Bangma Hotel © Ma Honeycomb Lone Traveler Kaka (Shenzhen)

Mill Morrowind 19681201 Turning mountain time record

1. At 6:30, Gangqin Hotel - Qugu Temple 9.6 km, took 2 hours and 10 minutes;

2. At 8:40, Qugu Temple - 4.5 km of Saddle Rock, taking 1 hour and 45 minutes;

3. At 10:25, saddle stone - horse head ming jade 2.3 km, the time is 35 minutes;

4. At 11:00, Matou Ming Jade - Xixia Bangma Hotel 4.2 km, took 1:21;

5. At 12:21, The Hexia Bangma Hotel - Heavenly Burial Platform, which took 1 hour and 57 minutes;

6. At 14:18, the Heavenly Burial Platform - Dolmala Pass Scenic Area Sign, which took 50 minutes;

7. At 15:08, the Dolmala Pass Scenic Spot Sign - Dolmala Pass Grand Warp Array, took 1:04;

8. At 16:12, the Large Prayer Array at the mouth of Dolmala Mountain Pass - Empty Mother Bath, which lasted 8 minutes;

9. At 16:20, the empty mother bath - Fushang Diding, which takes 1 hour and 04 minutes; (Hexia Bangma Hotel to Fudo Diding 8.4 km, taking 5 hours and 03 minutes, including the time for lunch at the Xixia Bangma Hotel!) );

10, 17:24, immovable Ding - Tea House (the secret road exit marked on the scenic sign map is not seen on the road) 5.4 kilometers, taking 1 hour and 55 minutes;

11, 19:19, tea house - Zhongzhepu Temple 4.5 km, took 1 hour and 17 minutes;

12, 20:36, Jongjep Monastery - Ta Chin 10.2 km, took 2 hours and 54 minutes, 23:30 to reach the end!

Note: The large blue tin garbage can set up in the scenic spot disappears after crossing the Dolmala Ya Pass, as long as you walk along the main road and pay attention to the scenic road sign set up on the side of the road, you will definitely be able to reach the end point smoothly!

Total itinerary: The sign of the current scenic spot is marked as 49.1 kilometers.

Finally, put another route road, for reference only!

Why do people always go to Kailash?

For a believer, a pilgrimage is a sacred act that can be taken seriously for the rest of his life.

Why do people always go to Kailash?

It can even be said that a pilgrimage beyond the meaning of "asceticism" is the only way to push the journey of individual life to the extreme!

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