
What is the difference between the three ski jump events of the Winter Olympics |?

What is the difference between the three ski jump events of the Winter Olympics |?

The XXIV Winter Olympics will open in Beijing on February 4, 2022. The Sports Department of China News Network launched a series of columns "100 Questions about the Winter Olympics", which aims to popularize the knowledge of the Winter Olympics, answer hot questions, and talk about ice and snow anecdotes, so as to help everyone have a better viewing experience during the Beijing Winter Olympics.

No. 82 Winter Olympics | What are the differences between the three ski jump events at the Winter Olympics?

What is the difference between the three ski jump events of the Winter Olympics |?

Ski jumping personal big jump, freestyle ski big jump, snowboard big jump... The three ski jumping events in the Winter Olympics are inevitably a bit confusing. What is the difference between them, and how can they be better distinguished for those who are not familiar with these projects?

First of all, from the perspective of the competition, the snowboard jump and the freestyle ski jump are competing with the action. Athletes start from the departure area, slide to the snow slopes in the jumping area, and then make flips, grabs and other movements.

Ski jumping competes in distance and aerial posture, athletes slide high-speed to the starting board at the end of the platform, jump into the air, and fly the body and the board for a distance before landing.

What is the difference between the three ski jump events of the Winter Olympics |?

Infographic: Men's individual big jump competition. Photo by China News Service reporter Tomita

From the competition equipment, it is also possible to distinguish these three jumping events very well. Snowboard jumpers wear snowboards, freestyle ski jumps and ski jumps are both skis, with freestyle ski jumpers having shorter skis and mostly holding poles.

In addition, snowboard jumpers and freestyle ski jumpers wear ordinary ski suits, which are divided into tops and pants; ski jumpers and Nordic biathlete athletes wear jumpers made of synthetic fiber materials.

What is the difference between the three ski jump events of the Winter Olympics |?

Infographic: "Snow Ruyi" staged a light show. Photo by China News Service reporter Tomita

In the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics, the snowboard jump and freestyle ski jump will be performed on the Shougang Ski Jump, and the ski jump will be carried out at the National Ski Jumping Center.

There are also certain differences in the competition venue, the Shougang Ski Jump has only one track, and the National Ski Jumping Center has two tracks, one high and one low, and a large disc at the top and bottom end. The large disc at the top is the departure area, but it also provides a unique perspective for the viewer to see the athlete's departure status from behind without disturbing the athlete. The large disc at the bottom links the two tracks and is the stopping area after the athletes land. (Bian Liqun)

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