
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan


Fang Shuangyan is now a contracted painter of Beijing Moyuanzhai! Academician of Beijing Art Patrol China Love Calligraphy and Painting Institute, Researcher of Guangdong Southern Art Research Institute, Researcher of Guangdong South China Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Member of Shantou Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, Member of Puning Fine Arts Association, Specially Appointed Painter of Puning Calligraphy and Painting Institute, Member of Artists Association of Huizhou High-tech Zone.

Painting review

Teacher Fang's Guanyin Bodhisattva looks dignified and charitable, graceful and luxurious, classical ladies are elegant and idyllic, exquisite composition, smooth lines, unique and vivid figures, light and ethereal lines, the creation based on Chinese painting shows a very valuable visual effect, his works are deeply rooted in the soil of China's unique culture and art, and the spirit of art is mainly transmitted and continued by the literati of successive dynasties. A successful painting must have successful lines full of musical beauty and rhythm, each painting conveys the cultural atmosphere of high ancient atmosphere, but also the inner emotion of the painter, with the painter's emotional line is the line of the real Chinese painting. The first visual feeling for the appreciation of Chinese painting art is to look comfortable, so that the viewer is brought into the painting by a pleasant visual experience, and the first feeling when seeing it can produce a sense of beauty, which is where the charm of Chinese painting art lies!

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan

Human works

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan

Landscape artwork

"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan
"Art China Year of the Tiger Edition" - specially invited artist Fang Shuangyan

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