
Steady forward to open a new situation| Wuhan: seize the new "base" of the digital economy

"Accelerate the expansion of the digital industry, and promote the integration of meta-universes, big data, cloud computing, blockchain, geospatial information, quantum technology, etc. with the real economy." At the first meeting of the 15th People's Congress of Wuhan held recently, the "meta-universe", as one of the "top ten internet terms in 2021", was officially written into the Work Report of the Wuhan Municipal Government.

In recent years, in the face of the new opportunities brought by the digital economy to the city to "change lanes and overtake", Wuhan has taken advantage of the momentum and is making a key leap towards the goal of a first-tier city in the digital economy by building a "base" for the digital economy, promoting digital industry clusters, and empowering the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.

Steady forward to open a new situation| Wuhan: seize the new "base" of the digital economy

On March 20, 2021, the launching ceremony of the "Cyber Security 10,000 People Training Subsidy Program" was held at the National Cyber Security Talent and Innovation Base. (Xinhua News Agency)

Ramming cornerstone: new infrastructure presses the "acceleration button"

In the Wuhan Big Data Center Park in The Zhongjin Shugu in Wuhan's Dongxihu District, three 5-storey big data rooms are lined up from north to south. Thousands of data storage cabinets operate 24 hours a day, receiving hundreds of millions of data messages.

Five years ago, as the pilot project and the first completed project of the national network security talent and innovation base, CICC Data Wuhan Supercomputing Center was completed and put into operation in only 120 days; today, 134 network security companies such as Aerospace Science and Industry and Tianrongxin have settled in succession, which has become an industrial gathering highland with cloud computing, supercomputing and big data as the core business content.

Heading out to the south, across the cyber security avenue, the National Cyber Security Institute stands, and more than a thousand teachers and students from Wuhan University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology have settled in. It is estimated that by 2025, there will be about 3,500 master's and doctoral students in school.

Competing for a new track of digital economy, Wuhan is grasping infrastructure construction on the one hand and talent development on the other, and is striving to run out of "acceleration".

At present, Wuhan has built a total of 35,000 5G base stations, ranking the forefront of the country in terms of commercial scale; 23 industrial Internet identity resolution secondary nodes have access to the national top nodes, radiating Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, and central Henan provinces; the country's leading artificial intelligence computing centers and a number of large-capacity data centers are accelerating construction, and the "base" of digital economy development has been continuously consolidated.

Steady forward to open a new situation| Wuhan: seize the new "base" of the digital economy

The picture shows the exterior of the National Cyber Security Academy taken on June 8, 2020. (Xinhua News Agency)

Endowed with "wisdom": "Data brain" makes cities smarter

"There is a zhandao operation in Wanda Jinjie, Wuhan Economic Development Zone." On January 12, on the urban operation management platform of Wuhan Municipal Affairs Service and Big Data Administration, the reporter witnessed the "wisdom" of Wuhan's urban data brain.

According to the video surveillance of the city part, through image comparison and AI algorithms, the Wuhan city data brain automatically determines that there are vendors occupying the road, and pushes the information to the urban management department for the first time. In less than half an hour, the responsible unit accepted the case and the illegal act was quickly investigated and punished.

Since its launch at the end of 2020, through more than a year of construction, the Wuhan City Data Brain Project has begun to run online. As the core engine of smart city, the data brain big data hub docks with more than 220 systems in the city, sharing an average of nearly 70 million pieces of data per day, and Wuhan is becoming more "smart" by strengthening the comprehensive perception, intelligent analysis and collaborative processing of the city.

The relevant person in charge of the Wuhan Municipal Affairs Service and Big Data Administration Bureau said that at present, the proportion of wuhan government services "One Netcom Office" can be handled online throughout the whole process of 88.72%, 300 high-frequency matters are online on the 24-hour self-service government service machine, and 400 convenience service items are online on the "Ehui Office" platform. Based on the infrastructure and service capabilities of the urban data brain, Wuhan is making every effort to promote the construction of urban infrastructure applications, empower the city's fine governance, and enhance the sense of experience and acquisition of citizens.

Steady forward to open a new situation| Wuhan: seize the new "base" of the digital economy

From November 19 to 21, 2021, the 2021 China 5G+ Industrial Internet Conference was held at the China Optics Valley Science and Technology Convention and Exhibition Center in Wuhan, and the picture shows visitors viewing the exhibited models at the "5G+ Industrial Internet Achievements Exhibition". Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Wu Zhizun)

Strong application: stimulate new momentum for industrial upgrading

The lack of application scenarios is a "roadblock" for the development and growth of many digital economy enterprises.

Recently, the Office of the Wuhan Digital Economy Development Commission issued the action work plan of "unveiling the leader" of the digital economy application scenario, carried out the digital economy application scenario "unveiling the commander", and gave 2 million yuan of financial support to the enterprise-oriented "unveiling the commander" project.

The relevant person in charge of the Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology said that the scene is an experience field and testing ground for creating innovative products, and an important driving force to drive the development of the digital economy. Through policy incentives, it aims to focus on breaking through a number of landmark scenarios of the digital economy with excellent technological innovation, good application effect, and strong replication and promotion, and encourage the use of new technologies, new products and new models in the digital economy to solve the "pain points" and "difficulties" of economic and social development.

In the optical fiber production workshop of Changfei Optical Fiber And Cable Co., Ltd., the obstacle-avoiding AGV trolley is transporting materials, and they can realize centimeter-level positioning and information interconnection through the cloud; in the unmanned workshop of Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., from the entry of molten iron to the rolling of the finished products, "one-click steelmaking" has become a reality; in the Wuhan Economic Development Zone, the National Intelligent Networked Vehicle Demonstration Zone has been built, and the "smart car" automatically runs on the "smart road"... Digital industrialization and industrial digitalization, Wuhan is setting off a boom in the development of the digital economy.

According to the relevant plans, in the next three years, the added value of Wuhan's digital economy will account for more than 50% of GDP, contributing to promoting high-quality economic development and building a new development pattern of services. (Reporter Xiong Qi)

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