
Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

author:Eat a maltose

Do you have a love for eggplant, I'm really an eggplant control, purple eggplant, cyan eggplant, round eggplant, I love to eat, steamed, fried, fried, braised I can't refuse, eggplant will always be an artifact in my heart~\

Today I will share with you a few simple and delicious eggplant recipes~

Steamed eggplant

Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

Ingredients: Eggplant, small rice, mushroom, green onion~

Sauce: Put white sesame seeds, millet spicy, garlic paste, chopped green onion, a spoonful of oyster sauce, two spoons of light soy sauce, a spoonful of sesame oil, a spoonful of balsamic vinegar, and a spoonful of chicken essence in a bowl and stir well~

Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

Cut the eggplant into small pieces, steam over high heat for 15 minutes, remove and pour the sauce and mix well~

Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

Eggplant meat box

Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

Ingredients: eggplant, pork, green onion, ginger and garlic, egg~

Method: Chop the pork into minced meat, add minced garlic, chopped green onion, minced ginger, a little salt, chicken essence, a spoonful of oyster sauce, an egg, and stir well~

Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

Cut the eggplant into thin slices, spread the meat filling, and roll it up~

Batter: starch + eggs + salt + pepper, eggplant wrapped in batter, fry in a pan with 60% heat at oil temperature, and fry until golden brown and take out~

Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

Tomato roasted eggplant

Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

Ingredients: Eggplant, Eggplant, Green Pepper~

Sauce: Two spoons of light soy sauce plus a spoonful of oyster sauce, one spoonful of dark soy sauce, two spoons of sugar, one spoonful of starch, add two spoons of water and stir well for later use~

Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

Method: Peel the eggplant and evenly coat it with starch, fry it in a pan with oil heat until the surface is browned, fry the minced garlic in the oil until fragrant, fry the tomatoes to get the juice, pour in the eggplant and green pepper, pour in the sauce and stir-fry over high heat to collect the juice~

Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

Stir-fried eggplant with chili

Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

Ingredients: Eggplant, green pepper, 蒜末~

Method: Cut the eggplant into strips and marinate it with salt for 15 minutes, squeeze out the water, and fry the chili pepper into a tiger skin shape ~

Add starch to the eggplant and fry it in the pan until golden brown, leave the bottom oil in the pot and fry the garlic and chili peppers, pour in the eggplant, add a spoonful of light soy sauce to taste, a little sugar, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce and stir-fry evenly~

Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

Eggplant with minced meat

Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

Ingredients: eggplant, minced meat, chopped green onion, minced garlic, millet spicy~

Sauce: Put two spoons of light soy sauce in a bowl, one spoonful of oyster sauce, half a spoon of light soy sauce, a little salt and pepper, a spoonful of starch and a little water and stir well for later use~

Method: Peel and cut the eggplant into strips, cool and squeeze out the water after steaming in the pot~

Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

Add a spoonful of white pepper to the meat foam and fry until it changes color, put millet spicy and half of the minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, put in the eggplant and stir-fry, pour in the sauce and stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat and put the chopped green onion and the remaining minced garlic, stir-fry evenly~

Big data pushes the recognized rice artifact, no matter how this dish is cooked, I will eat an extra bowl of rice

Each dish is not just a taste sensation, it is a unique culinary journey. Hello everyone, I'm eating maltose, a person who loves food, and I'm excited to share detailed home cooking and local delicacies with you...... Insufficient to the place welcome more advice!

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